Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Dual role of miR-1 in the development and function of sinoatrial cells
2021 P. Benzoni, L. Nava, F. Giannetti, G. Guerini, A. Gualdoni, C. Bazzini, R. Milanesi, A. Bucchi, M. Baruscotti, A. Barbuti
Platelet glutamate uptake and Th1 cells inversely correlate in relapsing/remitting and in progressive multiple sclerosis
2020 M. Gironi, B. Borgiani, G. Dalla-Costa, M. Frigo, M. Rovaris, M. Clerici, C. Ferrarese, G. Cavaletti, G. Comi, R. Furlan, C. Bazzini, M. Saresella, C. Zoia
Functional Characterization of a Novel Scn5a Mutation Associated With the Brugada Syndrome
2019 A. Frosio, D. Molla, G. Bertoli, C. Bazzini, R. Milanesi, F. Gennaro, A.F. Barbuti, A. Bucchi, L. Moretti, P. Marchese, D. DI FRANCESCO, M. Baruscotti
The expression of the rare caveolin-3 variant T78M alters cardiac ion channels function and membrane excitability
2017 G. Campostrini, M. Bonzanni, A. Lissoni, C. Bazzini, R. Milanesi, E. Vezzoli, M. Francolini, M. Baruscotti, A. Bucchi, I. Rivolta, M. Fantini, S. Severi, R. Cappato, L. Crotti, P.J. Schwartz, D. Di Francesco, A. Barbuti
ICln : a new regulator of non-erythroid 4.1R localisation and function
2014 C. Bazzini, L. Benedetti, D. Civello, C. Zanoni, V. Rossetti, D. Marchesi, M.L. Garavaglia, M. Paulmichl, M. Francolini, G. Meyer, S. Rodighiero
Short- and long- term effects of cigarette smoke exposure on glutathione homeostasis in human bronchial epithelial cells
2013 C. Bazzini, V. Rossetti, D.A. Civello, F. Sassone, V. Vezzoli, L. Persani, L. Tiberio, L. Lanata, M. Bagnasco, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer, M.L. Garavaglia
Hypertension-linked mutation of α-adducin increases CFTR surface expression and activity in HEK and cultured rat distal convoluted tubule cells
2012 A. Mondini, F. Sassone, D.A. Civello, M.L. Garavaglia, C. Bazzini, S. Rodighiero, V. Vezzoli, F. Conti, L. Torielli, G. Capasso, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer
Molecular and functional studies of 4 candidate loci in Pendred syndrome and nonsyndromic hearing loss
2012 V. Cirello, C. Bazzini, V. Vezzoli, M. Muzza, S. Rodighiero, P. Castorina, A. Maffini, G. Botta, L. Persani, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Meyer, L. Fugazzola
Pendrin overexpression affects cell volume recovery, intracellular pH and chloride concentration after hypotonicity-induced cell swelling
2011 S. Rodighiero, G. Bottà, C. Bazzini, G. Meyer
Correlative light-scanning electron microscopy on P4.1 overexpressing hek cells
2010 S. Rodighiero, E. Mascia, D. Marchesi, C. Bazzini, G. Bongiorno, M. Francolini
S-CMC-Lys Protective Effects on Human Respiratory Cells During Oxidative Stress
2008 M.L. Garavaglia, E. Bononi, S. Dossena, A. Mondini, C. Bazzini, L. Lanata, R. Balsamo, M. Bagnasco, M. Conese, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer
Fixation, mounting and sealing with nail polish of cell specimens lead to incorrect FRET measurements using acceptor photobleaching
2008 S. Rodighiero, C. Bazzini, M. Ritter, J. Fürst, G. Bottà, G. Meyer, M. Paulmichl
S-CMC-Lys-dependent stimulation of electrogenic glutathione secretion by human respiratory epithelium
2006 F. Guizzardi, S. Rodighiero, A. Binelli, S. Saino, E. Bononi, S. Dossena, M.L. Garavaglia, C. Bazzini, G. Botta, M. Conese, L. Daffonchio, R. Novellini, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer
The ICln interactome
2006 J. Fürst, G. Bottà, S. Saino, S. Dopinto, R. Gandini, S. Dossena, V. Vezzoli, S. Rodighiero, C. Bazzini, M. L. Garavaglia, G. Meyer, M. Jakab, M. Ritter, E. Wappl-Kornherr, M. Paulmichl
Functional characterization of wild-type and a mutated form of SLC26A4 identified in a patient with pendred syndrome
2006 S. Dossena, V. Vezzoli, N. Cerutti, C. Bazzini, M. Tosco, C. Sironi, S. Rodighiero, G. Meyer, U. Fascio, J. Fürst, M. Ritter, L. Fugazzola, L. Persani, P. Zorowka, C. Storelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
The expression of wild-type pendrin (SLC26A4) in human embryonic kidney (HEK 293 Phoenix) cells leads to the activation of cationic currents
2005 S. Dossena, A. Maccagni, V. Vezzoli, C. Bazzini, M.L. Garavaglia, G. Meyer, J. Fürst, M. Ritter, L. Fugazzola, L. Persani, P. Zorowka, C. Storelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
Expression and subcellular localization of the AQP8 and AQP1 water channels in the mouse gall-bladder epithelium
2005 G. Calamita, D. Ferri, C. Bazzini, A. Mazzone, G. Botta, G.E. Liquori, M. Paulmichl, P. Portincasa, G. Meyer, M. Svelto
Cloning and functional characterization of thyroid human pendrin
2005 C. Bazzini, S. Dossena, N. Cerutti, V. Vezzoli, C. Consonni, M. Tosco, G. Meyer, C. Storelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
Ion transport across the gallbladder epithelium
2005 G. Meyer, F. Guizzardi, S. Rodighiero, R. Manfredi, S. Saino, C. Sironi, M.L. Garavaglia, C. Bazzini, G. Botta, P. Portincasa, G. Calamita, M. Paulmichl
ICln(159) folds into a pleckstrin homology domain-like structure
2005 J. Furst, A. Schedlbauer, R. Gandini, M.L. Garavaglia, S. Saino, M. Gschwentner, B. Sarg, H. Lindner, M. Jakab, M. Ritter, C. Bazzini, G. Botta, G. Meyer, G. Kontaxis, B.C. Tilly, R. Konrat, M. Paulmichl