Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Multiple myeloma exploits Jagged1 and Jagged2 to promote intrinsic and bone marrow-dependent drug resistance 2020 Colombo, MichelaGaravelli, SilviaMazzola, MaraPlatonova, NataliaGiannandrea, DomenicaApicella, LuanaLesma, ElenaAncona, SilviaPalano, Maria TeresaBarbieri, MarziaTaiana, ElisaLazzari, ElisaBasile, AndreaTurrini, MauroPistocchi, AnnaNeri, AntoninoChiaramonte, Raffaella + Article (author) -
Jagged1/2 inhibition promotes multiple myeloma cell sensitivity to Bortezomib in vitro, ex-vivo and in vivo in a novel zebrafish model 2018 Colombo MMazzola MColella RGaravelli SPalano MTBarbieri MLazzari EGiannandrea DPlatonova NNeri APistocchi AChiaramonte R Conference Object -
Notch signaling promotes drug resistance in multiple myeloma through the regulation of the CXCR4/SDF1α axis 2018 Michela ColomboNatalia PlatonovaMara MazzolaSilvia GaravelliMarzia BarbieriDomenica GiannandreaMaria Teresa PalanoElisa LazzariAndrea BasileAnna PistocchiAntonino NeriRaffaella Chiaramonte Conference Object -
Notch signaling promotes bone marrow-induced drug resistance in multiple myeloma through the regulation of the CXCR4/CXCL12 system 2018 Michela ColomboMara MazzolaMarzia BarbieriNatalia PlatonovaMaria Teresa PalanoSilvia GaravelliElisa LazzariAndrea BasileAnna PistocchiAntonino NeriRaffaella Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
The Notch pathway drives the ability of the bone marrow niche to promote RNA editing in multiple myeloma 2017 M. ColomboM. BarbieriE. LazzariK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
Jagged-directed therapy in multiple myeloma: a new approach to interrupt the crosstalk between the tumor cell and the bone marrow microenvironment 2017 M. ColomboS. GallettiS. GaravelliCOLELLA, RICCARDON. PlatonovaM. PalanoE. LazzariK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
Alu-dependent RNA editing of GLI1 promotes malignant regeneration in multiple myeloma 2017 Lazzari EChiaramonte R + Article (author) -
The role of notch pathway in multiple myeloma associated drug resistance 2017 S. GaravelliE. LazzariM. ColomboN. PlatonovaPALANO, MARIA TERESAS. GallettiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Notch signaling and multiple myeloma: challenging endogenous and bone marrow-mediated drug resistance 2016 S. GaravelliE. LazzariM. ColomboM.T. PalanoN. PlatonovaS. GallettiK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
ADAR1-dependent RNA editing is a mechanism of therapeutic resistance in human plasma cell malignancies 2016 E. LazzariR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Multiple myeloma-derived Jagged ligands increases autocrine and paracrine interleukin-6 expression in bone marrow niche 2016 M. ColomboS. GallettiG. BulfamanteM. FalleniD. TosiK. TodoertiE. LazzariS. GaravelliN. PlatonovaA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Notch signaling dysregulation promotes multiple myeloma-associated bone disease 2015 S. GaravelliM. ColomboL. ApicellaE. LazzariK. TodoertiN. PlatonovaA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Understanding the interaction of human cancer cells with the surrounding microenvironment: the new challenge in modern oncology 2015 M. ColomboS. GaravelliE. LazzariK. TodoertiL. CantoneS. GallettiN. PlatonovaG. BulfamanteM. FalleniD. TosiV. BollatiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
Notch signaling and multiple myeloma: challenging endogenous and bone marrow-mediated drug resistance 2015 S. GaravelliE. LazzariM. ColomboN. PlatonovaS. GallettiK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Conference Object -
Notch signaling drives myeloma cells homing to the bone marrow by regulating the CXCR4/CXCL12 axis 2015 M. ColomboL. MirandolaN. PlatonovaL. ApicellaE. LazzariR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Targeting Cancer Stem Cell Survival in Plasma Cell Leukemia with a Pan-BCL2 Inhibitor 2015 E. LazzariR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Multiple myeloma-associated drug resistance : targeting the Notch pathway 2015 S. GaravelliE. LazzariM. ColomboN. PlatonovaS. GallettiK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
Bone marrow-mediated drug resistance is promoted by Jagged-induced notch pathway in multiple myeloma 2015 S. GaravelliE. LazzariM. ColomboN. PlatonovaS. GallettiK. TodoertiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -
AKT regulation of oncogenic Notch pathway in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2015 N. PlatonovaG. CermisoniM. ColomboS. GaravelliE. LazzariS. GallettiA. NeriR. Chiaramonte + Article (author) -