SCLIP, a microtubule-destabilizing factor, interacts with RasGRF1 and inhibits its ability to promote Rac activation and neurite outgrowth
2007 S. Baldassa, N. Gnesutta, U. Fascio, E. Sturani, R. Zippel
The guanine nucleotide exchange factor RasGRF1 directly binds microtubules via DHPH2-mediated interaction
2006 G. Forlani, S. Baldassa, P. Lavagni, E. Sturani, R. Zippel
Mature neurons: signal transduction-serine/threonine kinases
2004 R. Zippel, S. Baldassa, E.P. Sturani
Coordinatore del Progetto di ricerca “Translational control by the small GTPase effector PAK4 in cell survival and transformation” Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant
Depolarization-induced signaling to Ras, Rap1 and MAPKs in cortical neurons
2003 S. Baldassa, R. Zippel, E. Sturani
Modulation of the inward rectifier potassium channel IRK1 by the Ras signaling pathway
2002 S. Giovannardi, G. Forlani, M. Balestrini, E. Bossi, R. Tonini, E. Sturani, A. Peres, R. Zippel
Cloning and characterization of mouse UBPy, a deubiquitinating enzyme that interacts with the Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factor CDC25(Mm)/Ras-GRF1
2001 N. Gnesutta, M. Ceriani, M. Innocenti, I. Mauri, R. Zippel, E. Sturani, B. Borgonovo, G. Berruti, E. Martegani
Involvement of cdc25mm/ras-grf1-dependent signaling in the control of neuronal excitability
2001 R. Tonini, S. Franceschetti, D. Parolaro, M. Sala, E. Mancinelli, S. Tininini, R. Brusetti, G. Sancini, R. Brambilla, E. Martegani, E. Sturani, R. Zippel
A role for the Ras signalling pathway in synaptic transmission and long-term memory
1997 R. Brambilla, N. Gnesutta, L. Minichiello, G. White, A.J. Roylance, C.E. Herron, M. Ramsey, D.P. Wolfer, V. Cestari, C. Rossi Arnaud, S.G.N. Grant, P.F. Chapman, H.P. Lipp, E. Sturani, R. Klein
Ras-GRF, the activator of Ras, is expressed preferentially in mature neurons of the central nervous system
1997 R. Zippel, N. Gnesutta, N. Matus-Leibovitch, E. Mancinelli, D. Saya, Z. Vogel, E. Sturani
Expression of two different products of CDC25Mm, a mammalian Ras activator, during development of mouse brain
1994 C. Ferrari, R. Zippel, E. Martegani, N. Gnesutta, V. Carrera, E. Sturani
Effect of the different dimeric forms of the platelet-derived growth factor on cellular responses in mouse Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts
1989 E. Sturani, R. Brambilla, L. Morello, M.G. Cattaneo, R. Zippel, L. Alberghina
Rate of total RNA synthesis in neurosposra crassa
1980 R. Zippel, L. Popolo, M.G. Costantini, E. Sturani