Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Comparison of wood smoke PM2.5 obtained from the combustion of FIR and beech pellets on inflammation and DNA damage in A549 and THP-1 human cell lines
2013 E. Corsini, S. Budello, L. Marabini, V. Galbiati, A. Piazzalunga, P.I. Barbieri, S. Cozzutto, M. Marinovich, D. Pitea, C.L. Galli
In vitro characterization of the immunotoxic potential of several perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)
2012 E. Corsini, E. Sangiovanni, A. Avogadro, V. Galbiati, B. Viviani, M. Marinovich, C.L. Galli, M. Dell'Agli, D.R. Germolec
Enhanced liver fibrosis test: a further step toward depiction of fibrotic process in very early diagnosis of systemic sclerosis
2012 F. Ingegnoli, R. Gualtierotti, T. Schioppo, A. Orenti, P. Boracchi, C. Lubatti, S. Lodi Rizzini, A. Murgo, S. Zeni, C. Mastaglio, V. Galbiati, C. Grossi, M.O. Borghi, W. Rosenberg, P.L. Meroni
In vitro evaluation of the immunotoxic potential of perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)
2011 E. Corsini, A. Avogadro, V. Galbiati, M. Dell'Agli, M. Marinovich, C.L. Galli, D.R. Germolec
Further development of the NCTC 2544 IL-18 assay to identify in vitro contact allergens
2011 V. Galbiati, M. Mitjans, L. Lucchi, B. Viviani, C.L. Galli, M. Marinovich, E. Corsini
Hand impairment in systemic sclerosis : association of different hand indices with organ involvement
2010 F.A. Ingegnoli, P. Boracchi, F. Ambrogi, R. Gualtierotti, V. Galbiati, P. Meroni
Present and future of in vitro immunotoxicology in drug development
2010 V. Galbiati, M. Mitjans, E. Corsini
Monitoring therapeutic response by power doppler technique (PWD) of osteocortical-periosteal layers in a series of 31 patients with Paget's disease in standard treatment
2010 C. Mastaglio, C. Arnoldi, C. Severi, V. Galbiati, P. Meroni, F. Fantini
Use of IL-8 release and p38 MAPK activation in THP-1 cells to identify allergens and to assess their potency in vitro
2010 M. Mitjans, V. Galbiati, L. Lucchi, B. Viviani, M. Marinovich, C.L. Galli, E. Corsini
Assessment of musculoskeletal hand involvement in systemic sclerosis using ultrasonography and plain radiography
2010 R. Gualtierotti, F.A. Ingegnoli, P. Boracchi, A. Soldi, A. Ingegnoli, V. Galbiati, S. Zeni, P. Meroni
Modulation of GLIAL inflammatory response by histone deacetylase inhibitors
2009 M. Boraso, I. Lotterio, S. Rubisse, E. Picerno, E. Corsini, V. Galbiati, C.L. Galli, M. Marinovich, B. Viviani, V. Galbiati
Activation of inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis : inhibition by Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha blockade
2008 F.A. Ingegnoli, F. Fantini, E.G. Favalli, V. Galbiati, A. Soldi, S. Griffini, E. Bonanni, M. Cugno
Comparative analysis of different indices of hand disability in systemic sclerosis
2008 F. Ingegnoli, V. Galbiati, P. Boracchi, D. Comi, R. Gualtierotti, C. Lubatti, L. Zahalkova, S. Zeni, A. Soldi, F. Fantini
Un nuovo algoritmo prognostico basato su parametri capillaroscopici e autoanticorpali per identificare i soggetti con fenomeno di Raynaud a rischio di sviluppare sclerosi sistemica
2008 F. Ingegnoli, R. Gualtierotti, P. Boracchi, E. Biganzoli, V. Galbiati, A. Soldi, C. Lubatti, L. Zahalkova, S. Zeni, F. Fantini
Valutazione del dannno anatomico e funzionale della mano nei pazienti con sclerosi sistemica
2008 F. Ingegnoli, V. Galbiati, A. Soldi, P. Boracchi, C. Lubatti, R. Gualtierotti, L. Zahalkova, S. Zeni, F. Fantini
Hand impairement in systemic sclerosis : a comparative analysis of different functional indices in a cross-sectional study
2008 F. Ingegnoli, P. Boracchi, V. Galbiati, S. Zeni, F. Fantini
Haemostatic and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with active Rheumatoid Arthritis : effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha blockade
2008 F. Ingegnoli, F. Fantini, V. Galbiati, A. Soldi, R. Gualtierotti, S. Griffini, E.G. Favalli, M. Cugno
Inflammatory and prothrombotic biomarkers in patients with rheumatoid arthritis : effects of tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockade
2008 F. Ingegnoli, F. Fantini, E.G. Favalli, A. Soldi, S. Griffini, V. Galbiati, P. Meroni, M. Cugno
Effetto della terapia con infliximab sui marcatori di infiammazione, coagulazione e fibrinolisi nell’artrite reumatoide
2008 F. Ingegnoli, M. Cugno, V. Galbiati, A. Soldi, E.G. Favalli, S. Griffini, P.L. Meroni, F. Fantini
Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma in a patient with primary Sjögren's syndrome
2008 F. Ingegnoli, A. Sciascera, V. Galbiati, V. Corbelli, E. D'Ingianna, F. Fantini