Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.240
NA - Nord America 2.920
AS - Asia 1.819
SA - Sud America 75
OC - Oceania 71
AF - Africa 19
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 10.153
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.836
IT - Italia 2.308
GB - Regno Unito 986
CN - Cina 669
SG - Singapore 485
DE - Germania 416
SE - Svezia 364
RU - Federazione Russa 272
IN - India 189
UA - Ucraina 142
IE - Irlanda 138
FR - Francia 129
CH - Svizzera 123
TR - Turchia 102
ID - Indonesia 97
KR - Corea 91
FI - Finlandia 83
CA - Canada 74
AU - Australia 66
NL - Olanda 65
DK - Danimarca 51
GR - Grecia 49
EU - Europa 48
JP - Giappone 43
BE - Belgio 36
HK - Hong Kong 34
CO - Colombia 30
IR - Iran 26
AT - Austria 20
BR - Brasile 17
VN - Vietnam 17
ES - Italia 13
PE - Perù 12
PH - Filippine 10
TW - Taiwan 10
PK - Pakistan 9
RO - Romania 9
CL - Cile 8
CY - Cipro 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
MX - Messico 7
DZ - Algeria 6
TH - Thailandia 6
MY - Malesia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
EC - Ecuador 4
IQ - Iraq 4
NO - Norvegia 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PL - Polonia 4
PT - Portogallo 4
SC - Seychelles 4
IL - Israele 3
MA - Marocco 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AR - Argentina 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
LV - Lettonia 2
NP - Nepal 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EG - Egitto 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
GU - Guam 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MU - Mauritius 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
Totale 10.193
Città #
Southend 877
Milan 621
Singapore 362
Chandler 310
Ann Arbor 178
Ashburn 164
Princeton 164
Seattle 138
Dublin 136
Santa Clara 133
Mountain View 132
Frankfurt am Main 122
Dearborn 120
Wilmington 119
Beijing 117
Rome 115
Jacksonville 95
Redmond 87
Fairfield 85
Jakarta 82
Bengaluru 58
Nanjing 58
Woodbridge 57
Boardman 51
Des Moines 48
Athens 45
Newcastle 45
Redwood City 39
Houston 38
Shanghai 38
Cambridge 37
Toronto 37
Medford 35
Sakarya 35
Brussels 32
Berlin 31
Andover 30
Bogotá 30
Zürich 30
Phoenix 29
Shenyang 28
Serra 26
Zurich 25
Bergamo 23
Jinan 23
Monza 23
Torino 23
New York 22
Fuzhou 21
Nanchang 21
Florence 20
Helsinki 20
Turin 20
Sommacampagna 19
Brescia 18
Los Angeles 18
Bareggio 17
Guangzhou 17
Padova 16
Somerville 16
Tianjin 16
Bellinzona 15
Hebei 15
Kyoto 15
Vienna 15
Nagpur 14
Napoli 14
Nuremberg 14
Bologna 13
Bühl 13
Como 13
Lappeenranta 13
Naples 13
Parma 13
Falls Church 12
Hangzhou 12
Istanbul 12
Jiaxing 12
Mannheim 12
Seoul 12
Ancona 11
Dong Ket 11
Nembro 11
Odernheim 11
Palermo 11
Zhengzhou 11
Bordighera 10
Busto Arsizio 10
Central 10
Dallas 10
Lima 10
Rho 10
Tokyo 10
Varese 10
Verona 10
Genoa 9
Hong Kong 9
Latina 9
Lecce 9
Melegnano 9
Totale 5.845
Nome #
Il rilievo geomeccanico di ammassi rocciosi : scheda tipo e note illustrative 534
Why can rockfall normal restitution coefficient be higher than one? 291
Valutazione dell’efficienza delle iniezioni di resine espandenti per il consolidamento dei terreni di fondazione mediante prove geotecniche e indagini di tomografia elettrica tridimensionale 263
Linee Guida per l'inertizzazione in situ dei suoli contaminati 237
Le risorse idriche sotterranee nelle valli alpine (Valtellina - Valchiavenna): caratterizzazione idrogeologica e gestione 217
Applicazione di modelli cinematici per lo studio di frane di crollo in media Val San Giacomo (SO) 199
Geomechanical surveys and geostatistical analyses in Valchiavenna (Italian Central Alps) 190
Geological and geotechnical characterization of the debris avalanche and pyroclastic deposits of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador). A contribute to instability-related hazard studies 186
Applicazione di modelli reologici tempo dipendenti nell'evoluzione di deformazioni gravitative profonde 184
Lombardia : I ronchi della Val Chiavenna 175
Modellazione del flusso idrico e delle condizioni deformative nei versanti terrazzati 173
Rock Mass Rating spatial estimation by geostatistical analysis 170
Analisi spaziale e previsionale delle proprietà geomeccaniche degli ammassi rocciosi della Valle San Giacomo (SO), mediante tecniche geostatistiche 170
Stress–strain–time numerical modelling of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation : preliminary results 162
The Cimaganda landslide (SO) : hydro-mechanical numerical modelling 162
Caratterizzazione geotecnica e modellazione numerica ad elementi distinti dei depositi della Sciara del Fuoco (Stromboli, Italia) 159
Agent-based modelling for wildfire behaviour prediction 157
Relazioni tra precipitazioni e sviluppo di falde sospese in versanti terrazzati 151
Mount Farinaccio rockfall : comparision between kinematic simulations and experimental field tests 151
Hydro-geotechnical modelling of subsidence in the Como urban area 144
Parametrization of a dry retaining wall on a terraced slope in Valtellina (Northern Italy) and stability analysis 143
Spatial assessment of geomechanical rock mass properties by geostatistical analyses 141
Evaluation of possible scenarios of deformation and dynamics of the Sciara del Fuoco 138
Effects of volcanic seismic events on the Stromboli stability by finite difference numerical modeling 137
Mechanisms of failure on terraced slopes : the Valtellina case (northern Italy) 133
Quaternary deposits of the Chiavenna Valley : Detailed description and outcrop map 133
Ground-based geological mapping integrated by UAs in the Chiavenna area (Central Alps): examples of application in the frame of the CARG project 131
La Deformazione Gravitativa Profonda (DGPV) di Beauregard: Modellazione Numerica di Prove di Taglio 131
Grounwater resouces in Alpine valley(Valtellina e Valchiavenna): hydrogeologic characterisation and management 130
Mechanical characterization of the Sergnano reservoir by ultrasonic wave velocity measurements 127
A fracturing state map for Chiavenna Valley: preliminary geostatistical analysis and optimal spatial sampling design 123
The Cimaganda rockslide (2012) : recent geomorphological evolution of the paleo-event 121
Stress-strain-time numerical modeling of a deep-seated gravitational slope deformation: preliminary results 119
Debris slope stability analysis in an active volcano area 119
Deformation at Stromboli volcano (Italy) revealed by rock mechanics and structural geology 118
L’infiltrazione nei versanti terrazzati: analisi mediante modellazione numerica 118
Geological-structural framework of Stromboli Volcano, past collapses, and the possibile influence on the events of the 2002-03 crisis. 115
Rainfall, infiltration, and groundwater flow in a terraced slope of Valtellina (Northern Italy): field data and modelling 115
Understanding Etna flank instability through numerical models 113
Change of hydraulic conductivity of cohesive soils due to consolidation treatments with expanding resins = Variazioni di conducibilità idraulica in terreni coesivi soggetti a trattamenti di consolidazione con resine espandenti 113
Wildfire behaviour modelling for wildfire hazard characterization: an Earth Observation application 111
Introducing intense rainfall and snowmelt variables to implement a process-related non-stationary shallow landslide susceptibility analysis 111
A multidisciplinary approach to improve and share the understanding of landslide hazard in mountain environments : the PIURO 1618 disaster 111
Deformation of Stromboli Volcano (Italy) during the 2007 eruption revealed by radar interferometry, numerical modelling and structural geological field data 108
Soil depth map definition on a terraced slope for a following distributed, high resolution, numerical modelling analysis 108
The Cimaganda Rockslide (Italian Alps): geomechanical characterization and hydro-mechanical numerical modelling 108
Relazioni tra precipitazioni e sviluppo di falde sospese in versanti terrazzati 104
Geotechnical characterization and modeling, via particle methods, of the Sciara del Fuoco Volcanic Debris Stromboli Island, Italy 100
Hydro-geotechnical modelling of Como subsidence 100
Stability of a collapsing volcano (Stromboli, Italy) : Limit equilibrium analysis and numerical modelling 99
Thermo-mechanical modelling of the historical Cimaganda Rockslide 98
Deciphering Rainfall and Freeze thaw cycles as long-term preparatory factors for alpine rockfalls 96
The contribution of Geosciences in teaching of Civic Education in secondary schools: experiences of Citizen Science & Engagement in the context of the National Strategies for Sustainable Development (Strategie Aree Interne Valchiavenna) 91
A stop along the A.M.AL.PI.18 geotourist itinerary to discover large alpine landslides : the Piuro 1618 disaster 91
Introducing the climate component into landslide susceptibility mapping 86
Numerical Model of the Stromboli Volcano (Italy) Including the Effect of Magma Pressure in the Dyke System. 84
Modeling the stability of terraced slopes: an approach from Valtellina (Northern Italy) 82
Effects of soil improvement treatments through injection of expanding resins on the hydrologic behaviour of cohesive soils 80
Physical and mechanical properties of rock masses at Stromboli : a dataset for volcano instability evaluation 80
The Rock Engineering System (RES) applied to landslide susceptibility zonation of the northeastern flank of Etna: methodological approach and results 80
How to model the stability of terraced slopes? : the case study of Tresenda (northern Italy) 74
A thermo-mechanical numerical approach for the analysis of a historical rockslide in the Italian Alps 74
Assessment of the efficiency of consolidation treatment through injections of expanding resins by geotechnical tests and 3D electrical resistivity tomography 72
Mineralogical and geotechnical characterization of a clay unit that underlies the unstable flanks of Mount Etna – Sicily 71
The consolidation and stabilization of foundation soils through the injection of expanding polyurethane resin under a non-invasive diagnostic check by 3D-4D-ERT 71
Geology of the area of the Piuro 1618 event (Val Bregaglia, Italian Central Alps) : the setting of a catastrophic historical landslide 70
The role of temperature in alpine slope instabilities: numerical modelling of the historical Cimaganda Rockslide 70
A thermo-mechanical numerical approach for the analysis of a historical rockslide in the Italian Alps 70
Preliminary seismic survey on the unstable slope of Madesimo (Northern Italy) 68
Physically based dynamic run-out modelling for quantitative debris flow risk assessment : a case study in Tresenda, northern Italy 68
AMALPI trek: a geocultural trail from Maloja to St. Gotthard to increase the awareness of natural hazard in mountain settings 68
Deciphering meteorological influencing factors for Alpine rockfalls: a case study in Aosta Valley 67
AMALPI TREK : Dal Maloja al Gottardo : Alpi in Movimento - Movimento nelle Alpi 65
Towards a dynamic landslide susceptibility assessment: evaluation of a novel climate-related variable 65
Rock mass geomechanical properties to improve rockfall susceptibility assessment : A case study in Valchiavenna (SO) 63
Multi-scale landscape evolution of Central Alps: another side of the Valchiavenna CARG project 58
Collaborative geoscience investigations in natural and archaeological heritage sites: the Palazzo Belfort area of Piuro (SO, Italy) case study 55
A thermo-poro-mechanical model to simulate and predict landslide evolution: a physics-based method applied to the Ruinon Landslide (Italian Alps) 55
The Role of Temperature in the Stress–Strain Evolution of Alpine Rock-Slopes: Thermo-Mechanical Modelling of the Cimaganda Rockslide 54
Il ruolo della Temperatura nell’evoluzione tenso-deformativa di un versante roccioso alpino 53
Assessing the utility of regionalized rock-mass geomechanical properties in rockfall susceptibility modelling in an alpine environment 45
Piuro Landslide: 3D Hydromechanical Numerical Modelling of the 1618 Event 45
A novel dynamic rockfall susceptibility model including precipitation, temperature and snowmelt predictors: a case study in Aosta Valley (northern Italy) 44
Geostatistical analyses of exfoliation and tectonic joint set spacing in alpine granites (Aar Valley, Switzerland) 43
Evaluating the freeze-thaw vulnerability of soapstone monuments and geoheritage sites in the Parco del Paradiso (Chiavenna, Italy) 41
Prediction of the evolution of a large landslide under different climate scenarios: a physics-based model applied to the Ruinon Landslide (Italian Alps) 38
Modelli digitali delle grandi frane alpine tra Italia e Svizzera. Conoscere il passato per comprendere il futuro 38
Impact of historical landslides on natural landscape and human settlements in the core of the Alps: the Piuro 1618 disaster in the Bregaglia Valley. 35
Mapping landscape evolution in 3D: Climate change, natural hazard and human settlements across the 1618 Piuro landslide in the Italian Central Alps 34
Geological mapping as a tool for understanding the historical landscape evolution of an Alpine valley: the Piuro case study (Bregaglia Valley, SO) 34
The Last Glaciation in Valchiavenna (Italian Alps): maximum ice elevation data and recessional glacial deposits and landforms 34
Landslide susceptibility evaluation in Alpine environment: 1. 3D Finite Element modeling of the Ruinon (IT) case study 32
The IGCP 714 Project “3GEO – Geoclimbing & Geotrekking in Geoparks” – Selection of Geodiversity Sites Equipped for Climbing for Combining Outdoor and Multimedia Activities 32
Landslide susceptibility evaluation in Alpine environment: 2. Thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling for the response to climate-related variables 29
Pyros: a raster–vector spatial simulation model for predicting wildland surface fire spread and growth 28
Etna flank dynamics: A sensitivity analysis by numerical modelling 28
Precipitation, temperature and snow related predictors for a potentially dynamic rockfall susceptibility model in Aosta Valley 20
Measurements of the relationship between sonic wave velocities and tensile strength in anisotropic rock 19
Totale 10.740
Categoria #
all - tutte 36.121
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 36.121

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 169 127 66 36
2020/2021969 34 57 68 49 98 93 52 82 83 64 187 102
2021/20221.104 68 72 48 69 120 70 100 102 114 74 64 203
2022/20231.538 168 97 135 130 161 319 80 111 146 25 101 65
2023/20241.150 66 81 104 96 199 79 66 88 49 35 129 158
2024/20251.541 173 297 101 346 252 142 134 96 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.749