Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale
Immunostaining patterns reveal potential morphogenetic role of Toll-like receptors 4 and 7 in the development of mouse respiratory system, liver and pancreas
2023 M. Sommariva, M. Busnelli, E. Menegola, F. DI RENZO, S.L. Indino, A. Menon, I. Barajon, F. Arnaboldi
PDGFRβ and FGFR2 mediate endothelial cell differentiation capability of triple negative breast carcinoma cells
2014 I. Plantamura, P. Casalini, E. Dugnani, M. Sasso, E. D'Ippolito, M. Tortoreto, M. Cacciatore, C. Guarnotta, C. Ghirelli, I. Barajon, F. Bianchi, T. Triulzi, R. Agresti, A. Balsari, M. Campiglio, C. Tripodo, M.V. Iorio, E. Tagliabue
Tumor associated macrophages and neutrophils in cancer
2013 M.R. Galdiero, E. Bonavita, I. Barajon, C. Garlanda, A. Mantovani, S. Jaillon
PTX3 as a paradigm for the interaction of pentraxins with the Complement system
2013 A. Inforzato, A. Doni, I. Barajon, R. Leone, C. Garlanda, B. Bottazzi, A. Mantovani
Pancreatic cancer cells retain the epithelial-related phenotype and modify mitotic spindle microtubules after the administration of ukrain in vitro
2012 N. Gagliano, T. Volpari, M. Clerici, L. Pettinari, I. Barajon, N. Portinaro, G. Colombo, A. Milzani, I. Dalle Donne, C. Martinelli
Okadaic acid induces apoptosis in Down syndrome fibroblasts
2010 G. Dogliotti, E.R. Galliera, E. Dozio, E. Vianello, R.E. Villa, F. Licastro, I. Barajon, M.M. Corsi
Interleukin-1 Inhibits Putative Cholinergic Neurons in Vitro and REM Sleep when Microinjected into the Rat Laterodorsal Tegmental Nucleus
2010 D. Brambilla, I. Barajon, S.E.F. Bianchi, M.R. Opp, L. Imeri
Evaluation of the expression of Toll-like receptors 4 and 7 in the enteric nervous system of murine embryos by use of whole-mount preparations
2009 M. Gioia, I. Barajon, F. Arnaboldi, E. Opizzi, A. Menon, C. Martinelli
Expression of Toll-like receptors 3, 4 and 7 in murine peripheral nervous system development
2009 I. Barajon, E. Opizzi, F. Arnaboldi, A. Menon, E. Menegola, F. Di Renzo, M. Gioia
Toll-like receptors 3, 4, and 7 are expressed in the enteric nervous system and dorsal root ganglia
2009 I. Barajon, G. Serrao, F. Arnaboldi, E. Opizzi, G. Ripamonti, A. Balsari, C. Rumio
Toll-like receptors are expressed in enteric nervous system and dorsal root ganglia
2006 I. Barajon, F. Arnaboldi, E. Opizzi, G. Ripamonti, M. Palazzo, G. Serrao
Desmocollin 1 and desmoglein 1 expression in human epidermis and keratinizing oral mucosa: a comparative immunohistochemical and molecular study
2005 E. Donetti, M. Bedoni, E. Boschini, C. Dellavia, I. Barajon, N. Gagliano
Desmocollin 1 expression and desmosomal remodeling during terminal differentiation of human anagen hair follicle : an electron microscopic study
2004 E.B. Donetti, E. Boschini, A. Cerini, S. Selleri, C. Rumio, I. Barajon
Circadian variation in expression of the trkB receptor in adult rat hyppocampus
2003 C. Dolci, A. Montaruli, E. Roveda, I. Barajon, L. Vizzotto, G. Grassi Zucconi, F. Carandente
Topical administration of a doxorubicin-specific monoclonal antibody prevents drug-induced mouth apoptosis in mice
2001 A. Balsari, C. Rumio, D. Morelli, L. Sfondrini, E. Nardini, I. Barajon, S. Ménard
Circadian variations of trkB neurotrophin receptor expression in the rat hippocampus
2001 C. Dolci, A. Montaruli, L. Vizzotto, E. Roveda, I. Barajon, G. Grassi-Zucconi, F. Carandente
Patterns of expression of c-Myc, Max and Bin1 in human anagen hair follicles
2001 I. Barajon, C. Rumio, E. Donetti, A. Imberti, M. Brivio, P. Castano
c-Myc expression in human anagen hair follicles
2000 C. Rumio, E. Donetti, A. Imberti, I. Barajon, E. Prosperi, M.F. Brivio, A. Boselli, E. Lavezzari, S. Veraldi, M. Bignotto, P. Castano
Circadian rhythm of trkB expression in the rat hippocampus
2000 C. Dolci, I. Barajon, A. Montaruli, E. Roveda, G. Grassi Zucconi, F. Carandente
Receptors for neurotrophins in the rat hippocampus : circadian variations of the trkB expression
1999 C. Dolci, I. Barajon, A. Montaruli, E. Roveda, M. Semprevivo, F. Carandente