Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Air pollutants and physical performance: the impact of PM 2.5 and PM 10 on VO2max
2023 A. Mulè, A. Ciorciari, V. Condemi, L. Galasso, L. Castelli, F. Esposito, E. Roveda, A. Montaruli
Meteonetwork : An open crowdsourced weather data system
2022 M. Giazzi, G. Peressutti, L. Cerri, M. Fumi, I.F. Riva, A. Chini, G. Ferrari, G. Cioni, G. Franch, G. Tartari, F. Galbiati, V. Condemi, A. Ceppi
Differences in Daytime Activity Levels and Daytime Sleep Between Night and Day Duty: An Observational Study in Italian Orthopedic Nurses
2021 E. Roveda, L. Castelli, L. Galasso, A. Mulè, E. Ce', V. Condemi, G. Banfi, A. Montaruli, F. Esposito
Effects of Shift Work in a Sample of Italian Nurses: Analysis of Rest-Activity Circadian Rhythm
2021 L. Galasso, A. Mule', L. Castelli, E. Ce', V. Condemi, G. Banfi, E. Roveda, A. Montaruli, F. Esposito
Short-term air pollution exposure is a risk factor for acute coronary syndromes in an urban area with low annual pollution rates : results from a retrospective observational study (2011—2015).
2020 M. Gestro, V. Condemi, L. Bardi, L. Tomaino, E. Roveda, A. Bruschetta, U. Solime, F. Esposito
Effect of chronotype on rating of perceived exertion in active young people
2020 A. Mule', L. Galasso, L. Castelli, V. Condemi, A.V. Bisconti, F. Esposito, E. Roveda, A. Montaruli
Health Impact of Fuel Poverty
2019 V. Condemi, M. Gestro
Meteorosensitivity in a group of patients affected by multiple sclerosis and hospitalized in a rehabilitation facility : an observational study
2017 L. Freti, V. Condemi, M. Mazza, M. Di Nicola, L. Janiri, A. Antonietti, M. Gestro, U. Solimene
Meteorological factors, air pollutants, and emergency department visits for otitis media: a time series study
2017 M. Gestro, V. Condemi, L. Bardi, C. Fantino, U. Solimene
Le onde di calore : profili epidemiologici, soggetti a rischio, problematiche e misure di sanità pubblica
2015 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, U. Solimene
Association with meteo-climatological factors and daily emergency visits for renal colic and urinary calculi in Cuneo, Italy : a retrospective observational study, 2007-2010
2015 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, E. Dozio, B. Tartaglino, M.M. CORSI ROMANELLI, U. Solimene, R. Meco
Caratterizzazione della bioclimatologia degli ambienti collinari
2015 V. Condemi
Il bioclima come fattore condizionante il benessere : il progetto Weatherness
2012 V. Condemi, F. Leone
Profili epidemiologici nell'ambito della biometeorologia e della bioclimatologia medica
2012 V. Condemi
Caratterizzazione microclimatica del comprensorio termale per un sinergismo con l’azione terapeutica delle acque magnesiache
2012 V. Condemi
Bioclimatic and environmental research on some ophthalmology diseases admitted to ERS at Cuneo, Alba, Bra, Milan and Valtellina Hospitals (Italy). A statistical approach
2010 V. Condemi, M. Gestro, U. Solimene, R. Meco
Analysis of two emergency room databases aimed at the construction of a climatotherapy reference model
2010 V. Condemi, U. Solimene, R. Meco
A climatotherapy reference model based on analisys of two emergency room data banck
2010 V. Condemi, U. Solimene, R. Meco
A statistical approach on respiratory and conjunctivitis diseases admitted to ERS at Cuneo and Bra Hospital (Italy). Correlation with environmental, bioclimatic and emergency room data
2010 V. Condemi, U. Solimene, M. Gestro
L'impatto delle variazioni meteoclimatiche ed ambientali sul sonno e patologie correlate
2010 V. Condemi, A. Brugnoli