Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Interaction between lifestyle changes and PNPLA3 genotype in NAFLD patients during the COVID-19 lockdown
2022 F. Cinque, A. Cespiati, R. Lombardi, A. Costantino, G. Maffi, F. Alletto, L. Colavolpe, P. Francione, G. Oberti, E. Fatta, C. Bertelli, G. Sigon, P. Dongiovanni, M. Vecchi, S. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Metabolic comorbidities and male sex influence steatosis in chronic hepatitis C after viral eradication by direct-acting antiviral therapy (DAAs): Evaluation by the controlled attenuation parameter (CAP)
2021 A. Cespiati, S. Petta, R. Lombardi, V. Di Marco, V. Calvaruso, C. Bertelli, G. Pisano, E. Fatta, G. Sigon, F. Iuculano, L. Crapanzano, G. Gibilaro, P. Francione, A. Craxì, S. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
High prevalence of early atherosclerotic and cardiac damage in patients undergoing liver transplantation : preliminary results
2020 G. Pisano, M.F. Donato, D. Consonni, G. Oberti, V. Borroni, R. Lombardi, F. Invernizzi, C. Bertelli, L. Caccamo, M. Porzio, D. Dondossola, G. Rossi, S. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Subclinical atherosclerosis is associated with Epicardial Fat Thickness and hepatic steatosis in the general population
2016 A. Baragetti, G. Pisano, C. Bertelli, K. Garlaschelli, L. Grigore, A.L. Fracanzani, S. Fargion, G.D. Norata, A.L. Catapano
Epicardial Adipose Tissue (EAT) thickness is associated with cardiovascular and liver damage in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
2016 A.L. Fracanzani, G. Pisano, D. Consonni, S. Tiraboschi, A. Baragetti, C. Bertelli, G.D. Norata, P. Dongiovanni, L. Valenti, L. Grigore, T. Tonella, A. Catapano, S. Fargion
Progression of carotid vascular damage and cardiovascular events in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients compared to the general population during 10 years of follow-up
2016 A.L. Fracanzani, S. Tiraboschi, G. Pisano, D. Consonni, A. Baragetti, C. Bertelli, D. Norata, L. Valenti, L. Grigore, M. Porzio, A. Catapano, S. Fargion
Procoagulant imbalance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
2014 A. Tripodi, A.L. Fracanzani, M. Primignani, V. Chantarangkul, M. Clerici, P.M. Mannucci, F. Peyvandi, C. Bertelli, L. Valenti, S. Fargion
PNPLA3 I148M Polymorphism, Clinical Presentation, and Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
2013 L. Valenti, B. Motta, G. Soardo, M. Iavarone, B. Donati, A. Sangiovanni, A. Carnelutti, P. Dongiovanni, R. Rametta, C. Bertelli, F. Facchetti, M. Colombo, S. Fargion, A. Fracanzani
Serum ferritin levels are associated with vascular damage in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, D.W. Swinkels, L. Burdick, P. Dongiovanni, H. Tjalsma, B.M. Motta, C. Bertelli, E. Fatta, D. Bignamini, R. Rametta, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness in non alcoholic fatty liver disease: a possible marker of metabolic syndrome and early vascular damage
2011 R. Lombardi, T. Tonella, F. Massari, L.V.C. Valenti, C. Bertelli, L. Burdick, D. Bignamini, E. Fatta, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism, etiology, and clinical features of hepatocellular carcinoma
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, B.M. Motta, C. Bertelli, A. Sangiovanni, R. Rametta, P. Dongiovanni, M. Colombo, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Aberrant methylation of oncosuppressor genes detected in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma
2011 M. Sampietro, A.L. Fracanzani, D. Tavazzi, A. Cespiati, C. Bertelli, D. Bignamini, L.V.C. Valenti, S.R. Fargion
Echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness : preliminary results of a prospective study in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
2010 R. Lombardi, T. Tonella, F. Massari, L.V.C. Valenti, C. Bertelli, L. Burdick, D. Bignamini, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Risk of early atherosclerosis by carotid artery intima- media thickness in patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease and low visceral adiposity
2010 A.L. Fracanzani, M. Porzio, L. Burdick, C. Bertelli, L.V.C. Valenti, D. Bignamini, E. Fatta, C. Masetti, S.R. Fargion
Hypermethylation of oncosuppressor genes in hereditary hemochromatosis
2010 M. Sampietro, A.L. Fracanzani, D. Tavazzi, C. Bertelli, R. Vaccaroli, R. Rametta, L.V.C. Valenti, S.R. Fargion
Gallstone in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease : a possible risk factor for NASH
2010 C. Masetti, L.V.C. Valenti, G. Marchesini, L. Miele, A. Greco, M. Russello, A. Bellia, M. Porzio, C. Bertelli, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Risk of early atherosclerosis by carotid artery intima-media thickness in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and low visceral adiposity
2010 M. Porzio, L. Burdick, L.V.C. Valenti, C. Bertelli, E. Fatta, C. Masetti, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Natural history of de-novo portal vein thrombosis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
2010 A. Sangiovanni, A.L. Fracanzani, L. Burdick, L.V. Forzenigo, S. Vavassori, C. Bertelli, D. Bignamini, M. Iavarone, S.R. Fargion, M. Colombo
Ferro, steatosi e...
2009 E. Pulixi, D. Bignamini, E. Fatta, C. Bertelli, A.L. Fracanzani, L. Valenti, L. Devizzi, M. Maggioni, S. Fargion
Risk of NASH and severe fibrosis in patients with NAFLD and low visceral adiposity
2009 A.L. Fracanzani, L. Valenti, E. Bugianesi, E. Vanni, L. Miele, C. Bertelli, E. Fatta, A. Grieco, G. Marchesini, S. Fargion