Exposure to environmental pollutants and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
2023 E. Rosi, A. Crippa, M. Pozzi, S. De Francesco, M. Fioravanti, M. Mauri, M. Molteni, L. Morello, L. Tosti, F. Metruccio, E. Clementi, M. Nobile
Automatic classification of autism spectrum disorder in children using cortical thickness and support vector machine
2021 L. Squarcina, G. Nosari, R. Marin, U. Castellani, M. Bellani, C. Bonivento, F. Fabbro, M. Molteni, P. Brambilla
Resilience as a moderator between Objective and Subjective Burden among parents of children with ADHD
2020 M. Fossati, L. Negri, A. Fianco, M.G. Cocchi, M. Molteni, A. Delle Fave
Hemodynamic and behavioral peculiarities in response to emotional stimuli in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: An fNIRS study
2020 M. Mauri, S. Grazioli, A. Crippa, A. Bacchetta, U. Pozzoli, S. Bertella, E. Gatti, E. Maggioni, E. Rosi, V. Diwadkar, P. Brambilla, M. Molteni, M. Nobile
Weight-Change Trajectories of Pediatric Outpatients Treated with Risperidone or Aripiprazole in a Naturalistic Setting
2018 M. Pozzi, S. Pisano, G. Marano, C. Carnovale, C. Bravaccio, C. Rafaniello, A. Capuano, F. Rossi, R. Rizzo, R. Bernardini, M. Nobile, M. Molteni, E. Clementi, E. Biganzoli, S. Radice
Individual Differences in Personality Associated with Aggressive Behavior among Adolescents Referred for Externalizing Behavior Problems
2017 G.V. Caprara, M. Gerbino, E. Perinelli, G. Alessandri, C. Lenti, M. Walder, C.E. Preda, E. Brunati, G. Marchesini, A. Tiberti, U. Balottin, L. Nonini, G. De Girolamo, C. Meraviglia, D. Gianatti, L. Libera, O. Martinelli, P. Steca, D. Monzani, M. Molteni, M. Nobile
A common genetic variant in FOXP2 is associated with language-based learning (dis)abilities : Evidence from two Italian independent samples
2017 A. Mozzi, V. Riva, D. Forni, M. Sironi, C. Marino, M. Molteni, S. Riva, F.R. Guerini, M. Clerici, R. Cagliani, S. Mascheretti
Antidepressants and, suicide and self-injury: causal or casual association?
2016 M. Pozzi, S. Radice, E. Clementi, M. Molteni, N. Maria
Update on the safety of second generation antipsychotics in youths : a call for collaboration among paediatricians and child psychiatrists
2016 S. Pisano, G. Catone, S. Veltri, V. Lanzara, M. Pozzi, E. Clementi, R. Iuliano, M.P. Riccio, S. Radice, M. Molteni, A. Capuano, A. Gritti, G. Coppola, A. Milone, C. Bravaccio, G. Masi
Therapeutic drug monitoring of second-generation antipsychotics in pediatric patients : an observational study in real-life settings
2016 M. Pozzi, D. Cattaneo, S. Baldelli, S. Fucile, A. Capuano, C. Bravaccio, L. Sportiello, S. Bertella, F. Auricchio, R. Bernardini, C. Ferrajolo, G. Guastella, E. Mani, C. Carnovale, S. Pisano, C. Rafaniello, M.P. Riccio, R. Rizzo, M.G. Scuderi, S. Sperandeo, L. Villa, A. Pascotto, M. Molteni, F. Rossi, S. Radice, E. Clementi
Effect of family structure and TPH2 G-703T on the stability of dysregulation profile throughout adolescence
2016 M. Nobile, V. Bianchi, D. Monzani, S. Beri, M. Bellina, A. Greco, P. Colombo, A. Tesei, D. Caldirola, R. Giorda, G. Perna, M. Molteni
Second generation antipsychotics in 'real-life' paediatric patients : adverse drug reactions and clinical outcomes of drug switch
2016 C. Rafaniello, M. Pozzi, S. Pisano, C. Ferrajolo, S. Bertella, L. Sportiello, C. Carnovale, M.G. Sullo, D. Cattaneo, M. Gentili, R. Rizzo, A. Pascotto, E. Mani, L. Villa, M.P. Riccio, S. Sperandeo, R. Bernardini, C. Bravaccio, E. Clementi, M. Molteni, F. Rossi, S. Radice, A. Capuano
Restless Sleep in a Hyperactive Girl : A Paradoxical Adverse Reaction to Methylphenidate
2015 M. Pozzi, S. Bertella, M. Molteni, S. Antoniazzi, C. Carnovale, M. Gentili, P. Pellegrino, V. Perrone, E. Clementi, S. Radice
On the possible relationship between anti-streptolysin-O titer and neuropsychiatric disorders other than PANS
2015 M. Pozzi, S. Pisano, S. Bertella, P. Lombardi, P. Pellegrino, M. Molteni, E. Clementi, C. Bravaccio, S. Radice
Effect of the serotonin transporter gene and of environment on the continuity of anxiety and depression traits throughout adolescence
2014 M. Nobile, A. Greco, G. Perna, P. Colombo, V. Bianchi, M. Bellina, R. Giorda, D. Monzani, O. Carlet, E. Griez, M. Molteni
Potential benefits and limits of psychopharmacological therapies in pervasive developmental disorders
2014 M. Molteni, N. Maria, D. Cattaneo, S. Radice, E. Clementi
Are non-serious adverse reactions to psychiatric drugs really non-serious ?
2013 M. Pozzi, S. Bertella, D. Cattaneo, M. Molteni, V. Perrone, C. Carnovale, S. Antoniazzi, E. Clementi, S. Radice
Introduction to the new "Perspectives in Paediatric Pharmacology" series
2011 M. Molteni, E. Clementi, G.V. Zuccotti