Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali
Benefits of extra food to reproduction depend on maternal condition
2019 S. Podofillini, J.G. Cecere, M. Griggio, M. Corti, E.L. De Capua, M. Parolini, N. Saino, L. Serra, D. Rubolini
Cloacal microbiomes and ecology of individual barn swallows
2019 R. Ambrosini, M. Corti, A. Franzetti, M. Caprioli, D. Rubolini, V.M. Motta, A. Costanzo, N. Saino, I. Gandolfi
Sequence variation in melanocortin-1-receptor and tyrosinase-related protein 1 genes and their relationship with melanin-based plumage trait expression in Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni) males
2018 M. Corti, S. Podofillini, M. Griggio, L. Gianfranceschi, A. Ducrest, A. Roulin, J.G. Cecere, N. Saino, D. Rubolini
Barn swallow antipredator behavior covaries with melanic coloration and predicts survival
2018 A. Costanzo, A. Romano, R. Ambrosini, M. Parolini, D. Rubolini, M. Caprioli, M. Corti, L. Canova, N. Saino
2018 M. Corti
Protoporphyrin-based eggshell pigmentation predicts hatching success and offspring sex ratio in the barn swallow
2018 M. Corti, A. Romano, A. Costanzo, A.B. Bentz, K.J. Navara, M. Parolini, N. Saino, D. Rubolini
Behavioural stress response and melanin-based plumage colouration in barn swallow nestlings
2017 M. Corti, G. Bazzi, A. Costanzo, S. Podofillini, N.M.F. Saino, D. Rubolini, A. Romano
Sex- and age-dependent morphology and selection on wing shape in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica
2017 N. Saino, D. Rubolini, R. Ambrosini, A. Romano, M. Parolini, L. Canova, M. Corti, A. Costanzo
Nestling sex and plumage color predict food allocation by barn swallow parents
2016 A. Romano, G. Bazzi, M. Caprioli, M. Corti, A. Costanzo, D. Rubolini, N. Saino
Distribution and abundance estimation of the domestic pigeon (Columba livia var. domestica) in the urban area of Piacenza
2016 M. Corti, F. Drago, A. Chiatante, D. Giunchi, D. Rubolini