Dipartimento di Fisica Aldo Pontremoli
Evidence for soft bounds in Ubuntu package sizes and mammalian body masses
2013 M. Gherardi, S. Mandrà, B. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Physical descriptions of the bacterial nucleoid at large scales, and their biological implications
2012 V.G. Benza, B. Bassetti, K.D. Dorfman, V.F. Scolari, K. Bromek, P. Cicuta, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Joint scaling laws in functional and evolutionary categories in prokaryotic genomes
2012 J. Grilli, B. Bassetti, S. Maslov, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Influence of homology and node age on the growth of protein-protein interaction networks
2012 A. Bottinelli, B. Bassetti, M. Gherardi, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Gene clusters reflecting macrodomain structure respond to nucleoid perturbations
2011 V.F. Scolari, B. Bassetti, B. Sclavi, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
DnaA and the timing of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli as a function of growth rate
2011 M.A.A. Grant, C. Saggioro, U. Ferrari, B. Bassetti, B. Sclavi, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Ordered structure of the transcription network inherited from the yeast whole-genome duplication
2010 D. Fusco, L. Grassi, M. Caselle, B. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Hydrodynamic synchronization of colloidal oscillators
2010 J. Kotar, M. Leoni, B.F. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, P. Cicuta
Mean-field methods in evolutionary duplication-innovation-loss models for the genome-level repertoire of protein domains
2010 A. Angelini, A. Amato, G. Bianconi, B.F. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Identity and divergence of protein domain architectures after the yeast-whole genome duplication event
2010 L. Grassi, D. Fusco, A.L. Sellerio, D. Corà, B.F. Bassetti, M. Caselle, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Minimal two-sphere model of the generation of fluid flow at low Reynolds numbers
2010 M. Leoni, B.F. Bassetti, J. Kotar, P. Cicuta, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
The Large-scale Logico-chemical Structure of a Transcription Network
2010 M. COSENTINO LAGOMARSINO, B.F. Bassetti, P. Jona
Functional models for large-scale gene regulation networks: realism and fiction
2009 M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, B.F. Bassetti, G. Castellani, D. Remondini
Statistical mechanics of the “Chinese restaurant” process: lack of self-averaging, anomalous finite-size effects, and condensation
2009 B. F. Bassetti, M. Zarei, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, G. Bianconi
A comparative evolutionary study of transcription networks. The global role of feedback and hierachical structures
2009 A. L. Sellerio, B. F. Bassetti, H. Isambert, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Feedback topology and XOR-dynamics in Boolean networks with varying input structure
2009 L. Ciandrini, C. Maffi, A. Motta, B.F. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
Universal features in the genome-level evolution of protein domains
2009 M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, A.L. Sellerio, P.D. Heijning, B.F. Bassetti
A basic swimmer at low Reynolds number
2009 M. Leoni, J. Kotar, B. Bassetti, P. Cicuta, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino
DIA-MCIS: An importance sampling network randomizer for network motif discovery and other topological observables in transcription networks
2007 D. Fusco, B. Bassetti, P. Jona, M. Cosentino lagomarsino
Random networks tossing biased coins
2007 F. Bassetti, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, B. Bassetti, P. Jona