Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche
Twenty years of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes Science Schools programs: Assessment of their impact on the participants' personal careers and networking development
2022 T.J. Dos Santos, A. Chobot, W. Laimon, S. Waldron, C. Piona, E. Giani, K. Dovc, M. Macedoni, C. Mameli, R. Cardona-Hernandez, B. Aschemeier-Fuchs, M. Mcgill, A.M. Delamater, J. Wood, L.E. Calliari, A. Scaramuzza, C. De Beaufort, S. Lion, T. Danne, K.C. Donaghue
Endothelial Hyper-Permeability Induced by T1D Sera Can be Reversed by iNOS Inactivation
2020 A. Cazzaniga, R. Scrimieri, E. Giani, G. Zuccotti, J. Maier
2019 E. Giani
Prostaglandin E2 stimulates the expansion of regulatory hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in type 1 diabetes
2018 M. Ben Nasr, F. D'Addio, A.M. Malvandi, S. Faravelli, E. Castillo-Leon, V. Usuelli, F. Rocchio, T. Letizia, A.B. El Essawy, E. Assi, C. Mameli, E. Giani, M. Macedoni, A. Maestroni, A. Dassano, C. Loretelli, M. Paroni, G. Cannalire, G. Biasucci, M. Sala, A. Biffi, G.V. Zuccotti, P. Fiorina
Upregulation of inflammasome activity and increased gut permeability are associated with obesity in children and adolescents
2016 V. Rainone, L. Schneider, I. Saulle, C. Ricci, M. Biasin, N.M. Al Daghri, E. Giani, G.V. Zuccotti, M. Clerici, D. Trabattoni
Impact of new technologies on diabetes care
2015 E. Giani, A.E. Scaramuzza, G.V. Zuccotti
Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Antioxidant Diet Help to Improve Endothelial Dysfunction in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes : a Pilot Trial
2015 A. Scaramuzza, E. Giani, F.C. Redaelli, S. Ungheri, M. Macedoni, V. Giudici, A. Bosetti, M. Ferrari, G.V. Zuccotti
Adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes display a high prevalence of endothelial dysfunction
2015 A.E. Scaramuzza, F. Redaelli, E. Giani, M. Macedoni, V. Giudici, A. Gazzarri, A. Bosetti, L. De Angelis, G.V. Zuccotti
Challenges and Opportunities in the Management of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes : Lifestyle and Beyond
2015 M. Katz, E. Giani, L. Laffel
Impaired diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide in children with type 1 diabetes: is this the first sign of long-term complications?
2012 A. Scaramuzza, M. Morelli, M. Rizzi, S. Borgonovo, A. De Palma, C. Mameli, E. Giani, S. Beretta, G. Zuccotti
Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum
2012 A.E. Scaramuzza, M. Macedoni, G.L. Tadini, L. De Angelis, F. Redaelli, A. Gazzarri, V. Comaschi, E. Giani, G.V. Zuccotti
Long-Term Immunogenicity after One and Two Doses of a Monovalent MF59-Adjuvanted A/H1N1 Influenza Virus Vaccine Coadministered with the Seasonal 2009-2010 Nonadjuvanted Influenza Virus Vaccine in HIV-Infected Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in a Randomized Controlled Trial
2011 A. Viganò, V. Giacomet, E. Pariani, E. Giani, V. Manfredini, G. Bedogni, P. Erba, A. Amendola, A. Zanetti, G.V. Zuccotti
Lowering postprandial glycemia in children with type 1 diabetes after Italian pizza "margherita" (TyBoDi2 Study)
2011 A. De Palma, E. Giani, D. Iafusco, A. Bosetti, M. Macedoni, A. Gazzarri, D. Spiri, A.E. Scaramuzza, G.V. Zuccotti
Long-lasting immunogenicity and safety of a 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) MF59-adjuvanted vaccine when co-administered with a 2009-2010 seasonal influenza vaccine in young patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus
2011 G.V. Zuccotti, E. Pariani, A. Scaramuzza, L. Santoro, E. Giani, M. Macedoni, A. Gazzarri, G. Anselmi, A. Amendola, A.R. Zanetti
Effects of physical activity on insulin pump therapy in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes : a randomised controlled trial
2010 A.E. Gazzarri, M. Macedoni, S. Mazzantini, E. Giani, D. Spiri, A. De Palma, F. Redaelli, C. Mameli, L. Santoro, G. Zuccotti, A. Scaramuzza
The optimal type of bolus following a 'Mediterranean' meal in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes using insulin pump therapy
2009 M. Macedoni, A.E. Scaramuzza, D. Iafusco, D. Spiri, A. Bosetti, E. Giani, A. Gazzarri, C. Mameli, V. Fabiano, A. Depalma, G.V. Zuccotti
The optimal type of bolus following a “Mediterranean” meal in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) using insulin pump therapy (CSII)
2009 A.E. Scaramuzza, D. Iafusco, M. Macedoni, D. Spiri, A. Bosetti, E. Giani, A. De Palma, A. Gazzarri, C. Mameli, S. Mazzantini, L. Santoro, G.V. Zuccotti
Insulin pump therapy for type 1 diabetes treatment in a girl with Down’s syndrome
2009 A.E. Scaramuzza, E. Giani, S. Riboni, D. Spiri, A. De Palma, C. Mameli, G.V. Zuccotti
Il bolo ottimale per la pizza in bambini e adolescenti con dmt1 in terapia con microinfusore (studio tibodi 2)
2008 A. Scaramuzza, D. Iafusco, E. Giani, A. Bosetti, A. Gazzarri, S. Riboni, C. Mameli, D. Spiri, M. Macedoni, L. Santoro, G.V. Zuccotti
The optimal type of bolus following a pizza meal in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
2008 A.E. Scaramuzza, D. Iafusco, E. Giani, D. Spiri, A. De Palma, A. Bosetti, L. Santoro, C. Mameli, A. Gazzarri, M. Macedoni, S. Riboni, G.V. Zuccotti