Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Speed effects on the accuracy of heart rate as oxygen-uptake indicator in short-distance shuttle running
2024 S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, M. Zago, A.V. Bisconti, F. Bertozzi, E. Ce', M. Borrelli, C. Sforza, F. Esposito
2022 F. Bertozzi
Three-Dimensional Facial Anthropometric Analysis With and Without Landmark Labelling: Is There a Real Difference?
2022 D. Gibelli, A. Cappella, F. Bertozzi, D. Sala, S. Sitta, D.R. Tasso, F. Tomasi, C. Dolci, C. Sforza
Smile Reanimation with Masseteric-to-Facial Nerve Transfer plus Cross-Face Nerve Grafting in Patients with Segmental Midface Paresis: 3D Retrospective Quantitative Evaluation
2022 F. Tarabbia, F. Bertozzi, F. Allevi, G. Dell’Aversana Orabona, S. Cupello, C. Dolci, M. Zago, C. Sforza, F. Biglioli
Whole-body kinematics during a simulated sprint in flat-water kayakers
2022 F. Bertozzi, S. Porcelli, M. Marzorati, A.M. Pilotto, M. Galli, C. Sforza, M. Zago
Lower limbs muscle activation during instep kick in soccer: effects of dominance and ball condition
2022 R. RABELLO DA SILVA, F. Bertozzi, M. Galli, M. Zago, C. Sforza
Machine-learning based determination of gait events from foot-mounted inertial units
2021 M. Zago, M. Tarabini, M.D. Spiga, C. Ferrario, F. Bertozzi, C. Sforza, M. Galli
Fatigue Induced by Repeated Changes of Direction in Élite Female Football (Soccer) Players: Impact on Lower Limb Biomechanics and Implications for ACL Injury Prevention
2021 M. Zago, S. David, F. Bertozzi, C. Brunetti, A. Gatti, F. Salaorni, M. Tarabini, C. Galvani, C. Sforza, M. Galli
Maturity offset affects standing postural control in youth male soccer players
2020 M. Zago, A.P. Moorhead, F. Bertozzi, C. Sforza, M. Tarabini, M. Galli
Fatigue alters turns kinematics in female soccer players
2020 C. Brunetti, M. Zago, F. Bertozzi, F. Salaorni, A. Gatti, C. Sforza, M. Galli
Fatigue effects on two return-to-sport jump tests
2020 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, L. Pulici, G. Campanini, C. Brunetti, A. Gatti, M. Galli, C. Sforza
Fatigue induced by repeated turns produces kinematic changes in female soccer players
2020 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, S. Andreoletti, N. Avallone, C. Brunetti, R. RABELLO DA SILVA, C. Galvani, M. Galli, C. Sforza
Kinematic traits of an elite paralympic karateka: a case study
2020 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, D. Ciprandi, C. Galvani, C. Sforza
Influence of biological maturation on postural control in young soccer players
2019 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, S. Bono, G. Gugliucciello, A. Redaelli, M. Galli, C. Sforza
Kinematic evaluation of physical impairments of an elite Paralympic karateka
2019 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, N. Lovecchio, D. Catalina Pardo Ramos, C. Galvani, C. Sforza
Biological maturation affects standing balance in young soccer players
2019 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, D. Catalina Pardo Ramos, A.P. Moorhead, C. Ferrario, M. Galli, C. Sforza
Kinematic effects of repeated turns while running
2019 M. Zago, F. Esposito, F. Bertozzi, B. Tritto, S. Rampichini, C. Galvani, M. Galli, C. Sforza
Kinematic comparison between Paralympic and able-bodied elite karateka
2019 F. Bertozzi, M. Zago, N. Lovecchio, C. Galvani, C. Sforza
Influenza della fatica sui fattori di rischio degli infortuni da non contatto durante i cambi di direzione
2019 F. Bertozzi
Influence of energy cost and physical fitness on the preferred walking speed and gait variability in elderly women
2018 D. Ciprandi, M. Zago, F. Bertozzi, C. Sforza, C. Galvani