Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature, Culture e Mediazioni
Noticing in output production: Investigating the dictogloss task
2023 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava
Reflection on language : Innovation and tradition in ELT textbooks in Italy in the 1980s and 1990s
2023 L. Pedrazzini
Mediazione e processi di apprendimento e uso di una lingua seconda in un’attività di scrittura: l’esempio del DICTOGLOSS
2022 L. Pedrazzini
Italy elt archive : a historical archive of materials for English language teaching in Italy
2019 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Complexity in interlanguage usage and development: investigating the dictogloss task
2019 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava
The Spread of Communicative Language Teaching: ELT in Italy in the 1980s and 1990s
2018 L. Pedrazzini
Second Language Acquisition in Action : Principles from Practice
2018 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Dealing with Students’ Errors : Oral Corrective Feedback in the Italian EFL Classroom
2017 L. Pedrazzini
The Principle of ‘Correct Pronunciation’ : Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Early Twentieth Century
2016 L. Pedrazzini
Il lessico dell'inglese: strumenti per l'apprendimento
2016 L. Pedrazzini
Raising trainee teachers' awareness of language variation through data-based tasks
2015 L. Pedrazzini
SLA principles from practice: the input hypothesis
2012 L. Pedrazzini
The General Service List: vocabulary selection beyond frequency
2012 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Introduction. Taking stock of research in applied linguistics: implications for second language pedagogy
2012 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava
Learning and teaching English: insights from research
2012 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava
Investigating L2 spoken English through the role play learner corpus
2012 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Individual Differences in Dictionary Strategy Use
2012 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava
Good practice in teacher training: an experiential approach to raising Italian EFL trainee teachers’ awareness of lexicogrammar and its acquisition
2011 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Investigating L2 spoken English through the role play learner corpus
2011 A. Nava, L. Pedrazzini
Researching ELF identity: a study with non-native English teachers
2011 L. Pedrazzini, A. Nava