Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Early Cretaceous deep-water bedforms west of the Guinea Plateau revise the opening history of the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway
2025 D. Duarte, E. Erba, C. Bottini, T. Wagner, B. Aduomahor, T.D. Jones, U. Nicholson
Cretaceous Large Igneous Provinces: from volcanic formation to environmental catastrophes and biological crises
2024 L.M.E. Percival, H. Matsumoto, S. Callegaro, E. Erba, A.C. Kerr, J. Mutterlose, K. Suzuki
The early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Jenkyns Event) in the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys, north African margin, and north European epicontinental seaway
2024 G. Gambacorta, H.-. Brumsack, H.C. Jenkyns, E. Erba
Morphometric changes in Watznaueria barnesiae across the mid Cretaceous: Paleoecological implications
2024 C. Bettoni, E. Erba, S. Castiglione, P. Raia, C. Bottini
A climate threshold for ocean deoxygenation during the Early Cretaceous
2024 K.W. Bauer, N.R. Mckenzie, C.T.L. Cheung, G. Gambacorta, C. Bottini, A.R. Nordsvan, E. Erba, S.A. Crowe
The resilience of Tethyan planktonic and benthic calcifiers to Early Cretaceous perturbations: comparison between the Valanginian Weissert Event and the early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a
2024 E. Erba, M. Parente
The fossil collections of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra 'Ardito Desio' move their steps into the virtual world of palaeontology
2024 F. Mongiovi, L. Angiolini, M. Balini, F. Bona, C. Bottini, G. Crippa, E. Erba, R. Marchesi, M.R. Petrizzo, D.A. Iurino
Benthic foraminifera across the Albian–Cenomanian transition and their paleoceanographic significance during OAE1d in the western Tethys (Umbria–Marche Basin, Italy)
2023 V.M. Giraldo-Gomez, M.R. Petrizzo, G. Gambacorta, C. Bottini, S.E. Gilardoni, E. Erba
Carbon pump dynamics and limited organic carbon burial during OAE1a
2023 K.W. Bauer, N. Ryan McKenzie, C. Bottini, E. Erba, S.A. Crowe
Suboxic conditions prevailed during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Alpine-Mediterranean Tethys: The Sogno Core pelagic record (Lombardy Basin, northern Italy)
2023 G. Gambacorta, L. Cavalheiro, H.-. Brumsack, A. Dickson, H.C. Jenkyns, B. Schnetger, T. Wagner, E. Erba
The Link between Subducted Marine Microalgae and Volcanic Arc Emissions
2023 S. Tumiati, G. Faucher, A. Monzillo, E. Ferrari, L. Toffolo, E. Erba, S. Poli
Oceanic anoxic event 2 in Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil: New paleoecological insights from calcareous nannofossils assemblages
2023 R.J. Silva, E. Erba, A. de Moraes Rios-Netto, C.S. Silva, T.D. Alves, A.L. Gatto Motta, B. Valle, F. Borghi Abbotts-Queiroz
2023 S. Visentin, G. Faucher, E. Erba
The Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Campanian Stage at Bottaccione (Gubbio, Italy) and its Auxiliary Sections: Seaford Head (UK), Bocieniec (Poland), Postalm (Austria), Smoky Hill, Kansas (U.S.A), Tepayac (Mexico)
2023 A. Gale, S. Batenburg, R. Coccioni, Z. Dubicka, E. Erba, F. Falzoni, J. Haggart, T. Hasegawa, C. Ifrim, I. Jarvis, H. Jenkyns, A. Jurowska, J. Kennedy, M. Maron, G. Muttoni, M. Pearce, M.R. Petrizzo, I. Premoli-Silva, N. Thibault, S. Voigt, M. Wagreich, I. Walaszczyk
Size and abundance variations of Schizosphaerella across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Sogno Core (Lombardy Basin, Southern Alps)
2022 G. Faucher, S. Visentin, G. Gambacorta, E. Erba
Biostratigraphy, paleobathymetry and paleobiogeography of Lower Cretaceous benthic foraminifera from Shatsky Rise (ODP Leg 198) in the central Pacific Ocean
2022 V. Giraldo-Gomez, M. Petrizzo, E. Erba, C. Bottini
Bottom water conditions redox dynamics during the Early Cretaceous Weissert Event at ODP Hole 692B (Weddell Sea, Antarctica) reconstructed from the benthic foraminiferal assemblages
2022 V.M. Giraldo-Gómez, M.R. Petrizzo, C. Bottini, C. Möller, T. Wagner, L. Cavalheiro, O. Esegbue, G. Gambacorta, E. Erba
Carbon- and oxygen-isotope signature of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: insights from two Tethyan pelagic sequences (Gajum and Sogno Cores – Lombardy Basin, northern Italy)
2022 E. Erba, L. Cavalheiro, A.J. Dickson, G. Faucher, G. Gambacorta, H.C. Jenkyns, T. Wagner
Ferruginous oceans during OAE1a and collapse of the marine sulfate pool
2022 K.W. Bauer, C. Bottini, S. Katsev, M. Jellinek, R. Francois, E. Erba, S.A. Crowe
Size and abundance variations of Schizosphaerella across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
2022 G. Faucher, S. Visentin, G. Gambacorta, E. Erba