Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Three-dimensional paganica fault morphology obtained from hypocenter clustering (L'Aquila 2009 seismic sequence, Central Italy)
2021 B. Brunsvik, G. Morra, G. Cambiotti, L. Chiaraluce, R. Di Stefano, P. De Gori, D.A. Yuen
Treatment of discontinuities inside Earth models: Effects on computed coseismic deformations
2021 J. Dong, G. Cambiotti, H. Wen, R. Sabadini, W. Sun
On the earthquake detectability by the Next Generation Gravity Mission ({NGGM})
2020 G. Cambiotti, K. Douch, S. Cesare, A. Anselmi, N. Sneeuw, A.M. Marotta, R. Sabadini
Modelling strains and stresses in continuously stratified rotating neutron stars
2020 E. Giliberti, G. Cambiotti, M. Antonelli, P.M. Pizzochero
On Earthquake Detectability by the Next-Generation Gravity Mission
2020 G. Cambiotti, K. Douch, S. Cesare, R. Haagmans, N. Sneeuw, A. Anselmi, A.M. Marotta, R. Sabadini
New insights into long-term aseismic deformation and regional strain rates from GNSS data inversion : the case of the Pollino and Castrovillari faults
2020 G. Cambiotti, M. Palano, B. Orecchio, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi, G. Neri, R. Sabadini
Joint estimate of the coseismic 2011 Tohoku earthquake fault slip and post-seismic viscoelastic relaxation by GRACE data inversion
2020 G. Cambiotti
Incompressible analytical models for spinning-down pulsars
2019 E. Giliberti, M. Antonelli, G. Cambiotti, P.M. Pizzochero
Time-dependent geoid anomalies at subduction zones due to the seismic cycle
2018 G. Cambiotti, R. Sabadini, D.A. Yuen
Co-seismic slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku (MW 9.0) earthquake inverted from GPS and space-borne gravimetric data
2018 X. Zhou, G. Cambiotti, W. Sun, R. Sabadini
The physics of earthquakes from space gravity missions
2018 R. Sabadini, G. Cambiotti
Joint estimate of the rupture area and slip distribution of the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake by a Bayesian inversion of GPS data
2017 G. Cambiotti, X. Zhou, F. Sparracino, R. Sabadini, W. Sun
Residual polar motion caused by coseismic and interseismic deformations from 1900 to present
2016 G. Cambiotti, X. Wang, R. Sabadini, D.A. Yuen
Residual polar motion caused by coseismic and interseismic deformations from 1900 to present
2016 G. Cambiotti, X. Wang, R. Sabadini, D.~. Yuen
Global Dynamics of the Earth: Applications of Viscoelastic Relaxation Theory to Solid-Earth and Planetary Geophysics
2016 R. Sabadini, B. Vermerseen, G. Cambiotti
On the response of the Earth to a fault system : its evaluation beyond the epicentral reference frame
2015 G. Cambiotti, R. Sabadini
The Excitation of True Polar Wandering by Extreme Earthquakes over Time
2014 G. Cambiotti, X. Wang, R. Sabadini, D.A. Yuen
The coseismic slip distribution of a shallow subduction fault constrained by prior information : the example of 2011 Tohoku (Mw 9.0) megathrust earthquake
2014 X. Zhou, G. Cambiotti, W. Sun, R. Sabadini
Power-law Maxwell rheologies and the interaction between tectonic and seismic deformations
2014 G. Cambiotti, S. Rigamonti, R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Sabadini
Compressible viscoelastodynamics of a spherical body at long timescales and its isostatic equilibrium
2013 G. Cambiotti, V. Klemann, R. Sabadini