Exercise oscillatory breathing and NT-proBNP levels in stable heart failure provide the strongest prediction of cardiac outcome when combining biomarkers with cardiopulmonary exercise testing
2012 M. Guazzi, P. Boracchi, V. Labate, R. Arena, G. Reina
Development of a cardiopulmonary exercise prognostic score for optimizing risk stratification in heart failure : the (P)e(R)i(O)dic (B)reathing during (E)xercise (PROBE) study
2010 M. Guazzi, P. Boracchi, R. Arena, J. Myers, M. Vincenzi, M.A. Peberdy, D. Bensimhon, P. Chase, G. Reina
Exercise Oscillatory Breathing And Increased Ventilation To CO2 Production Slope In Heart Failure: an Unfavorable Combination With High Prognostic Value
2007 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, G. Reina, N. Ascione, M.D. Guazzi
New perspective on parametric confidence intervals for the cost-effectiveness ratio
2007 C. Galeone, A. Pollastri, G. Reina
Bioequivalence assessment from crossover data : a new approach for the construction of confidence intervals for the ratio of two formulation means
2007 C. Galeone, A. Pollastri, G. Reina
New perspective on confidence intervals for the ratio of means of Normal Variables, jointly distributed as a Bivariate Normal
2007 C. Galeone, A. Pollastri, G. Reina
Letter by Guazzi and Reina Regarding Article, "Aspirin Use and Outcomes in a Community-Based Cohort of 7352 Patients Discharged After First Hospitalization for Heart Failure"
2007 M. Guazzi, G. Reina
Atorvastatin therapy improves exercise oxygen uptake kinetics in post-myocardial infarction patients
2007 M. Guazzi, G. Tumminello, G. Reina, M. Vicenzi, M.D. Guazzi
Coordinatore di Nuovo approccio metodologico per lo studio di processi di rischio ad azzardo multimodale nello studio del tumore mammario
Exercise metaboreflex activation and endothelial function impairment in atrial fibrillation
2006 M. Guazzi, M. Berti, S. Belletti, G. Reina, M.D. Guazzi
Bivariate statistical approach to evaluate laboratory performance by analysis of standard curves in an External Quality Assurance program for quantitative assays based on real-time PCR with Taq-Man probes
2006 Giuseppe Reina, Claudio Orlando, Paola Rebora, Federico Ambrogi, Claudia Casini Raggi, Paolo Verderio, Ettore Marubini
Note statistiche. A quali rischi espone i propri pazienti il cardiologo che accetta di partecipare ad una sperimentazione clinica senza un'approfondita riflessione sulle evidenze disponibili a priori?
2006 E. Marubini, P. Rebora, G. Reina
Coordinatore di Modelli di cinetica dell'O2 e studio di nuove tecniche multivariate non-lineari di confronto in pazienti con cardiopatia ischemica prima e dopo terapia con statina
Exercise ventilation inefficiency and cardiovascular mortality in heart failure : the critical independent prognostic value of the arterial CO2 partial pressure
2005 M. Guazzi, G. Reina, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
The prognostic power of the endothelial flow-mediated dilatation in uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction with preserved systolic function
2005 M. Guazzi, P. Gripari, G. Reina, A. Sacco, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Note statistiche. Curve di rischio istantaneo di morte : il loro ruolo nella decisione clinica del cardiologo
2005 E. Marubini, P. Rebora, G. Reina
Note statistiche. Sperimentazioni cliniche controllate randomizzate sia di superiorità che di non-inferiorità : considerazioni critiche
2005 E. Marubini, P. Rebora, G. Reina
Alveolar-capillary membrane conductance is the best pulmonary function correlate of exercise ventilation efficiency in heart failure patients
2005 M. Guazzi, G. Reina, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Aspirin- angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor coadministration and mortality in patients with heart failure: a dose-related adverse effect of aspirin
2003 M. Guazzi, R. Brambilla, G. Rèina, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi