Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
Hdac inhibition improves the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase activity in cardiac myocytes
2018 V. Meraviglia, L. Bocchi, R. Sacchetto, M.C. Florio, B.M. Motta, C. Corti, C.X. Weichenberger, M. Savi, Y. D’Elia, M.D. Rosato-Siri, S. Suffredini, C. Piubelli, G. Pompilio, P.P. Pramstaller, F.S. Domingues, D. Stilli, A. Rossini
Generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (EURACi001-A, EURACi002-A, EURACi003-A) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of three patients carrying mutations in the CAV3 gene
2018 M. Viviana, P. Benzoni, S. Landi, C. Murano, M. Langione, B.M. Motta, B. Serena, R. Silipigni, D.S. Marina, P. Peter P., D. Difrancesco, G. Elisabetta, A. Barbuti, R. Alessandra
Exploring digenic inheritance in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
2017 E. König, C.B. Volpato, B.M. Motta, H. Blankenburg, A. Picard, P. Pramstaller, M. Casella, W. Rauhe, G. Pompilio, V. Meraviglia, F.S. Domingues, E. Sommariva, A. Rossini
Identification and characterization of two novel mutations in the LPL gene causing type I hyperlipoproteinemia
2016 P. Pingitore, S.M. Lepore, C. Pirazzi, R.M. Mancina, B.M. Motta, L. Valenti, K.E. Berge, K. Retterstøl, T.P. Leren, O. Wiklund, S. Romeo
PNPLA3 overexpression results in reduction of proteins predisposing to fibrosis
2016 P. Pingitore, P. Dongiovanni, B.M. Motta, M. Meroni, S.M. Lepore, R.M. Mancina, S. Pelusi, C. Russo, A. Caddeo, G. Rossi, T. Montalcini, A. Pujia, O. Wiklund, L. Valenti, S. Romeo
DEPDC5 variants increase fibrosis progression in Europeans with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
2016 M.A. Burza, B.M. Motta, R.M. Mancina, P. Pingitore, C. Pirazzi, S.M. Lepore, R. Spagnuolo, P. Doldo, C. Russo, V. Lazzaro, J. Fischer, T. Berg, A. Aghemo, C. Cheroni, R. De Francesco, S. Fargion, M. Colombo, C. Datz, F. Stickel, L. Valenti, S. Romeo
The rs2294918 E434K variant modulates PNPLA3 expression and liver damage
2016 B. Donati, B.M. Motta, P. Pingitore, M. Meroni, A. Pietrelli, A. Alisi, S. Petta, C. Xing, P. Dongiovanni, B. Del Menico, R. Rametta, R.M. Mancina, S. Badiali, A.L. Fracanzani, A. Craxì, S. Fargion, V. Nobili, S. Romeo, L. Valenti
The MBOAT7-TMC4 Variant rs641738 Increases Risk of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Individuals of European Descent
2016 R.M. Mancina, P. Dongiovanni, S. Petta, P. Pingitore, M. Meroni, R. Rametta, J. Borén, T. Montalcini, A. Pujia, O. Wiklund, G. Hindy, R. Spagnuolo, B.M. Motta, R.M. Pipitone, A. Craxì, S. Fargion, V. Nobili, P. Käkelä, V. Kärjä, V. Männistö, J. Pihlajamäki, D.F. Reilly, J. Castro Perez, J. Kozlitina, L. Valenti, S. Romeo
Transmembrane 6 Superfamily Member 2 Gene Variant Disentangles Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis From Cardiovascular Disease
2015 P. Dongiovanni, S. Petta, C. Maglio, A.L. Fracanzani, R. Pipitone, E. Mozzi, B.M. Motta, D. Kaminska, R. Rametta, S. Grimaudo, S. Pelusi, T. Montalcini, A. Alisi, M. Maggioni, V. Kärjä, J. Borén, P. Käkelä, V. Di Marco, C. Xing, V. Nobili, B. Dallapiccola, A. Craxi, J. Pihlajamäki, S. Fargion, L. Sjöström, L.M. Carlsson, S. Romeo, L. Valenti
2014 B.M. Motta
PNPLA3 has retinyl-palmitate lipase activity in human hepatic stellate cells
2014 C. Pirazzi, L. Valenti, B.M. Motta, P. Pingitore, K. Hedfalk, R.M. Mancina, M.A. Burza, C. Indiveri, Y. Ferro, T. Montalcini, C. Maglio, P. Dongiovanni, S. Fargion, R. Rametta, A. Pujia, L. Andersson, S. Ghosal, M. Levin, O. Wiklund, M. Iacovino, J. Borén, S. Romeo
Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 I148M affects liver steatosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B
2013 M. Viganò, L. Valenti, P. Lampertico, F. Facchetti, B. Motta, R. D'Ambrosio, S. Romagnoli, P. Dongiovanni, B. Donati, S. Fargion, M. Colombo
PNPLA3 I148M Polymorphism, Clinical Presentation, and Survival in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
2013 L. Valenti, B. Motta, G. Soardo, M. Iavarone, B. Donati, A. Sangiovanni, A. Carnelutti, P. Dongiovanni, R. Rametta, C. Bertelli, F. Facchetti, M. Colombo, S. Fargion, A. Fracanzani
LPIN1 rs13412852 polymorphism in pediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
2012 L. Valenti, B.M. Motta, A. Alisi, R. Sartorelli, G. Buonaiuto, P. Dongiovanni, R. Rametta, S. Pelusi, S. Fargion, V. Nobili
T-ARMS-PCR for the evaluation of rs12979860 IL28B genotype : an optimized protocol
2012 B. Motta, P. Dongiovanni, S. Fargion, L. Valenti
Implications of PNPLA3 polymorphism in chronic hepatitis C patients receiving peginterferon plus ribavirin
2012 L.V.C. Valenti, A. Aghemo, A.F. Stättermayer, P. Maggioni, S. De Nicola, B.M. Motta, M.G. Rumi, P. Dongiovanni, P. Ferenci, M. Colombo, S.R. Fargion
Serum ferritin levels are associated with vascular damage in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, D.W. Swinkels, L. Burdick, P. Dongiovanni, H. Tjalsma, B.M. Motta, C. Bertelli, E. Fatta, D. Bignamini, R. Rametta, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani
Serum hepcidin and macrophage iron correlate with MCP-1 release and vascular damage in patients with metabolic syndrome alterations
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, P. Dongiovanni, B.M. Motta, D.W. Swinkels, P. Bonara, R. Rametta, L. Burdick, C. Frugoni, A.L. Fracanzani, S.R. Fargion
Effect of the PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism on the outcome of peg-interferon plus ribavirin treatment in chronic hepatitis C
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, S. De Nicola, A. Staettermayer, A.M. Aghemo, P. Maggioni, B.M. Motta, P. Ferenci, M. Colombo, S.R. Fargion
PNPLA3 I148M polymorphism, etiology, and clinical features of hepatocellular carcinoma
2011 L.V.C. Valenti, B.M. Motta, C. Bertelli, A. Sangiovanni, R. Rametta, P. Dongiovanni, M. Colombo, S.R. Fargion, A.L. Fracanzani