Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques
Resultants of slice regular polynomials in two quaternionic variables
2024 A. Gori, G. Sarfatti, F. Vlacci
Zero sets and Nullstellensatz type theorems for slice regular quaternionic polynomials
2024 A. Gori, G. Sarfatti, F. Vlacci
A note on the Bieberbach conjecture for some classes of slice regular functions
2021 A. Gori, F. Vlacci
A note on moduli spaces of conformal classes for flat tori of higher dimension and on their conformal multiplication
2021 A. Gori, F. Vlacci, A. Verjosky
On compact affine quaternionic curves and surfaces.
2021 G. Gentili, A. Gori, G. Sarfatti
Quaternionic Toric Manifolds
2019 G. Gentili, A. Gori, G. Sarfatti
On a criterion of local invertibility and conformality for slice regular quaternionic functions
2019 A. Gori, F. Vlacci
Starlikeness for functions of a hypercomplex variable
2017 A. Gori, F. Vlacci
A direct approach to quaternionic manifolds
2016 G. Gentili, A. Gori, G. Sarfatti
Remarks on Kähler–Ricci solitons
2015 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
Isometric Embedding of Kaehler Ricci solitons in the complex Projective Space
2014 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
Isometric embeddings of Kähler-Ricci solitons in the complex projective space
2014 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
Homogeneous hypercomplex structures and the Joyce's construction
2011 L. Bedulli, A. Gori, F. Podestà
Maximal totally complex submanifolds of $\mathbb{H}\mathbb{P}^n$: homogeneity and normal holonomy
2009 L. Bedulli, A. Gori, F. Podestà
Actions of vanishing homogeneity rank on quaternionic-Kaehler projective spaces
2008 L. Beduli, A. Gori
Homogeneous Lagrangian submanifolds
2008 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
A Hamiltonian stable minimal Lagrangian submanifold of projective space with non-parallel second fundamental form
2007 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
On deformations of Hamiltonian actions
2007 L. Bedulli, A. Gori
Symplectically Asystatic actions of compact Lie Groups
2006 A. Gori, F. Podestà
Cyclic Phenomena for composition operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces
2006 A. Gori