S-CMC-Lys Protective Effects on Human Respiratory Cells During Oxidative Stress
2008 M.L. Garavaglia, E. Bononi, S. Dossena, A. Mondini, C. Bazzini, L. Lanata, R. Balsamo, M. Bagnasco, M. Conese, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer
LSm4 Associates with the Plasma Membrane and Acts as a Co-factor in Cell Volume Regulation
2008 R. Gandini, S. Dossena, V. Vezzoli, M. Tamplenizza, E. Salvioni, M. Ritter, M. Paulmichl, J. Fürst
Functional assessment of allelic variants in the SLC26A4 gene involved in Pendred syndrome and nonsyndromic EVA
2008 A. Pera, S. Dossena, S. Rodighiero, M. Gandía, G. Bottà, G. Meyer, F. Moreno, C. Nofziger, C. Hernández-Chico, M. Paulmichl
High phenotypic intrafamilial variability in patients with Pendred syndrome and a novel duplication in the SLC26A4 gene: clinical characterization and functional studies of the mutated SLC26A4 protein
2007 L. Fugazzola, L. Cirello, S. Dossena, S. Rodighiero, M. Muzza, P. Castorina, F. Lalatta, U. Ambrosetti, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
S-CMC-Lys-dependent stimulation of electrogenic glutathione secretion by human respiratory epithelium
2006 F. Guizzardi, S. Rodighiero, A. Binelli, S. Saino, E. Bononi, S. Dossena, M.L. Garavaglia, C. Bazzini, G. Botta, M. Conese, L. Daffonchio, R. Novellini, M. Paulmichl, G. Meyer
The ICln interactome
2006 J. Fürst, G. Bottà, S. Saino, S. Dopinto, R. Gandini, S. Dossena, V. Vezzoli, S. Rodighiero, C. Bazzini, M. L. Garavaglia, G. Meyer, M. Jakab, M. Ritter, E. Wappl-Kornherr, M. Paulmichl
Functional characterization of wild-type and a mutated form of SLC26A4 identified in a patient with pendred syndrome
2006 S. Dossena, V. Vezzoli, N. Cerutti, C. Bazzini, M. Tosco, C. Sironi, S. Rodighiero, G. Meyer, U. Fascio, J. Fürst, M. Ritter, L. Fugazzola, L. Persani, P. Zorowka, C. Storelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
Cloning and functional characterization of thyroid human pendrin
2005 C. Bazzini, S. Dossena, N. Cerutti, V. Vezzoli, C. Consonni, M. Tosco, G. Meyer, C. Storelli, P. Beck-Peccoz, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
Thiazide-sensitive NaCl-cotransporter in the intestine: possible role of hydrochlorothiazide in the intestinal Ca2+ uptake
2005 C. Bazzini, V. Vezzoli, C. Sironi, S. Dossena, A. Ravasio, S. De Biasi, M.L. Garavaglia, S. Rodighiero, G. Meyer, U. Fascio, J. Fürst, M. Ritter, G. Bottà, M. Paulmichl
Volume-regulated Cl- channels in human pleural mesothelioma cells
2004 Giuliano Meyer, Simona Rodighiero, Fabiana Guizzardi, Claudia Bazzini, Guido Botta', Cristina Bertocchi, Lisa Garavaglia, Silvia Dossena, Rosangela Manfredi, Chiara Sironi, Anna Catania, Markus Paulmichl
A new gene-finding tool. Using the Caenorhabditis elegans operons for identifying functional partner proteins in human cells
2004 S. Eichmuller, V. Vezzoli, C. Bazzini, M. Ritter, J. Furst, M. Jakab, A. Ravasio, S. Chwatal, S. Dossena, G. Bottà, G. Meyer, B. Maier, G. Valenti, F. Lang, M. Paulmichl
Membrane thickness changes ion-selectivity of channel-proteins
2004 M. Garavaglia, S. Dopinto, M. Ritter, J. Furst, S. Saino, F. Guizzardi, M. Jakab, C. Bazzini, V. Vezzoli, S. Dossena, S. Rodighiero, C. Sironi, G. Bottà, G. Meyer, R. Henderson, M. Paulmichl
Further analysis of transcitosis of free polypeptides and polipeptide-coated nanobeads in rabbit nasal mucosa
2001 D. Cremaschi, S. Dossena, C. Porta, V. Rossi, M. Pinza
Rabbit nasal mucosa: nanospheres coated with polypeptides bound to specific anti-polypeptide IgG are better transported than nanospheres coated with polypeptides or IgG alone
2000 C. Porta, S. Dossena, V. Rossi, M. Pinza, D. Cremaschi