Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
Hypergravity induces changes of erythrocyte membrane and antioxidant potential of mice housed in the MDS facility
2024 A.M. Rizzo, G. Murgia, I. Colombo, F. Ferranti, S. Tavella, D. Santucci, J. VAN LOON, P.A. Corsetto
The Critical Impact of Sphingolipid Metabolism in Breast Cancer Progression and Drug Response
2023 P.A. Corsetto, S. Zava, A.M. Rizzo, I. Colombo
Exogenous Fatty Acids Modulate ER Lipid Composition and Metabolism in Breast Cancer Cells
2021 A.M. Rizzo, I. Colombo, G. Montorfano, S. Zava, P.A. Corsetto
Purification and in vitro evaluation of an anti-HER2 affibody-2 monomethyl auristatin E conjugate in HER2-positive cancer cells
2021 I. Damiani, S. Castiglioni, A. Sochaj-Gregorczyk, F. Bonacina, I. Colombo, V. Rusconi, J. Otlewski, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Characterization of Antioxidant Potential of Seaweed Extracts for Enrichment of Convenience Food
2020 P.A. Corsetto, G. Montorfano, S. Zava, I. Colombo, B. Ingadottir, R. Jonsdottir, K. Sveinsdottir, A.M. Rizzo
A proteomic analysis of GSD-1a in mouse livers : Evidence for metabolic reprogramming, inflammation, and macrophage polarization
2019 D. Cangelosi, R. Resaz, A. Petretto, D. Segalerba, M. Ognibene, F. Raggi, L. Mastracci, F. Grillo, M.C. Bosco, L. Varesio, A. Sica, I. Colombo, A. Eva
Nutrient deprivation induces lipid alterations and reduction of invasivity in triple negative breast cancer cells
2019 P.A. Corsetto, G. Montorfano, S. Zava, I. Colombo, A.M. Rizzo
Leishmania tropica infection induces immune responses through NOD2 pathway
2018 D. Scaccabarozzi, I. VAROTTO-BOCCAZZI, E. Martin, S. Villani, S. Zava, L. Cavicchini, S. Delbue, I. Colombo, D. Taramelli, S. Epis, N. Basilico, Y. Corbett
Interplay between Plasmodium falciparum haemozoin and L-arginine : implication for nitric oxide production
2018 Y. Corbett, S. D'Alessandro, S. Parapini, D. Scaccabarozzi, P. Kalantari, S. Zava, F. Giavarini, D. Caruso, I. Colombo, T.J. Egan, N. Basilico
ω-3 Long Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Sensitizing Agents and Multidrug Resistance Revertants in Cancer Therapy
2017 P.A. Corsetto, I. Colombo, K. Joanna, A.M. Rizzo, R. Chiara
HaCaT Cells as a Reliable In Vitro Differentiation Model to Dissect the Inflammatory/Repair Response of Human Keratinocytes
2017 I. Colombo, E. Sangiovanni, R. Maggio, C. Mattozzi, S. Zava, Y. Corbett, M. Fumagalli, C. Carlino, P.A. Corsetto, D. Scaccabarozzi, S. Calvieri, A. Gismondi, D. Taramelli, M. Dell’Agli
Changes in lipid composition during manganese-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells
2016 P.A. Corsetto, G. Ferrara, S. Buratta, L. Urbanelli, G. Montorfano, A. Gambelunghe, E. Chiaradia, A. Magini, P. Roderi, I. Colombo, A.M. Rizzo, C. Emiliani
Oxidative stress and cell death are enhanced by N-3 pufa membrane incorporation in breast cancer cells
2015 P.A. Corsetto, G. Montorfano, P. Roderi, G. Pani, S. Zava, I. Colombo, A.M. Rizzo
Effects of two-months balanced diet in metabolically healthy obesity : lipid correlations with gender and BMI-related differences
2015 M. Rondanelli, C. Klersy, S. Perna, M.A. Faliva, G. Montorfano, P. Roderi, I. Colombo, P.A. Corsetto, M. Fioravanti, S.B. Solerte, A. Rizzo
Two active and differently N-glycosylated isoforms of human ST3Gal-V are produced from the placental mRNA variant by a leaky scanning mechanism
2010 S. Zava, S. Milani, E. Sottocornola, B. Berra, I. Colombo
Gangliosides influence EGFR/ErbB2 heterodimer stability but they do not modify EGF-dependent ErbB2 phosphorylation
2010 S. Milani, E. Sottocornola, S. Zava, M. Galbiati, B. Berra, I. Colombo
Ganglioside depletion in mammary epithelial cells alters EGFR phosphorylation and reduces prolactin-induced beta-casein mRNA expression
2008 S. Milani, S. Zava, B. Berra, I. Colombo
The two human ST3Gal V isoforms, derived by alternative translation start site usage, are differently N-glycosylated but functionally active
2008 S. Zava, S. Milani, B. Berra, I. Colombo
Proteolytic processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in membranes of the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells
2008 I. Colombo, S. Milani, S. Zava, B. Berra
Ganglioside GM3 is stably associated to tyrosine-phosphorylated ErbB2/EGFR receptor complexes and EGFR monomers, but not to ErbB2
2007 S. Milani, E. Sottocornola, S. Zava, P. Berselli, B. Berra, I. Colombo