Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (attivo dal 23/02/2016 al 01/01/2022)
Application of QBA to Assess the Emotional State of Horses during the Loading Phase of Transport
2022 F. Dai, M.G. Riva, E. DALLA COSTA, R. Pascuzzo, A. Chapman, M. Minero
Effects of BEMER® physical vascular therapy in horses under training : A randomized, controlled double blind study
2022 F. Dai, E.D. Costa, A. Giordano, E.U.L. Heinzl, P. Giongo, G. Pagnozzi, S. Cannas, G. Minozzi, M. Minero
The Impact of Noise Anxiety on Behavior and Welfare of Horses from UK and US Owner’s Perspective
2022 M.G. Riva, F. Dai, M. Huhtinen, M. Minero, S. Barbieri, E. DALLA COSTA
The development of the AWIN welfare assessment protocol for donkeys = O desenvolvimento do protocolo de avaliação de bem-estar AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) para jumentos
2021 E. Dalla Costa, F. Dai, L. Murray, S. Cannas, E. Canali, A. Zanella, M. Minero
Towards an improved pain assessment in castrated horses using facial expressions (HGS) and circulating miRNAs
2021 E. Dalla Costa, F. Dai, C. Lecchi, F. Ambrogi, D. Lebelt, D. Stucke, G. Ravasio, F. Ceciliani, M. Minero
2021 F. Dai
Equine Transport-Related Problem Behaviors and Injuries: A Survey of Italian Horse Industry Members
2021 F. Dai, M. Zappaterra, M. Minero, F. Bocchini, C.B. Riley, B. Padalino
Habituation to Transport Helps Reducing Stress-Related Behavior in Donkeys During Loading
2020 F. Dai, S. Mazzola, S. Cannas, E.U.L. Heinzl, B. Padalino, M. Minero, E. Dalla Costa
Dually investigated: The effect of a pressure headcollar on the behaviour, discomfort and stress of trained horses
2020 C. Ijichi, H. Wild, F. Dai, A. Bordin, H. Cameron-Whytock, S.J. White, K. Yarnell, G. Starbuck, A. Jolivald, L. Birkbeck, S. Hallam, E.D. Costa
Use of Detomidine Oromucosal Gel for Alleviation of Acute Anxiety and Fear in Horses: A Pilot Study
2020 F. Dai, J. Rausk, J. Aspegren, M. Huhtinen, S. Cannas, M. Minero
May Salivary Chromogranin A Act as a Physiological Index of Stress in Transported Donkeys? A Pilot Study
2020 F. Dai, E. Dalla Costa, S. Cannas, E.U.L. Heinzl, M. Minero, S.M. Mazzola
How training can reduce stress in loading procedure in meat donkeys?
2020 F. Dai, E. Dalla Costa, E.U.L. Heinzl, S. Cannas, M. Minero
Does Thirty-Minute Standardised Training Improve the Inter-Observer Reliability of the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS)? A Case Study
2020 F. Dai, M. Leach, A.M. MacRae, M. Minero, E.D. Costa
Does a self-loading positive reinforcement-based training improve loading procedures in meat horses?
2019 F. Dai, G. Di Martino, L. Bonfanti, C. Caucci, A. Dalla Costa, B. Padalino, M. Minero
Positive Reinforcement-Based Training for Self-Loading of Meat Horses Reduces Loading Time and Stress-Related Behavior
2019 F. DAI, A. Dalla Costa, L. Bonfanti, C. Caucci, G. Di Martino, R. Lucarelli, B. Padalino, M. MINERO
The development of guidelines to improve dairy donkey management and welfare
2019 F. Dai, E. Dalla Costa, F. Burden, A. Judge, M. Minero
Text Mining Analysis to Evaluate Stakeholders' Perception Regarding Welfare of Equines, Small Ruminants, and Turkeys
2019 E. Dalla Costa, V. Tranquillo, F. Dai, M. Minero, M. Battini, S. Mattiello, S. Barbieri, V. Ferrante, L. Ferrari, A. Zanella, E. Canali
Towards an improvement of dairy donkey welfare: the development of good animal management practices guidelines
2018 F. Dai, E. Dalla Costa, F. Burden, A. Judge, M. Minero
Protocollo AWIN di valutazione del benessere dei cavalli
2018 M. Minero, E. Dalla Costa, F. Dai, P. Scholz, A. Zanella
Can grimace scales estimate the pain status in horses and mice? A statistical approach to identify a classifier
2018 E. Dalla Costa, R. Pascuzzo, M.C. Leach, F. Dai, D. Lebelt, S. Vantini, M. Minero