Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Speed effects on the accuracy of heart rate as oxygen-uptake indicator in short-distance shuttle running
2024 S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, M. Zago, A.V. Bisconti, F. Bertozzi, E. Ce', M. Borrelli, C. Sforza, F. Esposito
Long-Term Passive Leg Stretch Improves Systemic Vascular Responsiveness as much as Single-Leg Exercise Training
2022 E. Ce', M. Venturelli, A.V. Bisconti, S. Longo, A. Pedrinolla, G. Coratella, F. Schena, F. Esposito
The effects of 12 weeks of static stretch training on the functional, mechanical, and architectural characteristics of the triceps surae muscle-tendon complex
2021 S. Longo, E. Ce', A.V. Bisconti, S. Rampichini, C. Doria, M. Borrelli, E. Limonta, G. Coratella, F. Esposito
Acute carnosine and β-alanine supplementation increases the compensated part of the ventilation vs work rate relationship during a ramp incremental cycle test in physically active men
2021 E.M.G. Limonta, P.L. Invernizzi, S. Rampichini, A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', S. Longo, G. Coratella, F.M. Iaia, F. Esposito
Changes in energy system contributions to the Wingate anaerobic test in climbers after a high altitude expedition
2020 C. Doria, V. Verratti, T. Pietrangelo, G. Fano-Illic, A.V. Bisconti, S. Shokohyar, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, G. Coratella, S. Longo, E. Ce, F. Esposito
Neuromuscular versus mechanical stretch-induced changes in contra- versus ipsilateral muscle
2020 E. Ce', G. Coratella, A.V. Bisconti, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, C. Doria, S. Rampichini, S. Longo, F. Esposito
Evidence for improved systemic and local vascular function after long-term passive static stretching training of the musculoskeletal system
2020 A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce, S. Longo, M. Venturelli, G. Coratella, E. Limonta, C. Doria, S. Rampichini, F. Esposito
Effect of chronotype on rating of perceived exertion in active young people
2020 A. Mule', L. Galasso, L. Castelli, V. Condemi, A.V. Bisconti, F. Esposito, E. Roveda, A. Montaruli
Acute muscle stretching does not alter balance control ability: the compensative role of neuromuscular activation
2019 E. Cè, S. Longo, S. Shokohyar, G. Coratella, A.V. Bisconti, S. Rampichini, M. Borrelli, C. Doria, L. Galasso, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Quadriceps and Gastrocnemii Anatomical Cross-Sectional Area and Vastus Lateralis Fascicle Length Predict Peak-Power and Time-To-Peak-Power
2019 G. Coratella, S. Longo, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, S. Shokohyar, A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', F. Esposito
Acute static stretching does not alter balance control ability: the role of neuromuscular activation
2019 E. Ce', S. Longo, G. Coratella, A.V. Bisconti, S. Rampichini, M. Borrelli, C. Doria, E.M.G. Limonta, F. Esposito
Effect of long-term passive stretching of the knee extensor and plantar flexor muscles on vascular function
2019 F. Esposito, A.V. Bisconti, S. Longo, S. Shokohyar, S. Rampichini, M. Borrelli, C. Doria, E.M.G. Limonta, G. Coratella, E. Ce'
2019 A.V. Bisconti
Differences in electromechanical delay components induced by sex, age and physical activity level : new insights from a combined electromyographic, mechanomyographic and force approach
2019 H. Sozen, E. Ce, A.V. Bisconti, S. Rampichini, S. Longo, G. Coratella, S. Shokohyar, C. Doria, M. Borrelli, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Evidence of Improved Vascular Function in the Arteries of Trained but Not Untrained Limbs After Isolated Knee-Extension Training
2019 A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', S. Longo, M. Venturelli, G. Coratella, S. Shokohyar, R. Ghahremani, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Heart and musculoskeletal hemodynamic responses to repetitive bouts of quadriceps static stretching
2019 M. Venturelli, S. Rampichini, G. Coratella, E. Limonta, A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', F. Esposito
No adaptations in muscle architecture after 12 weeks of static stretching in young healthy participants
2018 S. Longo, E. Cè, A.V. Bisconti, E. Limonta, S. Rampichini, S. Shokohyar, G. Coratella, F. Esposito
Fat content and muscle quality of the quadriceps muscle assessed by electrical impedance myography: correlations with ultrasound measurements
2018 S. Longo, E. Cè, A.V. Bisconti, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, S. Shokohyar, L. Galasso, G. Coratella, F. Esposito
Effects of Isolated Muscle Training on Vasomotor Response and Peripheral Blood Flow
2018 A.V. Bisconti, M. Venturelli, E. Ce', S. Longo, A. Fantauzzi, F. Esposito
Effects of isolated muscle training on central and peripheral vasomotor response and blood flow
2018 E. Cè, A.V. Bisconti, S. Longo, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, G. Coratella, S. Shokohyar, C. Doria, L. Galasso, E. Roveda, F. Esposito