Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Persisting exercise ventilatory inefficiency in subjects recovering from COVID-19. Longitudinal data analysis 34 months post-discharge
2024 G. Dorelli, G. Sartori, G. Fasoli, N. Ridella, N. Bianchini, M. Braggio, M. Ferrari, M. Venturelli, L. Dalle Carbonare, C. Capelli, B. Grassi, E. Crisafulli
Repeated passive mobilization to stimulate vascular function in individuals of advanced age who are chronically bedridden. A randomized controlled trial
2021 A. Pedrinolla, R. Magliozzi, A.L. Colosio, E. Danese, M. Gelati, S. Rossi, S. Pogliaghi, M. Calabrese, E. Muti, E. Ce', S. Longo, F. Esposito, G. Lippi, F. Schena, M. Venturelli
Neuromuscular versus mechanical stretch-induced changes in contra- versus ipsilateral muscle
2020 E. Ce', G. Coratella, A.V. Bisconti, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, C. Doria, S. Rampichini, S. Longo, F. Esposito
Evidence for improved systemic and local vascular function after long-term passive static stretching training of the musculoskeletal system
2020 A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce, S. Longo, M. Venturelli, G. Coratella, E. Limonta, C. Doria, S. Rampichini, F. Esposito
Heart and musculoskeletal hemodynamic responses to repetitive bouts of quadriceps static stretching
2019 M. Venturelli, S. Rampichini, G. Coratella, E. Limonta, A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', F. Esposito
Evidence of Improved Vascular Function in the Arteries of Trained but Not Untrained Limbs After Isolated Knee-Extension Training
2019 A.V. Bisconti, E. Ce', S. Longo, M. Venturelli, G. Coratella, S. Shokohyar, R. Ghahremani, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Respiratory muscle training positively affects vasomotor response in young healthy women
2018 A.V. Bisconti, M. Devoto, M. Venturelli, R. Bryner, I. Mark Olfert, P.D. Chantler, F. Esposito
Effects of two different self-adapted occlusal splints on electromyographic and force parameters during elbow flexors isometric contraction
2018 E. Limonta, C. Arienti, S. Rampichini, M. Venturelli, E. Ce', A. Veicsteinas, F. Esposito
Changes in the electromechanical delay components during a fatiguing stimulation in human skeletal muscle: an EMG, MMG and force combined approach
2017 E. Cè, S. Rampichini, E. Monti, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Correlation between stiffness and electromechanical delay components during muscle contraction and relaxation before and after static stretching
2017 S. Longo, E. Cè, S. Rampichini, M. Devoto, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Central and peripheral responses to static and dynamic stretch of skeletal muscle: mechano- and metabo-reflex implications
2017 M. Venturelli, E. Cé, E. Limonta, A.V. Bisconti, M. Devoto, S. Rampichini, F. Esposito
Changes in Plasma β-NGF and Its Receptors Expression on Peripheral Blood Monocytes During Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
2017 L. Crispoltoni, A.M. Stabile, A. Pistilli, M. Venturelli, G. Cerulli, C. Fonte, N. Smania, F. Schena, M. Rende
Skeletal muscle and tendon adaptations to single-leg dynamic knee extension training
2016 S. Longo, E. Cè, H. Sozen, M. Venturelli, S. Rampichini, E. Monti, M. Devoto, A.V. Bisconti, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Local and systemic vascular hemodynamic response to passive static stretching in young healthy humans
2016 A.V. Bisconti, M. Venturelli, S. Rampichini, E. Cè, E. Limonta, A. Fantauzzi, F. Esposito
Respiratory muscle training improves endothelial function in healthy humans
2016 A.V. Bisconti, M. Devoto, M. Venturelli, M. Olfert, P. Chantler, F. Esposito
The Mechanoreflex and Hemodynamic Response to Passive Leg Movement in Heart Failure
2016 S.J. Ives, M. Amann, M. Venturelli, M.A.H. Witman, H. Jonathan Groot, D. Walter Wray, D.E. Morgan, J. Stehlik, R.S. Richardson
Effects of autogenic inhibition reflex after digitopressure on neuromuscular activation and force output of target and opponent muscles
2016 E. Cè, S. Longo, E. Monti, A.V. Bisconti, A. Fantauzzi, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, S. Rampichini, F. Esposito
Effects of single-leg dynamic knee extension training on electromechanical delay: an EMG, MMG and F combined approach
2016 H. Sozen, E. Cè, M. Venturelli, S. Rampichini, E. Monti, M. Devoto, A.V. Bisconti, S. Longo, E. Limonta, F. Esposito
Force output and electromechanical delay components after acute digitopressure: an EMG, MMG and force combined approach
2016 E. Monti, E. Cè, S. Longo, S. Rampichini, M. Venturelli, E. Limonta, A.V. Bisconti, A. Fantauzzi, F. Esposito
Possible Predictors of Involuntary Weight Loss in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
2016 M. Venturelli, E. Cè, E. Limonta, E. Muti, R. Scarsini, A. Brasioli, F. Schena, F. Esposito