Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali
Effect of range use on endo- and ectoparasite infestation in Italian organic egg production
2019 S. Lolli, G. Grilli, L. Ferrari, P. Ferrari, V. Ferrante
Valutazione del benessere animale: il metodo Transect Walks nell’allevamento del tacchino
2018 L. Ferrari, S. Lolli, V. Ferrante
Statale di Milano: animali al Centro
2018 L. Ferrari, S. Lolli, V. Ferrante
An innovative approach for analysing and evaluating poultry farms odour related to animal health and welfare
2018 V. Ferrante, G. Grilli, F. Borgonovo, S. Lolli, E. Tullo, M. Guarino
Performance and eggs quality in layers fed with different percentage of Camelina Sativa meal
2018 V. Ferrante, S. Lolli, G. Battelli, L. Ferrari, I. Galasso, G. Grilli, S. Pozzo, R. Reggiani
Differences in prevalence of welfare indicators in male and female turkey flocks (Meleagris gallopavo)
2018 V. Ferrante, S. Lolli, L. Ferrari, T.T.N. Watanabe, C. Tremolada, J. Marchewka, I. Estevez
Application of an early warning to detect enteropathies in intensive broiler farming
2018 E. Tullo, F. Borgonovo, G. Grilli, A. Micheletti, G. Aletti, S. Lolli, V. Ferrante, M. Guarino
Stress and reactivity in three Italian chicken breeds
2016 V. Ferrante, C. Mugnai, L. Ferrari, S.P. Marelli, E. Spagnoli, S. Lolli
Awin welfare assessment protocols
2015 E. Dalla Costa, F. Dai, M. Battini, L. Murray, P. Scholz, D. Lebelt, J. Marchewka, A. Vieira, T.T. Negrao Watanabe, C. Tremolada, L. Ferrari, S. Lolli, S. Richmond, F. Wemelsfelder, R. Ruiz, I. Beltran de Heredia, J. Arranz, S. Barbieri, M. Minero, S. Mattiello, V. Ferrante, I. Estevez, G. Stillwell, C. Dwyer, E. Canali, A.J. Zanella
Welfare assessment protocol App: innovative solutions for on-farm data collection and analyses
2015 E. Dalla Costa, F. Dai, M. Battini, J. Marchewka, S. Lolli, C. Tremolada, L. Ferrari, S. Barbieri, A. Vieira, A. Carrascal, R. Ruiz, M. Minero, S. Mattiello, V. Ferrante, I. Estevez, G. Stillwell, E. Canali
Caring for turkeys
2015 A.J. Zanella, A..D.P. Vieira, B.O. Braastad, D.M. Broom, F.M. Langford, J.B. Vas, J. Gomes, L.J. Nunes, L. Ferrari, M.Q. Farran, M. Aguiar, P.V. Gomes, R. Anthony, S. Lolli, V. Ferrante
Protocol development for welfare assessment in commercial turkey farms
2015 S. Lolli, I. Estevez, L. Ferrari, T.T. Negrao Watanabe, S. Ozkan, C. Tremolada, V. Ferrante
Transect walks: method sensitivity for on-farm welfare evaluation in turkey
2014 T.T. Negrao Watanabe, V. Ferrante, I. Estevez, C. Tremolada, L. Ferrari, S. Lolli, R. Rizzi
Pollo Brianzolo : una nuova razza di antica tradizione
2014 S. Lolli, M. Legramanti, L. Ferrari, S.P. Marelli, P. Pignattelli, V. Ferrante
Transect walks : method sensitivity for on-farm welfare evaluation in turkeys
2014 T.T. Negrao Watanabe, V. Ferrante, C. Tremolada, L. Ferrari, S. Lolli, R. Rizzi, I. Estevez
Are the layer performances, bone strength and eggshell characteristics affected by the housing system?
2014 M. Rossi, A. Hidalgo, V. Ferrante, S. Lolli, C. Alamprese
Asino a chi? Alla scoperta delle capacità cognitive degli animali
2014 E. Canali, S. Mattiello, V. Ferrante, M. Minero, C. Palestrini, S. Barbieri, E.U.L. Heinzl, L. Ferrari, E. Andreoli, M. Battini, S. Cannas, A. Cantafora, F. Dai, E. Dalla Costa, L. Grosso, S. Lolli, T.T. Negrao Watanabe, Z. Talamonti, C. Tremolada, L. Munaretto, L. Citron
The welfare through nutrition : carotenoids in quail eggs
2013 S. Marelli, S. Lolli, P. Surai, V. Ferrante
Performance and reactivity in the F1 and F2 generation in Pollo Brianzolo (Gallus g. domesticus)
2013 S. Lolli, S. Marelli, P. Pignattelli, L. Ferrari, V. Ferrante
Direct vs indirect behavioural observations in three Italian chicken breeds
2013 S. Lolli, L. Ferrari, S. Marelli, M.B. Garitta, V. Ferrante