Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Move less, spend more: the metabolic demands of short walking bouts
2024 F. Luciano, L. Ruggiero, A.E. Minetti, G. Pavei
The work to swing limbs in humans versus chimpanzees and its relation to the metabolic cost of walking
2024 F. Luciano, L. Ruggiero, A.E. Minetti, G. Pavei
Neuromuscular fatigability at high altitude: Lowlanders with acute and chronic exposure, and native highlanders
2022 L. Ruggiero, S.W.D. Harrison, C.L. Rice, C.J. Mcneil
Inertial biometry from commercial 3D body meshes
2022 A.E. Minetti, L. Ruggiero
Bariatric surgery on obese walking: mass(ive) changes akin to load carrying and hypogravity for normal-weight adults
2022 F. Luciano, G. Pavei, L. Ruggiero
From the Lab to Real Life: Monitoring Cardiorespiratory Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic through Wearable Devices. An Exploratory Longitudinal Study on Healthy Participants
2022 F. Luciano, V. Cenacchi, L. Ruggiero, G. Pavei
Comparison of three-dimensional body centre of mass trajectories during locomotion through zero- and one-dimensional statistics
2022 F. Luciano, L. Ruggiero, A. Minetti, G. Pavei
Commentaries on Viewpoint: A (Baker's) dozen tips for enhancing early-stage academic career development in biomedical research
2021 F. Luciano, G. Pavei, L. Ruggiero, L. Rasica, L. Zuccarelli, J.A. Gesser Raimundo, R. Alves de Aguiar, G. Senthilkumar, M.J. Asmussen, N.D.J. Strzalkowski, S.A. Hewitt, J.R. Fletcher, T.A. Day, M. Hostrup, J. Jensen, S.J. Elmer, I.J. Wedig
Sample size estimation in locomotion kinematics and electromyography for statistical parametric mapping
2021 F. Luciano, L. Ruggiero, G. Pavei
Females and males do not differ for fatigability, muscle damage and magnitude of the repeated bout effect following maximal eccentric contractions
2021 C.D. Bruce, L. Ruggiero, G.U. Dix, P.D. Cotton, C.J. Mcneil
Ankle and knee extensor muscle effort during locomotion in young and older athletes: Implications for understanding age-related locomotor decline
2020 J.-. Kulmala, M.T. Korhonen, L. Ruggiero, S. Kuitunen, H. Suominen, A. Heinonen, A. Mikkola, J. Avela
High-altitude acclimatization improves recovery from muscle fatigue
2020 L. Ruggiero, R.L. Hoiland, A.B. Hansen, P.N. Ainslie, C.J. Mcneil
Prolonged low-frequency force depression is underestimated when assessed with doublets compared with tetani in the dorsiflexors
2019 L. Ruggiero, C.D. Bruce, P.D. Cotton, G.U. Dix, C.J. Mcneil
Supraspinal fatigue and neural-evoked responses in Lowlanders and Sherpa at 5050 m
2019 L. Ruggiero, C.J. Mcneil
Sex differences in diaphragmatic fatigue and the metaboreflex following inspiratory pressure-threshold loading
2018 C.D. Bruce, A.F. Yacyshyn, L. Ruggiero
UBC-Nepal expedition: acclimatization to high-altitude increases spinal motoneurone excitability during fatigue in humans
2018 L. Ruggiero, A.F. Yacyshyn, J. Nettleton, C.J. Mcneil
UBC-Nepal expedition: peripheral fatigue recovers faster in Sherpa than lowlanders at high altitude
2018 L. Ruggiero, R.L. Hoiland, A.B. Hansen, P.N. Ainslie, C.J. Mcneil
Validity and reliability of two field-based leg stiffness devices: Implications for practical use
2016 L. Ruggiero, S. Dewhurst, T.M. Bampouras
Walking and running require greater effort from the ankle than the knee extensor muscles
2016 J.-. Kulmala, M.T. Korhonen, L. Ruggiero, S. Kuitunen, H. Suominen, A. Heinonen, A. Mikkola, J. Avela