Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Thanatogenic anthrosols: a geoforensic approach to the exploration of the sepolcreto of the Ca' Granda (Milan)
2023 G. Tagliabue, A. Masseroli, M. Mattia, C. Sala, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, P.M. Galimberti, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo, L. Trombino
The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil
2023 G. Tagliabue, A. Masseroli, M. Mattia, C. Sala, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, G. Giordano, P. Maria Galimberti, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo, L. Trombino
Ca’ Granda, an avant-garde hospital between the Renaissance and Modern age: a unique scenario in European history
2022 M. Mattia, L. Biehler-Gomez, E. Sguazza, P.M. Galimberti, F. Vaglienti, D. Gibelli, P. Poppa, G. Caccia, M. Caccianiga, S. Vanin, L. Manthey, R.L. Jantz, D. Di Candia, E. Maderna, G. Albini, S. Pawaskar, F. Damann, A.M. Fedeli, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, F. Slavazzi, C. Cattaneo
Gortyna: Le Terme a Sud del Pretorio : (2003-2014)
2016 G. Bejor, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, I. Frontori, E. Gagliano, C. Lambrugo, D. Massara, P. Mecozzi, C. Messina, E. Panero, F. Slavazzi
Gortys, “Terme Milano” : observations on the phases in the life of the building ten years on from the beginning of the excavation works
2014 C. Lambrugo, E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, I. Frontori, D. Massara, P. Mecozzi
Gortina, "Terme Milano" : ricostruzione 3D del complesso e restauro dei mosaici e dei rivestimenti in opus sectile
2011 E. Belgiovine, D. Capuzzo, C. Lambrugo, D. Massara, F. Slavazzi