Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Skin surface debris as an archive of environmental traces: an investigation through the naked eye, episcopic microscope, ED-XRF, and SEM–EDX
2024 V. Merelli, G. Caccia, D. Mazzarelli, L. Franceschetti, O. Paciello, L. Bonizzoni, M. Caccianiga, C. Campobasso, C. Cattaneo
Pellet gun trauma: An unusual and unexpected type of bone lesion
2022 S. Tambuzzi, D. Mazzarelli, D. Gibelli, G. Panigada, V. Merelli, C. Cattaneo
Older adult abuse in a service for sexual and domestic violence: Medico-legal implications from the experience of an Italian center
2022 L. Franceschetti, V.G. Merelli, M. Margherita, L. Maggioni, G. Barbara, A. Kustermann, C. Cattaneo
Analysis of interrater reliability in age assessment of minors: how does expertise influence the evaluation?
2021 L. Franceschetti, V.G. Merelli, S. Corona, F. Magli, L. Maggioni, M. Cummaudo, S. Tritella, D. De Angelis, C. Cattaneo
Age estimation in the living: a scoping review of population data for skeletal and dental methods
2021 M. Cummaudo, D. DE ANGELIS, F. Magli, G. Minà, V.G. Merelli, C. Cattaneo
Sexual assault and abuse committed against family members: An analysis of 1342 legal outcomes and their motivations
2021 A. Blandino, L. Maggioni, F. Chiaffarino, F. Parazzini, D. Capano, E. Florio, M. Margherita, G. Bertelle, L. Franceschetti, A. Amadasi, G. Vignali, B. Ciprandi, G. Crudele, V. Merelli, F. Collini, E. Muccino, P. Nicolò, G. Barbara, A. Kustermann, C. Cattaneo, A. Gentilomo
Twenty-five years of unidentified bodies: an account from Milano, Italy
2021 D. Mazzarelli, L. Milotta, L. Franceschetti, L. Maggioni, V.G. Merelli, P. Poppa, D. Porta, D. De Angelis, C. Cattaneo
The Frequency of Cranial Base Fractures in Lethal Head Trauma
2020 G.D.L. Crudele, V.G. Merelli, C. Vener, S. Milani, C. Cattaneo
Authors’ Response
2020 G.D.L. Crudele, V.G. Merelli, C. Vener, C. Cattaneo
Similarity and Differences in Sexual Violence Against Adolescents and Adult Women : The Need to Focus on Adolescent Victims
2020 E. Torazzi, V. Merelli, G. Barbara, A. Kustermann, L. Marasciuolo, F. Collini, C. Cattaneo
Sopralluoghi multidisciplinari : la vera verità.
2019 L. Maggioni, S. Tambuzzi, V. Merelli, G. Caccia, D. Salsarola, D. Mazzarelli, S. Vanin, M. Caccianiga, L. Trombino, C. Cattaneo
The effect of the medico-legal evaluation on asylum seekers in the Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy: a pilot study
2019 L. Franceschetti, F. Magli, V.G. Merelli, E.A. Muccino, A. Gentilomo, F. Agazzi, D.M. Gibelli, M. Gambarana, D. de Angelis, A. Kustermann, C. Cattaneo
The medico-legal evaluation effect: Asylum grant rate in the metropolitan city of Milan
2017 L. Franceschetti, F. Magli, V. Merelli, E. Muccino, A. Amadasi, C. Cattaneo
Italy’s struggle for the identification of dead migrants
2017 D. De Angelis, V.G. Merelli, A. Cappella, D. Mazzarelli, L. Olivieri, D.G.A. Porta, V. Piscitelli, C. Cattaneo
Analysis of the NMR spin-spin relaxation time on healthy and damaged human tissues: a new tool for recognition of physical abuse?
2017 P. Arosio, A. Meli, P. Cammilli, V. Merelli, D. Galli, G. Bertaina, A. Torresin, C. Cattaneo, A. Lascialfari
The Milano identified skeletal collection: A tool for forensic identification and trauma analysis
2017 V.G. Merelli, D. DE ANGELIS, E. Castoldi, A. Cappella, D. Mazzarelli, M. Mattia, C. Cattaneo
The applicability of the Lamendin method to skeletal remains buried for a 16-year period : a cautionary note
2015 D. De Angelis, E. Mele, D. Gibelli, V. Merelli, L. Spagnoli, C. Cattaneo
Application of age estimation methods based on teeth eruption: how easy is Olze method to use?
2014 D. De Angelis, D. Gibelli, V. Merelli, M. Botto, F. Ventura, C. Cattaneo