Midichloria mitochondrii is widespread in hard ticks (Ixodidae) and resides in the mitochondria of phylogenetically diverse species
2008 S. Epis, D. Sassera, T. Beninati, N.L. Lo, L. Beati, J. Piesman, L. Rinaldi, K.D. Mccoy, A. Torina, L. Sacchi, E. Clementi, M. Genchi, S. Magnino, C. Bandi
The mitochondrion-invading bacterium Midichloria mitochondrii
2007 T. Beninati, D. Sassera, C. Bandi, S. Epis, L. Sacchi, N. Lo
Anaplasmataceae in wild rodents and roe deer from Trento Province (northern Italy)
2006 T. Beninati, G. Piccolo, A. Rizzoli, C. Genchi, C. Bandi
A novel Bacteroidetes symbiont is localized in Scaphoideus titanus, the insect vector of Flavescence Dorèe in Vitis vinifera
2006 M. Marzorati, A. Alma, L. Sacchi, M. Pajoro, S. Palermo, L. Brusetti, N. Raddadi, A. Balloi, R. Tedeschi, E. Clementi, S. Corona, F. Quaglino, P.A. Bianco, T. Beninati, C. Bandi, D. Daffonchio
A novel bacteroidetes symbiont is localized in Scaphoideus titanus, the insect vector of flavescence doree in Vitis vinifera
2006 M. Marzorati, A. Alma, L. Sacchi, M. Pajoro, S. Palermo, L. Brusetti, N. Raddadi, A. Balloi, R. Tedeschi, E. Clementi, S. Corona, F. Quaglino, P.A. Bianco, T. Beninati, C. Bandi, D. Daffonchio
Molecular phylogeny of Cryptocercus wood-roaches based on mitochondrial COII and 16S sequences, and chromosome numbers in Palearctic representatives
2006 N. Lo, P. Luykx, R. Santoni, T. Beninati, C. Bandi, M. Casiraghi, W. H. Lu, E. V. Zakharov, C. A. Nalepa
Widespread distribution and high prevalence of an alpha-proteobacterial symbiont in the tick Ixodes ricinus
2006 N. Lo, T. Beninati, D. Sassera, E. A. P. Bouman, S. Santagati, L. Gern, V. Sambri, T. Masuzawa, J. S. Gray, T. G. T. Jaenson, A. Bouattour, M. J. Kenny, E. S. Guner, I. G. Kharitonenkov, I. Bitam, C. Bandi
An alpha-proteobacterium invades the mitochondria of the tick Ixodes ricinus
2006 N. Lo, T. Beninati, L. Sacchi, C. Bandi
'Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii', an endosymbiont of the tick Ixodes ricinus with a unique intramitochondrial lifestyle
2006 D. Sassera, T. Beninati, C. Bandi, E.A.P. Bouman, L. Sacchi, M. Fabbi, N. Lo
Phylogeny of Wolbachia pipientis based on gltA, groEL and ftsZ gene sequences: clustering of arthropod and nematode symbionts in the F supergroup, and evidence for further diversity in the Wolbachia tree
2005 M. Casiraghi, S.R. Bordenstein, L. Baldo, N. Lo, T. Beninati, J.J. Wernegreen, J.H. Werren, C. Bandi
Rickettsiae in ixodid ticks, Sicily
2005 C. Bandi, T. Beninati, C. Genchi, S. Caracappa, N. Lo, A. Torina
Evidence for cocladogenesis between diverse dictyopteran lineages and their intracellular endosymbionts
2003 Nathan Lo, Claudio Bandi, Hirofumi Watanabe, Christine Nalepa, Tiziana Beninati