Intestinal metaplasia and over-expression of c-erb2 and p53 in tissue adjacent to dog gastric carcinoma
2017 M. Gualtieri, C. Costa Devoti, E. Riccardi, D. Olivero
Characteristics of cryptic/ectopic and contralateral scrotal testes in dogs between 1 and 2 years of age
2009 M.C. Veronesi, E. Riccardi, A. Rota, V. Grieco
Canine testicular tumours : a study on 232 dogs
2008 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, G.F. Greppi, F. Teruzzi, V. Iermanò, M. Finazzi
Indagini morfologiche ed immunoistochimiche sulle neoplasie testicolari del cane
2008 E. Riccardi
Evidence of testicular dysgenesis syndrome in the dog
2008 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, M.C. Veronesi, C. Giudice, M. Finazzi
A case of two different tumors in the heart of a dog
2008 V. Grieco, C. Locatelli, E. Riccardi, P. Brambilla
Studio morfologico delle gonadi in cani giovani con alterata discesa testicolare monolaterale
2008 A. Rota, E. Riccardi, V. Grieco, M.C. Veronesi
Outcome of neoadiuvant and adiuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin versus surgery alone in the treatment of feline associated sarcomas : a retrospective study of 37 cases
2007 D. Stefanello, M. Cantatore, M. Digiancamillo, V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, O. Travetti, V. Fiorbianco, V. Bronzo, S. Romussi
Immunohistochemical diagnosis of canine ovarian epithelial and granulosa cell tumors
2007 E. Riccardi, V. Grieco, S. Verganti, M. Finazzi
Classical and spermatocytic seminoma in the dog : histochemical and immunohistochemical findings
2007 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, M. Rondena, V. Ciampi, M. Finazzi
Frequency of canine testicular tumors: study on 100 dogs
2006 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, A. Lungu, C. Giudice
Approccio immunoistochimico nella diagnosi dei tumori delle cellule della granulosa del cane
2006 E. Riccardi, V. Grieco, S. Verganti, M. Finazzi
Studio istochimico ed immunoistochimico del seminoma del cane
2006 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, M. Rondena, V. Ciampi, M. Finazzi
The vascular targeting property of paclitaxel is enhanced by SU6668, a receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, causing apoptosis of endothelial cells and inhibition of angiogenesis
2006 E. Naumova, P. Ubezio, A. Garofalo, P. Borsotti, L. Cassis, E. Riccardi, E. Scanziani, S.A. Eccles, M.R. Bani, R. Giavazzi
The Ret(C620R) mutation affects renal and enteric development in a mouse model of Hirschsprung's disease
2006 C. Carniti, S. Belluco, E. Riccardi, A. N. Cranston, P. Mondellini, B. A. Ponder, E. Scanziani, M. A. Pierotti, I. Bongarzone
Immunohistochemical study of porcine nephroblastoma
2006 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, S. Belotti, E. Scanziani
The distribution of oestrogen receptors in normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic canine prostate, as demonstrated immunohistochemically
2006 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, M. Rondena, S. Romussi, D. Stefanello, M. Finazzi
Espressione dei recettori per gli estrogeni (ER) in carcinomi prostatici canini
2005 V. Grieco, E. Riccardi, M. Rondena, M. Finazzi
Incidenza della neoplasie testicolari canine in Lombardia nel periodo 1994-2004
2005 E. Riccardi, V. Grieco, V. Iermanò, F. Teruzzi, M. Finazzi
Effects of inducible overexpression of DNp73(alpha) on cancer cell growth and response to treatment in vitro and in vivo
2005 F. Polato, M. Marabese, E. Scanziani, E. Riccardi, F. Vikhanskaya, M. Broggini, M.A. Sabatino, S. Marchini, E. Marrazzo