DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA INORGANICA, METALLORGANICA E ANALITICA "Lamberto Malatesta" (attivo dal 23/06/1992 al 26/04/2014)
Assessment of light extinction at a European polluted urban area during wintertime : impact of PM 1 composition and sources
2018 R. Vecchi, V. Bernardoni, S. Valentini, A. Piazzalunga, P. Fermo, G. Valli
Insights into organic-Aerosol sources via a novel laser-desorption/ionization mass spectrometry technique applied to one year of PM10 samples from nine sites in central Europe
2018 K.R. Daellenbach, I. El-Haddad, L. Karvonen, A. Vlachou, J.C. Corbin, J.G. Slowik, M.F. Heringa, E.A. Bruns, S.M. Luedin, J. Jaffrezo, S. Szidat, A. Piazzalunga, R. Gonzalez, P. Fermo, V. Pflueger, G. Vogel, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt
PM10 source apportionment applying PMF and chemical tracer analysis to ship-borne measurements in the Western Mediterranean
2016 M.C. Bove, P. Brotto, G. Calzolai, F. Cassola, F. Cavalli, P. Fermo, J. Hjorth, D. Massabò, S. Nava, A. Piazzalunga, C. Schembari, P. Prati
Surface chemical characterization of PM10 samples by XPS
2014 D. Atzei, M. Fantauzzi, A. Rossi, P. Fermo, A. Piazzalunga, G. Valli, R. Vecchi
Transparent hybrid films for stone preventive conservation
2013 G. Cappelletti, P. Fermo, A. Piazzalunga, G. Padeletti
Comparison of wood smoke PM2.5 obtained from the combustion of FIR and beech pellets on inflammation and DNA damage in A549 and THP-1 human cell lines
2013 E. Corsini, S. Budello, L. Marabini, V. Galbiati, A. Piazzalunga, P. Barbieri, S. Cozzutto, M. Marinovich, D. Pitea, C.L. Galli
Comparison of wood smoke PM2.5 obtained from the combustion of FIR and beech pellets on inflammation and DNA damage in A549 and THP-1 human cell lines
2013 E. Corsini, S. Budello, L. Marabini, V. Galbiati, A. Piazzalunga, P.I. Barbieri, S. Cozzutto, M. Marinovich, D. Pitea, C.L. Galli
A multi-analytical approach for the study of the pigments used in the wall paintings from a building complex on the Caelian Hill (Rome)
2013 P. Fermo, A. Piazzalunga, M. De Vos, M. Andreoli
Il cortile del Richini : un piano di conservazione programmata
2012 P. Tucci, P. Plebani, A. Negri, R. Sacchi, R. Vecchi, G. Valli, C. Paganelli, V. Bernardoni, S. Bruni, V. Guglielmi, E. De Luca, E. Marzullo, P. Fermo, A. Omegna, A. Piazzalunga, F. Cappitelli, A. Polo, C. Sorlini, N.G. Ludwig, M. Gargano, M. Gondola, F. De Bernardi, U. Fascio, N. Santo, C. Di Benedetto, F. De Bernardi, U. Fascio, N. Santo, C. Di Benedetto, M. Merlini, M. Dapiaggi, A. Pavese, S. Bortolotto, D. Gulotta, L. Toniolo, G. Haus, D. Triglione, S. Bortolotto, D. Gulotta, L. Toniolo
DNA damage and inflammation induced by wood smoke Pm2.5 in human cells
2011 C.L. Galli, L. Marabini, S. Budello, A. Piazzalunga, M. Marinovich, E. Corsini
Chemical–physical and microbiological measurements for indoor air quality assessment at the Ca’ Granda historical archive, Milan, Italy
2009 F. Cappitelli, P. Fermo, R. Vecchi, A. Piazzalunga, G. Valli, E. Zanardini, C. Sorlini
Organic and inorganic sampling artefacts assessment
2009 R. Vecchi, G. Valli, P. Fermo, A. D'Alessandro, A. Piazzalunga, V. Bernardoni
4-hours resolution data to study PM10 in a hot spot area in Europe
2009 R. Vecchi, V. Bernardoni, P. Fermo, F. Lucarelli, F. Mazzei, S. Nava, P. Prati, A. Piazzalunga, G. Valli
Quantificazione dei WSOC mediante thermal optical transmittance e valutazione dell’errore sull’EC
2008 A. Piazzalunga, C. Abate, V. Bernardoni, F. Riccobono, P. Fermo, G. Valli, R. Vecchi
Valutazione del contributo della combustione di legna al particolato atmosferico
2008 A. Piazzalunga, P. Fermo, V. Bernardoni, S. Comero, G. Valli, R. Vecchi
Valutazione degli artefatti di campionamento organici e inorganici a Milano
2008 R. Vecchi, A. D’Alessandro, V. Bernardoni, P. Fermo, A. Piazzalunga, G. Valli
Chemical–physical and aerobiological Measurements for Indoor Air Quality Assessment at the Ca’ Granda Historical Archive, Milan (Italy)
2008 P. Fermo, F. Cappitelli, A. Piazzalunga, R. Vecchi, G. Valli, E. Zanardini, C. Sorlini
The impact of fireworks on airborne particles
2008 R. Vecchi, V. Bernardoni, D. Cricchio, A. D’Alessandro, P. Fermo, F. Lucarelli, S. Nava, A. Piazzalunga, G. Valli
Advection patterns and composition of TSP and PM2.5 samples over south-east Italy
2008 I. Carofalo, P. Fermo, M.R. Perrone, A. Piazzalunga
A mass closure and PMF source apportionment study on the sub-micron sized aerosol fraction at urban sites in Italy
2008 R. Vecchi, M. Chiari, A. D’Alessandro, P. Fermo, F. Lucarelli, F. Mazzei, S. Nava, A. Piazzalunga, P. Prati, F. Silvani, G. Valli