Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban in human plasma
2016 S. Baldelli, D. Cattaneo, P. Pignatelli, V. Perrone, D. Pastori, S. Radice, F. Violi, E. Clementi
Throbbing headache associated with enoxaparin administration : a case report, a review of pharmacovigilance databases for similar cases and possible mechanisms
2015 T. Brusadelli, C. Carnovale, M. Gentili, C. Borsadoli, A. Speziali, V. Perrone, P. Pellegrino, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, S. Radice, E. Clementi
Immunogenicity of meningococcal quadrivalent (serogroup A, C, W135 and Y) tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine: systematic review and meta-analysis
2015 P. Pellegrino, V. Perrone, S. Radice, A. Capuano, E. Clementi
The epidemiological profile of ASIA syndrome after HPV vaccination : an evaluation based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems
2015 P. Pellegrino, V. Perrone, M. Pozzi, C. Carnovale, C. Perrotta, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Adherence and resource use among patients treated with biologic drugs : findings from BEETLE study
2014 L. Degli Esposti, D. Sangiorgi, V. Perrone, S. Radice, E. Clementi, F. Perone, S. Buda
Can HPV immunisation cause ADEM? : two case reports and literature review
2014 P. Pellegrino, C. Carnovale, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Seriousness, preventability, and burden impact of reported adverse drug reactions in Lombardy emergency departments : a retrospective 2-year characterization
2014 V. Perrone, V. Conti, M. Venegoni, S. Scotto, L. Degli Esposti, D. Sangiorgi, L. Prestini, S. Radice, E. Clementi, G. Vighi
Neurological and psychiatric adverse events with prucalopride: case report and possible mechanisms
2013 C. Carnovale, P. Pellegrino, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, C.M. Pozzi, A. Nisic, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Are non-serious adverse reactions to psychiatric drugs really non-serious ?
2013 M. Pozzi, S. Bertella, D. Cattaneo, M. Molteni, V. Perrone, C. Carnovale, S. Antoniazzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Sleep Disruption and Proprioceptive Delirium due to Acetaminophen in a Pediatric Patient
2013 C. Carnovale, M. Pozzi, A.A. Nisic, E. Scrofani, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
A case of urinary incontinence by hydroxychloroquine in a geriatric patient
2013 C. Carnovale, V. Perrone, C. Borsadoli, A. Mambrini, A. Speziali, G. Froldi, S.A. Antoniazzi, L. Magistro, E.G.I. Clementi, S. Radice
Pharmacovigilance knowledge in family paediatricians. A survey study in Italy
2013 P. Pellegrino, C. Carnovale, D. Cattaneo, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, E. Napoleone, M.R. Filograna, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Paediatric drug use with focus on off-label prescriptions in Lombardy and implications for therapeutic approaches
2013 C. Carnovale, V. Conti, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, L. Merlino, M. Venegoni, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Two cases of hallucination in elderly patients due to a probable interaction between flu immunization and tramadol
2013 P. Pellegrino, C. Carnovale, C. Borsadoli, T. Danini, A. Speziali, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
No evidence of a link between multiple sclerosis and the vaccine against the human papillomavirus
2013 P. Pellegrino, C. Carnovale, V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, M. Pozzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis onset : evaluation based on vaccine adverse events reporting systems
2013 P. Pellegrino, C. Carnovale, V. Perrone, M. Pozzi, S. Antoniazzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Inflammation and neurological adverse drugs reactions : a case of long lasting impaired consciousness after oxatomide administration in a patient with gastroenteritis
2012 S. Antoniazzi, D. Cattaneo, V. Perrone, C. Carnovale, S. Cherubini, M. Mugolino, F. Clementi, G. Zuccotti, E. Clementi, S. Radice
A case of pisa syndrome during sertraline and quetiapine treatment
2012 V. Perrone, S. Antoniazzi, C. Carnovale, S. Radice, G. Ba, C. Viganò, S. Charitos, M. Zabotto, G. Spagnolo, E. Clementi