Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Teaching geology, from textbooks to the Earth: the potential of geological maps, a powerful but neglected educational tool
2024 F. Berra
U-Pb carbonate dating reveals long‐lived activity of proximal margin extensional faults during the Alpine Tethys rifting
2024 M. Rocca, S. Zanchetta, M. Gasparrini, X. Mangenot, F. Berra, P. Deschamps, A. Guihou, A. Zanchi
Soft‐sediment deformation structures and Neptunian dykes across a carbonate system: Evidence for an earthquake‐related origin (Norian, Dolomia Principale, Southern Alps, Italy)
2023 F. Berra
Mode and timing of the Early Cretaceous transgression in Iran: Insights from the stratigraphic evidence of sea-level changes and geodynamic events
2023 F. Berra, V. Randazzo, A. Zanchi, M.R. Petrizzo, F. Schlagintweit, S. Zanchetta, H. Reza Javadi
Facies character and evolution of a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelf: Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic succession in the eastern Northern Calcareous Alps (Stumpfmauer, Austria)
2023 G.P. DELLA PORTA, A. Mancini, F. Berra
Facies character and skeletal composition of heterozoan carbonates in a high-energy confined embayment (Miocene, Finale Ligure Limestone, NW Italy)
2022 G. Della Porta, M. Nembrini, F. Berra, A. Vertino
Resedimented limestones in fault-controlled basins (Zorzino Limestone, Southern Alps, Norian, Italy): Facies types and depositional model
2022 E. Bonamini, F. Berra
Origin of dolomites in oolitic carbonates of the Middle Jurassic Dorgali Formation, eastern Sardinia, Italy: Petrographic and geochemical constraints
2022 G. Luan, K. Azmy, F. Berra, G. Della Porta, M. Nembrini
Development of coral–sponge–microbialite reefs in a coated grain-dominated carbonate ramp (Upper Jurassic, eastern Sardinia, Italy)
2021 M. Nembrini, G. Della Porta, F. Berra
Cenozoic Dextral Shearing Along the Arusan Sector of the Great Kavir–Doruneh Fault System (Central Iran)
2021 A. Zanchi, S. Zanchetta, F. Berra, M. Mattei, H.R. Javadi, C. Montemagni
Architecture and evolution of an extensionally-inverted thrust (Mt. Tancia Thrust, Central Apennines) : Geological, structural, geochemical, and K–Ar geochronological constraints
2020 M. Curzi, L. Aldega, S.M. Bernasconi, F. Berra, A. Billi, C. Boschi, S. Franchini, R. Van der Lelij, G. Viola, E. Carminati
Strontium isotope stratigraphy and the thermophilic fossil fauna from the middle Miocene of the East Pisco Basin (Peru)
2020 G. Bosio, E. Malinverno, A. Collareta, C. Di Celma, A. Gioncada, M. Parente, F. Berra, F.G. Marx, A. Vertino, M. Urbina, G. Bianucci
Stable-isotope and fluid inclusion constraints on the timing of diagenetic events in the dolomitized Dolomia Principale inner platform (Norian, Southern Alps of Italy)
2020 F. Berra, K. Azmy, G. Della Porta
Architecture and paleogeography of the Early Paleozoic carbonate systems in the east-central Tarim Basin (China): Constraints from seismic and well data
2020 Y. Huang, T. Fan, F. Berra
New information from "old" seismic lines: An updated geological interpretation from the re-processing of the CROP line M-2A/I (Bonifacio Straits) at shallow depths
2019 F. Berra, E.M. Stucchi, S. Moretti
Facies architecture of alluvial fan systems: insights from the Early Permian Orobic Basin (North Italy)
2019 C. Claudio, S. Reguzzi, F. Berra, C. Giuseppe, F.B. Felletti
Low-angle normal faults record Early Permian extensional tectonics in the Orobic Basin (Southern Alps, N Italy)
2019 A. Zanchi, S. Zanchetta, L. Berio, F. Berra, F. Felletti
Oncoids and groundwater calcrete in a continental siliciclastic succession in a fault-controlled basin (Early Permian, Northern Italy)
2019 F. Berra, F. Felletti, A. Tessarollo
New indirect evidence of Permian bi-modal volcanism from sediment petrology in the Orobic Basin (Central Southern Alps, Italy)
2018 S. Reguzzi, C. Chesi, L. Strepparola, G. Cadel, F. Berra, F. Felletti
Crustal-scale fluid circulation and co-seismic shallow comb-veining along the longest normal fault of the central Apennines, Italy
2018 L. Smeraglia, S.M. Bernasconi, F. Berra, A. Billi, C. Boschi, A. Caracausi, E. Carminati, F. Castorina, C. Doglioni, F. Italiano, A.L. Rizzo, I.T. Uysal, J. Zhao