Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Experimental high sensitive local identification of azimuthal index of Laguerre–Gauss beams
2024 M. Siano, B. Paroli, S. Cialdi, S. Olivares, M. Paris, E. Suerra, M. Potenza
FOCUS: fast Monte Carlo approach to coherence of undulator sources
2023 M. Siano, G. Geloni, B. Paroli, D. Butti, T. Lefèvre, S. Mazzoni, G. Trad, U. Iriso, A.A. Nosych, L. Torino, M.A.C. Potenza
Solving classification tasks by a receptron based on nonlinear optical speckle fields
2023 B. Paroli, G. Martini, M.A.C. Potenza, M. Siano, M. Mirigliano, P. Milani
The Receptron: a device for the implementation of information processing systems based on complex nanostructured systems
2022 G. Martini, M. Mirigliano, B. Paroli, P. Milani
Two-dimensional electron beam size measurements with x-ray heterodyne near field speckles
2022 M. Siano, B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza, L. Teruzzi, U. Iriso, A.A. Nosych, E. Solano, L. Torino, D. Butti, A. Goetz, T. Lefevre, S. Mazzoni, G. Trad
Hybrid OAM-Amplitude multiplexing and demultiplexing of incoherent optical states
2022 B. Paroli, L. Cremonesi, M. Siano, M. Potenza
Heterodyne Near Field Speckles: from laser light to X-rays
2021 M. Siano, B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza
Dense-code free space transmission by local demultiplexing optical states of a composed vortex
2021 B. Paroli, M. Siano, M.A.C. Potenza
Two-Dimensional Beam Size Measurements with X-Ray Heterodyne Near Field Speckles
2021 M. Siano, D. Butti, A. Goetz, U. Iriso, T. Lefèvre, S. Mazzoni, A. Nosych, B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza, E. Solano, L. Teruzzi, L. Torino, G. Trad
A binary classifier based on a reconfigurable dense network of metallic nanojunctions
2021 M. Mirigliano, B. Paroli, G. Martini, M. Fedrizzi, A. Falqui, A. Casu, P. Milani
Measuring the topological charge of orbital angular momentum radiation in single-shot by means of the wavefront intrinsic curvature
2020 B. Paroli, M. Siano, M.A.C. Potenza
Near FIeld Scattering under Forced Flow
2020 L. Cremonesi, M. Siano, B. Paroli, M. Potenza
Method and system for transmitting and receiving an electromagnetic radiation beam with detection of orbital angular momentum and related telecommunication method and system
2020 B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza, M. Siano
2020 B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza, M. Siano
Simulation Methods for Transverse Beam Size Measurements Using the Heterodyne Near Field Speckles of Hard X-rays
2020 A. Goetz, D. Butti, U. Iriso, S. Mazzoni, A. Nosych, B. Paroli, M.A.C. Potenza, M. Siano, L. Teruzzi, L. Torino, G. Trad
Measurement of the local intrinsic curvature of a l =1 radio-vortex at 30 GHz
2020 L. Scalcinati, B. Paroli, M. Zannoni, M.A.C. Potenza
Light extinction and scattering from aggregates composed of submicron particles
2020 L. Cremonesi, C. Minnai, F. Ferri, A. Parola, B. Paroli, T. Sanvito, M.A.C. Potenza
A composite beam of radiation with orbital angular momentum allows effective local, single-shot measurement of topological charge
2020 B. Paroli, M. Siano, M.A.C. Potenza
MariX, an advanced MHz-class repetition rate X-ray source for linear regime time-resolved spectroscopy and photon scattering
2019 L. Serafini, A. Bacci, A. Bellandi, M. Bertucci, M. Bolognesi, A. Bosotti, F. Broggi, R. Calandrino, F. Camera, F. Canella, S. Capra, P. Cardarelli, M. Carrara, K. Cassou, A. Castoldi, R. Castriconi, G.M. Cattaneo, S. Cialdi, A. Cianchi, N. Coluccelli, C. Curatolo, A. Del Vecchio, S. Di Mitri, I. Drebot, K. Dupraz, A. Esposito, L. Faillace, M. Ferrario, C. Fiorini, G. Galzerano, M. Gambaccini, G. Ghiringhelli, D. Giannotti, D. Giove, F. Groppi, C. Guazzoni, P. Laporta, S. Leoni, A. Loria, P. Mangili, A. Martens, T. Mazza, Z. Mazzotta, C. Meroni, G. Mettivier, P. Michelato, L. Monaco, S. Morante, M. Moretti Sala, D. Nutarelli, S. Olivares, G. Onida, M. Opromolla, C. Pagani, R. Paparella, M.G.A. Paris, B. Paroli, G. Paternò, C. Paulin, L. Perini, M. Petrarca, V. Petrillo, E. Pinotti, P. Piseri, M.A.C. Potenza, F. Prelz, A. Pullia, E. Puppin, F. Ragusa, R. Ramponi, M. Romè, M. Rossetti Conti, A.R. Rossi, L. Rossi, M. Ruijter, P. Russo, S. Samsam, A. Sarno, D. Sertore, M. Sorbi, B. Spataro, M. Statera, F. Stellato, E. Suerra, A. Tagliaferri, A. Taibi, V. Torri, G. Turchetti, C. Vaccarezza, R. Valdagni, A. Vanzulli, F. Zomer, G. Rossi
Electron Beam Size Measurements Using the Heterodyne Near Field Speckles at ALBA
2019 M. Siano, M.A.C. Potenza, B. Paroli, U. Iriso, C.S. Kamma-Lorger, A.A. Nosych, S. Mazzoni, G. Trad