Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
The Fettered Man from Populonia, Centro Velico
2024 G. Baratti, C. Cattaneo, M. Sciortino, L. Magnano, M. Mattia, V. Caruso
Vitamin D deficiency, pregnancy, and childbirth in early medieval Milan
2024 L. Biehler-Gomez, E. Pera, V. Lucchetti, L. Sisto, B. del Bo, M. Mattia, L. Rodella, G. Manzi, A.M. Fedeli, A. Porro, C. Cattaneo
Unveiling the female experience through adult mortality and survivorship in Milan over the last 2000 years
2024 L. Biehler‐gomez, S. Yaussy, C. Moro, P. Morandini, M. Mondellini, D. Petrosino, M. Mattia, B.G.M. DEL BO, C. Cattaneo
Forensic toxicology backdates the use of coca plant (Erythroxylum spp.) in Europe to the early 1600s
2024 G. Giordano, M. Mattia, L. Biehler‐gomez, M. Boracchi, A. Porro, F. Sardanelli, F. Slavazzi, P. Maria Galimberti, D. DI CANDIA, C. Cattaneo
Commentary on “Incorporating a structural vulnerability framework into the forensic anthropology curriculum”
2023 A. Palamenghi, L. BIEHLER GOMEZ, M. Mattia, C. Cattaneo
Disability and deformity in Early Medieval Milan: bioarchaeology and pathography of two cases from the Ad Martyres cemetery of the Basilica of Saint Ambrose
2023 L. Biehler Gomez, V. Lucchetti, M. Mattia, L. Rodella, B. Del Bo, C. Cattaneo
Forensic toxicological analyses reveal the use of cannabis in Milano (Italy) in the 1600's
2023 G. Giordano, M. Mattia, M. Boracchi, L. Biehler‐gomez, M. Cummaudo, A. Porro, M. Caccianiga, F. Sardanelli, F. Slavazzi, P. Maria Galimberti, D. DI CANDIA, C. Cattaneo
The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil
2023 G. Tagliabue, A. Masseroli, M. Mattia, C. Sala, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, G. Giordano, P. Maria Galimberti, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo, L. Trombino
Papaver somniferum in seventeenth century (Italy): archaeotoxicological study on brain and bone samples in patients from a hospital in Milan
2023 G. Giordano, M. Mattia, L. Biehler-Gomez, M. Boracchi, S. Tritella, E. Maderna, A. Porro, M.M. Corsi Romanelli, A.F. Franchini, P.M. Galimberti, F. Slavazzi, F. Sardanelli, D. Di Candia, C. Cattaneo
Multiple injuries and injury recidivism in Milan over 2,000 years
2023 L. Biehler-Gomez, C. Moro, M. Mattia, D. Mazzarelli, A. Cappella, B. del Bo, A.M. Fedeli, C. Cattaneo
Thanatogenic anthrosols: a geoforensic approach to the exploration of the sepolcreto of the Ca' Granda (Milan)
2023 G. Tagliabue, A. Masseroli, M. Mattia, C. Sala, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, P.M. Galimberti, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo, L. Trombino
The diachronic trend of female and male stature in Milan over 2000 years
2023 L. Biehler-Gomez, B. Del Bo, D. Petrosino, P. Morandini, M. Mattia, L. Palazzolo, U. Guerrini, C. Cattaneo
L’importanza delle collezioni scheletriche nella ricostruzione della storia “umana”: Milano inizia a raccontarsi dai suoi scheletri
2022 C. Cattaneo, M. Mattia, L. Biehler-Gomez
Analisi antropologiche e patologiche del materiale osteologico rinvenuto presso Offanengo (CR)
2022 M. Mattia, C. Cattaneo
2022 M. Mattia
Differential skeletal preservation between sexes: a diachronic study in Milan over 2000 years
2022 L. Biehler-Gomez, M. Mattia, M. Mondellini, L. Palazzolo, C. Cattaneo
Ca’ Granda, an avant-garde hospital between the Renaissance and Modern age: a unique scenario in European history
2022 M. Mattia, L. Biehler-Gomez, E. Sguazza, P.M. Galimberti, F. Vaglienti, D. Gibelli, P. Poppa, G. Caccia, M. Caccianiga, S. Vanin, L. Manthey, R.L. Jantz, D. Di Candia, E. Maderna, G. Albini, S. Pawaskar, F. Damann, A.M. Fedeli, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo
Physical disability in Late Antiquity Milan: slipped capital femoral epiphysis with severe secondary joint disease in the Basilica of San Dionigi
2022 L. Biehler-Gomez, M. Mattia, E. Piccolo, E. Maderna, A.M. Fedeli, C. Messina, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo
I primi risultati dello studio antropologico
2021 M. Mattia, L. Biehler-Gomez, C. Sala, D. Mazzarelli, B. Bertoglio, L. Manthey, R. Jantz, D. DE ANGELIS, C. Cattaneo
Lo stato di salute della popolazione della Cripta della Ca’ Granda
2021 L. Biehler-Gomez, C. Moro, M. Mondellini, D. Petrosino, P. Morandini, M. Mattia