Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Treatment on Skeletal Muscle Tissue Recovery in a Rat Model of Collagenase-Induced Tendinopathy: Results from a Proteome Analysis
2024 E. Torretta, M. Moriggi, D. Capitanio, C.P. Orfei, V. Raffo, S. Setti, R. Cadossi, L. de Girolamo, C. Gelfi
Different timing in allograft and autograft maturation after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction does not influence the clinical outcome at mid-long-term follow-up
2021 A. Cusumano, P. Capitani, C. Messina, L. de Girolamo, M. Viganò, G. Ravasio, F. Facchini, L.M. Sconfienza, A. Zerbi, H. Schoenhuber, R. Pozzoni, G. Thiébat
Management of osteoarthritis during COVID-19 pandemic
2020 E. Ragni, L. Mangiavini, M. Viganò, A.T. Brini, G. Peretti, G. Banfi, L. de Girolamo
Scaffolds for knee chondral and osteochondral defects : indications for different clinical scenarios. A consensus statement
2020 G. Filardo, L. Andriolo, P. Angele, M. Berruto, M. Brittberg, V. Condello, S. Chubinskaya, L. de Girolamo, A. Di Martino, B. Di Matteo, J. Gille, A. Gobbi, C. Lattermann, N. Nakamura, S. Nehrer, G. Peretti, N. Shabshin, P. Verdonk, K. Zaslav, E. Kon
Pulsed electromagnetic fields improve the healing process of Achilles tendinopathy : a pilot study in a rat model
2020 C. Perucca Orfei, A.B. Lovati, G. Lugano, M. Vigano, M. Bottagisio, D. D'Arrigo, V. Sansone, S. Setti, L. de Girolamo
Autologous microfragmented adipose tissue reduces inflammatory and catabolic markers in supraspinatus tendon cells derived from patients affected by rotator cuff tears
2020 M. Vigano, G. Lugano, C. Perucca Orfei, A. Menon, E. Ragni, A. Colombini, P. De Luca, P. Randelli, L. de Girolamo
Covid-19-The real role of NSAIDs in Italy
2020 L. de Girolamo, G.M. Peretti, N. Maffulli, A.T. Brini
Autologous Microfragmented Adipose Tissue Reduces the Catabolic and Fibrosis Response in an in Vitro Model of Tendon Cell Inflammation
2019 M. Vigano, G. Lugano, C. Perucca Orfei, A. Menon, E. Ragni, A. Colombini, P. De Luca, P. Randelli, L. De Girolamo
Conventional versus smart wireless navigation in total knee replacement: Similar outcomes in a randomized prospective study
2018 M. Denti, F. Soldati, F. Bartolucci, E. Morenghi, L. De Girolamo, P. Randelli
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Improve Tenogenic Commitment of Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells :a Potential Strategy for Tendon Repair-An In Vitro Study
2018 A. Marmotti, G. Peretti, S. Mattia, L. Mangiavini, L. de Girolamo, M. Viganò, S. Setti, D.E. Bonasia, D. Blonna, E. Bellato, G. Ferrero, F. Castoldi
Evaluation of the use of autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial
2018 G.M. Peretti, M. Ulivi, L. De Girolamo, V. Meroni, M.D. Lombardo, L. Mangiavini
Dose-related and time-dependent development of collagenase-induced tendinopathy in rats
2016 C. Perucca Orfei, A.B. Lovati, M. Viganò, D. Stanco, M. Bottagisio, A. Di Giancamillo, S. Setti, L. De Girolamo
In vitro functional response of human tendon cells to different dosages of low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field
2015 L. de Girolamo, M. Viganò, E. Galliera, D. Stanco, S. Setti, M. Marazzi, G. Thiebat, M. Corsi Romanelli, V. Sansone
Repair of osteochondral defects in the minipig model by OPF hydrogel loaded with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells
2015 L. de Girolamo, S. Niada, E. Arrigoni, A. Di Giancamillo, C. Domeneghini, M. Dadsetan, M.J. Yaszemski, D. Gastaldi, P. Vena, M. Taffetani, A. Zerbi, V. Sansone, G.M. Peretti, A.T. Brini
Stem cells in orthopaedics = Le cellule staminali in ortopedia
2014 G.M. Peretti, A. Marmotti, L. de Girolamo, S. Mattia, A. Montaruli, M. Domenicucci, A. Corradi
Soft-focused extracorporeal shock waves increase the expression of tendon-specific markers and the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines in an adherent culture model of primary human tendon cells
2014 L. de Girolamo, D. Stanco, E. Galliera, M. Viganò, A. Lovati, M. Marazzi, P. Romeo, V. Sansone
Bone marrow derived stem cells in joint and bone diseases : a concise review
2014 A. Marmotti, L. de Girolamo, D.E. Bonasia, M. Bruzzone, S. Mattia, R. Rossi, A. Montaruli, F. Dettoni, F. Castoldi, G. Peretti
Osteochondral regeneration of a critical size defect in a minipig model using adipose-derived stem cells in association with an hydrogel of oligo(polyethylene glycol) fumarate
2013 E. Arrigoni, L. De Girolamo, S. Niada, A. Di Giancamillo, C. Domeneghini, M. Dadsetan, M. Yaszemski, P. Vena, G.M. Peretti, A.T. Brini
Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: a new ''cells as drugs'' paradigm : efficacy and critical aspects in cell therapy
2013 L. De Girolamo, E. Lucarelli, G. Alessandri, M.A. Avanzini, M.E. Bernardo, E. Biagi, A.T. Brini, G. D'Amico, F. Fagioli, I. Ferrero, F. Locatelli, R. Maccario, M. Marazzi, O. Parolini, A. Pessina, M.L. Torre
Two bone substitutes analyzed in vitro by porcine and human adipose-derived stromal cells
2013 E. Arrigoni, S. Niada, L.M. Ferreira Espinoza, L. de Girolamo, A.T. Brini