Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Electromechanical delay components during skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1
2016 F. Esposito, E. Cè, S. Rampichini, E. Limonta, M. Venturelli, E. Monti, L. Bet, B. Fossati, G. Meola
Spinal epidural abscess as a complication of cardiosurgery
2014 F. Pacei, L. Bet
Vertebral artery dissection during Kung-Fu training
2014 F. Pacei, L. Valvassori, L. Bet
Clinical factors associated with statins prescription in acute ischemic stroke patients : findings from the Lombardia Stroke Registry
2014 I. Canavero, A. Cavallini, P. Perrone, M. Magoni, L. Sacchi, S. Quaglini, G. Lanzola, G. Micieli, L. Adobbati, V. Silani, E. Agostoni, C. Scaccabarozzi, M. Arnaboldi, S. Vidale, G. Baietti, L. Bettoni, U. Balducci, F. Chia, P. Baron, N. Bresolin, P. Bassi, P. Bazzi, V. Crespi, S. Beretta, C. Ferrarese, L. Bet, G. Meola, G. Bezzi, G.B. Boncoraglio, E. Parati, G. Bono, M.L. Delodovici, B. Bordo, A. Colombo, G. Borutti, G. Piccolo, F. Brusaferri, A. Prelle, M.V. Calloni, M. Camerlingo, B. Censori, C. Cerini, M. Turla, N. Checcarelli, M. Guidotti, G. Comi, M. Sessa, A. Costa, E. Donati, C. Ferrante, F. Frediani, P. Lattuada, E. Poloni, P. Gambaro, C. Mariani, A. Gomitoni, G. Grampa, E. Lanza, A. Magnoni, S. Marcheselli, C. Marsile, G. Molini, F. Sasanelli, A. Martignoni, M. Mattioli, I. Neromante, D. Porazzi, M. Poloni, P. Previdi, G. Silvestrelli, M. Riva, A. Zilioli, A. Romorini, I. Santilli, C.S. Tadeo, M.T. Zaccone, D. Zarcone
A case of Wernicke's encephalopathy due to oesophageal achalasia
2013 F. Pacei, S. Mullin, C. Colombo, S. Viganò, L. Bet
Bimodal administration of entacapone in Parkinson's disease patients improves motor control
2008 L. Bet, S.R. Bareggi, F. Pacei, G. Bondiolotti, G. Meola, A.H. Schapira
Ballooning-induced bradycardia during carotid stenting in primary stenosis and restenosis
2006 G. Nano, I. Dalainas, P. Bianchi, S. Stegher, L. Bet, G. Malacrida, D.G. Tealdi
Poor metabolization of n-hexane in Parkinson's disease
2003 M. Canesi, L. Perbellini, L. Maestri, A. Silvani, L. Zecca, L. Bet, G. Pezzoli
Validity of Hospital discharge diagnosed for the assessment of the prevalence and incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
2001 E. Beghi, G. Logroscino, A. Micheli, A. Millul, M. Perini, R. Riva, F. Salmoiraghi, E. Vitelli, L. Bet, T. Italian ALS Registry Study Group
Early-onset cerebellar ataxia, myoclonus and hypogonadism in a case of mitochondrial complex III deficiency treated with vitamins K3 and C
1995 A. Toscano, M.C. Fazio, G. Vita, S. Cannavo, N. Bresolin, L. Bet, A. Prelle, B. Barbiroli, S. Iotti, P. Zaniol
1990 L. Bet, N. Bresolin, M. Moggio, G. Meola, A. Prelle, A. Schapira, T. Binzoni, A. Chomyn, F. Fortunato, P. Cerretelli, G. Scarlato
Cytochrome c oxidase during human fetal development
1989 M. Moggio, N. Bresolin, E. Scarpini, L. Adobbati, A. Prelle, A. Gallanti, L. Bet, F. Fortunato, G. Pellegrini, G. Scarlato
Progressive cytochrome c oxidase deficiency in a case of Kearns-Sayre syndrome: morphological, immunological, and biochemical studies in muscle biopsies and autopsy tissues
1987 N. Bresolin, M. Moggio, L. Bet, A. Gallanti, A. Prelle, E. Nobile-Orazio, L. Adobbati, C. Ferrante, G. Pellegrini, G. Scarlato
Oculopharyngeal myopathy with partial cytochrome c oxidase deficiency
1986 N. Bresolin, M. Moggio, E. Nobile-Orazio, L. Bet, A. Gallanti, S. Barbieri, F. Fortunato, D. Rossi, G. Scarlato
Complex IV change in the mitochondria respiratory chain of chronic external ophtalmoplegia : a review of our cases
1985 N. Bresolin, M. Moggio, L. Bet, G. Meola, A. Bordoni, G. Pellegrini, E. Nobile-Orazio, G. Scarlato