Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari Rodolfo Paoletti
Caffeic Acid Grafted PLGA as a Novel Material for the Design of Fluvastatin Eluting Nanoparticles for the Prevention of Neointimal Hyperplasia
2022 S. Bellosta, F. Selmin, G. Magri, S. Castiglioni, P. Procacci, P. Sartori, E. Scarpa, V. Tolva, C. Rossi, F. Puoci, L. Rizzello, F. Cilurzo
Rupatadine treatment is associated to atherosclerosis worsening and altered T lymphocyte recruitment
2022 M. Busnelli, S. Manzini, A. Colombo, F. Bonacina, G.D. Norata, E. Franchi, S. Castiglioni, C. Andronis, E. Lekka, E. Scanziani, G. Chiesa
Il trattamento con rupatadina in topi knockout per apolipoproteina e è associato a un peggioramento dell’aterosclerosi e a un alterato reclutamento dei linfociti T
2021 E. Franchi, M. Busnelli, S. Manzini, A. Colombo, F. Bonacina, G.D. Norata, S. Castiglioni, C. Andronis, E. Lekka, E. Scanziani, G. Chiesa
Rupatadine treatment is associated to atherosclerosis worsening and altered T lymphocytes
2021 E. Franchi, M. Busnelli, S. Manzini, A. Colombo, F. Bonacina, G.D. Norata, S. Castiglioni, C. Andronis, E. Lekka, E. Scanziani, G. Chiesa
In vitro characterization of an anti-HER2 affibody-monomethyl auristatin E conjugate in HER2-positive breast cancer cells
2021 I. Damiani, S. Castiglioni, V. Rusconi, C. Rossi, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Gene expression profile reveals that APOA-I levels modulate inflammation and lysosomal activity in murine advances atherosclerosis
2021 M. Busnelli, S. Manzini, A. Colombo, F. Fontana, R. Oleari, F. Potì, S. Castiglioni, S. Bellosta, G. Chiesa
Purification and in vitro evaluation of an anti-HER2 affibody-2 monomethyl auristatin E conjugate in HER2-positive cancer cells
2021 I. Damiani, S. Castiglioni, A. Sochaj-Gregorczyk, F. Bonacina, I. Colombo, V. Rusconi, J. Otlewski, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Impact of BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Myocardial Infarction: Exploring the Macrophage Phenotype
2020 L. Sandrini, L. Castiglioni, P. Amadio, J.P. Werba, S. Eligini, S. Fiorelli, M. Zarà, S. Castiglioni, S. Bellosta, F.S. Lee, L. Sironi, E. Tremoli, S.S. Barbieri
The dataset describes : phenotypic changes induced by cholesterol loading in smooth muscle cells isolated from the aortae of C57BL/6 mice
2018 S. Castiglioni, M. Monti, G.A. Buscherini, L. Arnaboldi, M. Canavesi, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Biodegradable nanoparticles for restenosis following PTA: a feasibility study
2017 F. Selmin, G. Magri, S. Bellosta, S. Castiglioni, V. Tolva, F. Puoci, F. Cilurzo
ABCA1 and HDL3 are required to modulate smooth muscle cells phenotypic switch after cholesterol loading
2017 S. Castiglioni, M. Monti, A. Vettore, L. Arnaboldi, M. Canavesi, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
ABCA1 and HDL3 are required to modulate smooth muscle cells phenotypic switch after cholesterol loading
2017 S. Castiglioni, M. Monti, L. Arnaboldi, M. Canavesi, G. Ainis Buscherini, L. Calabresi, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
ABCA1 and HDL3 are Required to Modulate Smooth Muscle Cells Transdifferentiation in a Myocardin-miR143/145-Dependent Process
2016 S. Castiglioni, L. Arnaboldi, A. Vettore, L. Calabresi, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Cigarette Smoke Condensate Affects Monocyte Interaction With Endothelium
2014 I. Giunzioni, A. Bonomo, E. Bishop, S. Castiglioni, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Peptide from α’ chain of 7S soy globulin lowers plasma lipids through SREBP-2 and PCSK9 pathways in cholesterol-fed rats
2014 M. Lovati, A. Parolari, S. Castiglioni, C. Manzoni
Cigarette smoke and monocytes : a dangerous relationship for the endothelium?
2014 S. Castiglioni, S.S. Barbieri, N. Ferri, A. Villa, A. Corsini, S. Bellosta
Lupin seed γ-conglutin lowers blood glucose in hyperglycaemic rats and increases glucose consumption of HepG2 cells
2012 M.R. Lovati, C. Manzoni, S. Castiglioni, A. Parolari, C. Magni, M. Duranti
Peptides from soybean β-conglycinin modulate lipid homeostasis, oxidation and inflammatory state in in vitro systems
2011 M.R. Lovati, C.M.T. Manzoni, A. Parolari, S. Castiglioni, C. Martinez Villaluenga, E. Gonzalez de Mejia
Glucose lowering effect of lupin seed gamma- conglutin in hyperglycaemic rats upon chronic treatment
2009 M.R. Lovati, C. Manzoni, A. Pizzagalli, M.M. Duranti, S. Castiglioni
Lupin seed conglutin gamma lowers glucose in rats and increases HEP g2" cell glucose consumption
2009 M. Lovati, C.M.T. Manzoni, S. Castiglioni, M. Duranti