DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA TERRA "ARDITO DESIO" (attivo dal 01/11/1982 al 26/04/2012)
Scenari di ricostruzione delle interazioni uomo-ambiente-clima in Lombardia (N-Italia) dal Paleolitico medio all’età del Ferro
2022 C. Ravazzi, G. Artioli, F. Badino, M. Baioni, R. Banino, L. Castellano, L. Castelletti, S. Chiesa, D. Colombaroli, R. Comolli, M. Cremaschi, E. Croce, M. Dal Corso, G. Dal Sasso, M. Deaddis, M. De Amicis, M.F. Ferrario, F. Fontana, G. Furlanetto, L. Garozzo, F. Livio, C. Mangani, M. Marchetti, E. Martinelli, A.M. Michetti, S. Motella De Carlo, C. Nicosia, R. Perego, M. Peresani, R. Pini, R. Poggiani Keller, T. Quirino, M. Rapi, M. Rottoli, M.G. Ruggiero, W. Tinner, A. Tramelli, A. Trentacoste, F. Vallé, D. Visentin, L. Wick, M. Zanon, A. Zerboni
Self-efficacy in breastfeeding support: A research on italian midwifery students
2020 T. Prepelita, A. Ricchi, P. Messina, M.T. Molinazzi, R. Cappadona, L. Fieschi, A. Nespoli, M. Guana, G. Cervi, D. Parma, P.A. Mauri, G. Artioli, F. Banchelli, C. Foa, I. Neri
Metallurgy in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC in South Tyrol and adjacent areas. Research and excavations of the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol
2020 U. Tecchiati, I. Angelini, C. Canovaro, G. Artioli
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use
2019 L. Stephens, D. Fuller, N. Boivin, T. Rick, N. Gauthier, A. Kay, Marwick, C. Geralda, D. Armstrong, C.M. Barton, T. Dnham, K. Douglass, J. Driver, L. Janz, P. Roberts, J.D. Rogers, H. Thakar, M. Altaweel, A.L. Johnson, M.M. Sampietro Vattuone, M. Aldenderfer, S. Archila, G. Artioli, M.T. Bale, T. Beach, F. Borrell, T. Braje, P.I. Buckland, N.G. Jiménez Cano, J.M. Capriles, A. Diez Castillo, Ç. Çilingiroglu, M. Negus Cleary, J. Conolly, P.R. Coutros, A. Covey, M. Cremaschi, A. Crowther, L. Der, S. di Lernia, J.F. Doershuk, W.E. Doolittle, K.J. Edwards, J.M. Erlandson, D. Evans, A. Faribairn, P. Faulkner, G. Feinman, R. Fernandes, S.M. Fitzpatrick, R. Fyfe, E. Garcea, S. Goldstein, R.C. Goodman, J. Dalpoim Guedes, J. Herrmann, P. Hiscock, P. Hommel, K.A. Horsburgh, C. Hritz, J.W.J.A. Ives, J.G. Khan, B. Kaufman, C. Kearns, T.R. Kidder, F. Lanoë, D. Lawrence, G.-. Lee, M.L. Levin, H.B. Lindskoug, J.A. López-Sáez, S. Macrae, R. Marchant, J.M. Marston, S. Mcclure, M.D. Mccoy, A. Ventresca Miller, M. Morrison, G.M. Matuzeviciute, J. Muller, A. Nayak, S. Noerwidi, T.M. Peres, C.E. Peterson, L. Proctor, A.R. Randall, S. Renette, G. Robbins Schug, K. Ryzewski, R. Saini, V. Sceinsohn, P. Schmidt, P. Sebillaud, O. Seitsonen, I.A. Simpson, A. Soltysiak, R.J. Speakman, R.N. Spengler, M.L. Steffen, M.J. Storozum, K.M. Strickland, J. Thomposon, T.L. Thurston, S. Ulm, M.C. Ustunkaya, M.H. Welker, C. West, P. Ryan Williams, D.K. Wright, N. Wright, M. Zahir, A. Zerboni, E. Beadoin, S. Munevar Garcia, J. Powell, A. Thornton, J.O. Kaplan, M.-. Gaillard, K. Klein Goldewijk, E. Ellis
Analisi di fase quantitativa mediante metodo Rieveld: verso un protocollo di verifica di autenticità e qualità dei referti
2019 F.A. Gualtieri, G.D. Gatta, R. Arletti, G. Artioli, P. Ballirano, G. Cruciani, A. Guagliardi, D. Malferrari, N. Masciocchi, P. Scardi
Radiocarbon dating reveals the timing of formation and development of pedogenic calcium carbonate concretions in Central Sudan during the Holocene
2018 G. Dal Sasso, A. Zerboni, L. Maritan, I. Angelini, C. Compostella, D. Usai, G. Artioli
Understanding cement hydration at the microscale: new opportunities from `pencil-beam' synchrotron X-ray diffraction tomography
2013 M. Voltolini, M.C. Dalconi, G. Artioli, M. Parisatto, L. Valentini, V. Russo, A. Bonnin, R. Tucoulou
Multifractal analysis of calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) mapped by X-ray diffraction microtomography
2012 L. Valentini, G. Artioli, M. Voltolini, M.C. Dalconi
The dissolution of laumontite in acidic aqueous solutions: A controlled-temperature in situ atomic force microscopy study
2012 M. Voltolini, G. Artioli, M. Moret
3D imaging of complex materials: the case of cement
2012 G. Artioli, M. Chiara Dalconi, M. Parisatto, L. Valentini, M. Voltolini, G. Ferrari
Thermal expansion and stability of Ti2SC in air and inert atmospheres
2009 S.R. Kulkarni, M. Merlini, N. Phatak, S.K. Saxena, G. Artioli, S. Amini, M.W. Barsoum
High-temperature behaviour of melilite: in situ X-ray diffraction study of gehlenite-akermanite-Na melilite solid solution
2008 M. Merlini, M. Gemmi, G. Cruciani, G. Artioli
Tricalcium aluminate hydration in additivated systems. A crystallographic study by SR-XRPD
2008 M. Merlini, G. Artioli, T. Cerulli, F. Cella, A. Bravo
In-situ high-temperature thermo-elastic behavior and structural response of a mantle orthopyroxene by neutron powder diffraction up to 1200°C
2007 G.D. Gatta, R. Rinaldi, K.S. Knight, G. Molin, G. Artioli
High-temperature thermal expansion and stability of V2AlC up to 950 degrees C
2007 S. R. Kulkarni, M. Merlini, N. Phatak, S. K. Saxena, G. Artioli, S. Gupta, M. W. Barsoum
The early hydration and the set of Portland cements : in situ X-ray powder diffraction studies
2007 M. Merlini, G. Artioli, C. Meneghini, T. Cerulli, A. Bravo, F. Cella
Synchrotron radiation XRPD study on the early hydration of cements
2007 M. Merlini, C. Meneghini, G. Artioli, T. Cerulli
Non-ideality and defectivity of the akermanite-gehlenite solid solution: An X-ray diffraction and TEM study
2007 M. Gemmi, M. Merlini, G. Cruciani, G. Artioli
Low temperature SR-XRPD study of akermanite-gehlenite solid solution
2006 M. Merlini, M. Gemmi, G. Artioli
Negative thermal expansion and local dynamics in Cu2O and Ag2O