DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE CARDIOVASCOLARI (attivo dal 01/01/2009 al 27/04/2012)
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists for heart failure: a real-life observational study
2018 B. Noemi, S. Gianfranco, P. Stefania, B. Alice, C. Ugo, P. Massimo, F. Veglia, E. Salvioni, L. Rocco, M. Metra, L. Giuseppe, C. Gaia, S. Angela B, C. Valentina, S. Domenico, B. Roberto, M. Guazzi, R. Rosa, G. Piero, M. Damiano, C. Michele, G. Parati, R. Federica, C. Mariantonietta, F. Maria, B. Maurizio, C. Vignati, O. Fabrizio, M. Alessandro, V. Giuseppe, D.L. Andrea, P. Claudio, S. Susanna, P. Giuseppe, R. Roberto, C. Mauro, A. Anna, P. Pietro, M. Mapelli, C. Cosimo, C. Francesco, B. Simone, B. Romualdo, L. Carlo, P. Perrone Filardi, E. Michele, P. Agostoni
A Flattening oxygen consumption trajectory reflects higher disease severity and poor prognosis in patients with heart failure
2017 C. Ozemek, D. Popovic, R. Arena, M. Guazzi
PDE5-Inhibition With Sildenafil Improves Left Ventricular Diastolic Function, Cardiac Geometry and Clinical Status In Patients With Stable Systolic Heart Failure: Results of a 1-Year Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
2011 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, M. Vicenzi, M.D. Guazzi
Six months of Sildenafil therapy improves heart rate recovery in patients with heart failure
2009 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, S. Pinkstaff, M.D. Guazzi
Evolving changes in lung interstitial fluid content after acute myocardial infarction : mechanisms and pathophysiological correlates
2008 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, M.D. Guazzi
Endothelium-mediated modulation of ergoreflex and improvement in exercise ventilation by acute sildenafil in heart failure patients
2008 M. Guazzi, M. Casali, F. Berti, G. Rossoni, V. De Gennaro Colonna, M.D. Guazzi
Atorvastatin therapy improves exercise oxygen uptake kinetics in post-myocardial infarction patients
2007 M. Guazzi, G. Tumminello, G. Reina, M. Vicenzi, M.D. Guazzi
Exercise Oscillatory Breathing And Increased Ventilation To CO2 Production Slope In Heart Failure: an Unfavorable Combination With High Prognostic Value
2007 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, G. Reina, N. Ascione, M.D. Guazzi
Chronic sildenafil therapy improves quality of life, exercise oxygen uptake and ventilation efficiency in stable heart failure patients
2006 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, G. Tumminello, M. Vicenzi, M.D. Guazzi
Endothelial dysfunction and exercise performance in lone atrial fibrillation or associated with hypertension or diabetes : different results with cardioversion
2006 M. Guazzi, S. Belletti, E. Bianco, L. Lenatti, M. D. Guazzi
Exercise metaboreflex activation and endothelial function impairment in atrial fibrillation
2006 M. Guazzi, M. Berti, S. Belletti, G. Reina, M.D. Guazzi
Chronic sildenafil therapy improves quality of life, exercise oxygen uptake and ventilation efficiency in stable heart failure patients
2006 M. Guazzi, R. Arena, G. Tumminello, M. Vicenzi, M.D. Guazzi
Alveolar-capillary membrane conductance is the best pulmonary function correlate of exercise ventilation efficiency in heart failure patients
2005 M. Guazzi, G. Reina, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
The prognostic power of the endothelial flow-mediated dilatation in uncomplicated acute myocardial infarction with preserved systolic function
2005 M. Guazzi, P. Gripari, G. Reina, A. Sacco, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Exercise ventilation inefficiency and cardiovascular mortality in heart failure: The critical independent prognostic value of the arterial CO2 partial pressure
2005 M. Guazzi, G. Reins, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Benefits of preventive exercise training programs in individuals at risk for developing heart failure (stage A) are more striking in patients with a ACEDD genotype polimorphism
2005 M. Guazzi, E. Bianco, L. Lenatti, A. Sacco, S. Puppa, M.D. Guazzi
Effects of orthostatic stress on forearm endothelial function in normal subjects and in patients with hypertension, diabetes, or both diseases
2005 M. Guazzi, L. Lenatti, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Exercise ventilation inefficiency and cardiovascular mortality in heart failure : the critical independent prognostic value of the arterial CO2 partial pressure
2005 M. Guazzi, G. Reina, G. Tumminello, M.D. Guazzi
Influences of sildenafil on lung function and hemodynamics in patients with chronic heart failure
2004 M. Guazzi, G. Tumminello, F. Di Marco, M.D. Guazzi
Dose-dependent effects of sildenafil on brachial artery hyperemic response in heart failure patients : relation with peak vo2 improvement
2004 G. Tumminello, M. Guazzi, M.D. Guazzi