Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Tectonic Deformation in the Tyrrhenian : A Novel Statistical Approach to Infer the Role of the Calabrian Arc Complex
2015 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi
An application of model uncertainty statistical assessment : a case study of tectonic deformation in the Mediterranean
2015 A.M. Marotta, R. Splendore, R. Barzaghi
3D mechanical structure of the lithosphere below the Alps and the role of gravitational body forces in theregional present-day stress field
2014 A.M. Marotta, R. Splendore
Power-law Maxwell rheologies and the interaction between tectonic and seismic deformations
2014 G. Cambiotti, S. Rigamonti, R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Sabadini
Crust-Mantle mechanical decoupling in the Central Mediterranean region
2013 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta
Crust-mantle mechanical structure in the Central Mediterranean region
2013 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta
A new procedure to built a model covariance matrix: first results
2012 R. Barzaghi, A.M. Marotta, R. Splendore, A. Borghi
A new procedure to build a model covariance matrix: first results
2012 R. Barzaghi, A.M. Marotta, R. Splendore, A. Borghi
Block model versus thermomechanical model : new insights on the present-day regional deformation in the surroundings of the Calabrian Arc
2010 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi, A. Borghi, L. Cannizzaro
First Evidences of Fast Creeping on a Long Lasting Quiescent Earthquake Normal-Fault in the Mediterranean
2009 R. Sabadini, A. Aoudia, R. Barzaghi, B. Crippa, A.M. Marotta, A. Borghi, L. Cannizzaro, L. Calcagni, G. Dalla Via, G. Rossi, R. Splendore, M. Crosetto
Present-day stress field in the surroundings of the Calabrian arc
2009 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi
Rheological structure of the lithosphere in the Mediterranean : new insights from a 3D thermal analysis : ANALYSIS
2009 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta
Origine dell'attuale campo di sforzo nella zona dell'arco Calabro
2009 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi
SISMA project – Seismic Information System for Monitoring and Alert – present-day surface tectonic stress field at the regional scale in the Tyrrhenian area
2008 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi, A. Borghi, L. Cannizzaro
Origine dell'attuale campo di sforzo nella regione dell'Arco Calabro
2008 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta, R. Barzaghi
Origin of the present-day stress field in the surroundings of the Calabrian Arc
2008 R. Splendore, A.M. Marotta
Struttura e metamorfismo Alpino di una zona di taglio crostale : analisi meso e microstrutturale del Complesso del Mont Morion (Falda Dent Blanche, Alpi Occidentali, Italia)
2006 R. Splendore, M. Zucali, G. Giordano, M. Roda
Meso- and microstructural analysis of the Mont Morion Complex rocks (Dent-Blanche nappe, Italian Western Alps): pre-Alpine and Alpine evolution
2005 R. Splendore, G. Giordano, M. Roda, M. Zucali