Dipartimento di Scienze e Politiche Ambientali  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Tipo File Abstract
Libro Bianco sulla Montagna 2024 A. GiorgiS. SalaG. DiolaiutiA. SeneseR. AmbrosiniC. D'AgataM. MaugeriM. ParoliniL. GiupponiM. VizzarriS. BroccoG. VacchianoD. BertoniD. CavicchioliG. De Luca + Book (author) -
Increase students’ knowledge of climate change impacts on the environment through dual (learning and working) training projects 2024 Diolaiuti, Guglielmina AdeleMaugeri, MaurizioPelfini, ManuelaManara, VeronicaFugazza, DavideMaragno, DavideD’Agata, CarloSenese, Antonella + Article (author) -
The non-woven geotextiles as strategies for mitigating the impacts of climate change on glaciers 2020 Senese, AntonellaAzzoni, Roberto SergioMaragno, DavideD'Agata, CarloFugazza, DavideMosconi, BorisSmiraglia, ClaudioDiolaiuti, Guglielmina + Article (author) -
Variations of Lys Glacier (Monte Rosa Massif, Italy) from the Little Ice Age to the Present from Historical and Remote Sensing Datasets 2020 Davide, FugazzaAntonella, SeneseRoberto Sergio, AzzoniCarlo, D’AgataClaudio, SmiragliaGuglielmina Adele, Diolaiuti + Book Part (author) -
Climate change effects on landscape and environment in glacierized Alpine areas: retreating glaciers and enlarging forelands in the Bernina group (Italy) in the period 1954–2007 2019 C. D’AgataG. DiolaiutiD. MaragnoC. SmiragliaM. Pelfini Article (author) -
Present extent, features and regional distribution of Italian glaciers 2019 Diolaiuti, Guglielmina AdeleAzzoni, Roberto SergioD'Agata, CarloMaragno, DavideFugazza, DavideVagliasindi, MarcoSmiraglia, Claudio + Article (author) -
Evaluating high-resolution remote sensing data for reconstructing the recent evolution of supra glacial debris : a study in the Central Alps (Stelvio Park, Italy) 2018 R.S. AzzoniD. FugazzaA. ZerboniA. SeneseC. D'AgataD. MaragnoG.A. Diolaiuti + Article (author) -
Changing Alpine glacier forelands: open-air laboratories for geomorphic variations assessment 2018 Irene BollatiCarlo D'AgataManuela Pelfini Book Part (author) -
Inventory of glaciers and glacial lakes of the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP – Pakistan) 2018 Antonella SeneseDavide MaragnoDavide FugazzaCarlo D’AgataRoberto Sergio AzzoniUmberto MinoraClaudio SmiragliaGuglielmina Adele Diolaiuti + Article (author) -
Assessing water resources under climate change in high-altitude catchments : a methodology and an application in the Italian Alps 2018 G. DiolaiutiC. D’Agata + Article (author) -
Combination of UAV and terrestrial photogrammetry to assess rapid glacier evolution and map glacier hazards 2018 Davide FugazzaCarlo D’AgataRoberto Sergio AzzoniClaudio SmiragliaGuglielmina Adele Diolaiuti + Article (author) -
Recent structural evolution of forni glacier tongue (Ortles-Cevedale Group, Central Italian Alps) 2017 Azzoni, Roberto SergioFugazza, DavideZucali, MicheleD’Agata, CarloMaragno, DavideSmiraglia, ClaudioDiolaiuti, Guglielmina Adele + Article (author) -
Ghiacciai che arretrano e aree proglaciali che si espandono: due fenomeni apparentemente contrastanti che convivono : una concreta occasione di incontro e collaborazione per geografi fisici ed umani 2017 ANTONELLA SENESECARLO D’AGATADAVIDE MARAGNOROBERTO SERGIO AZZONIDAVIDE FUGAZZAGUGLIELMINA ADELE DIOLAIUTI Book Part (author) -
Recent changes of the ablation tongue and glacier foreland at the Lys Glacier (Italian Alps) 2016 G.A. DiolaiutiL.C. VezzolaA. SeneseC. D'AgataD. FugazzaM. Pelfini + Conference Object -
Assessing glacier features supporting supraglacial trees: the case study of the Miage debris-covered Glacier (Italian Alps) 2016 L.C. VezzolaG.A. DiolaiutiC. D'AgataC. SmiragliaM. Pelfini Conference Object -
Glacier area stability in the Central Karakoram National Park (Pakistan) in 2001–2010 : The ‘‘Karakoram Anomaly’’ in the spotlight 2016 U. MinoraC. D’AgataD. MaragnoA. SeneseC. CompostellaC. SmiragliaG.A. Diolaiuti + Article (author) -
Assessing glacier features supporting supraglacial trees : a case study of the Miage debris-covered Glacier (Italian Alps) 2016 L.C. VezzolaG.A. DiolaiutiC. D'AgataC. SmiragliaM. Pelfini Article (author) -
The new Italian Glacier inventory: a didactic tool for a better knowledge of the natural Alpine environment 2015 C. SmiragliaR.S. AzzoniC. D’AgataD. MaragnoD. FugazzaG.A. Diolaiuti Article (author) -
The evolution of the Italian glaciers from the previous data base to the new Italian inventory : preliminary considerations and results 2015 C. SmiragliaR.S. AzzoniC. D’AgataD. MaragnoD. FugazzaG.A. Diolaiuti Article (author) -
A simple model to evaluate ice melt over the ablation area of glaciers in the Central Karakoram National Park, Pakistan 2015 U. MinoraA. SeneseC. D’AgataR. AmbrosiniC. SmiragliaG. Diolaiuti + Article (author) -