Dipartimento di Matematica Federigo Enriques
Two Comments on the Derivation of the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Equation
2023 N. Benedikter, D. Desio
Correlation Energy of a Weakly Interacting Fermi Gas with Large Interaction Potential
2023 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, B. Schlein, R. Seiringer
Correlation Corrections as a Perturbation to the Quasi-Free Approximation in Many-Body Quantum Systems
2022 N. Benedikter, C. Boccato
Effective dynamics of interacting fermions from semiclassical theory to the random phase approximation
2022 N. Benedikter
Bosonic collective excitations in Fermi gases
2021 N. Benedikter
Bosonization of Fermionic Many-Body Dynamics
2021 N. Benedikter, P.T. Nam, M. Porta, B. Schlein, R. Seiringer
Correlation energy of a weakly interacting Fermi gas
2021 N. Benedikter, P.T. Nam, M. Porta, B. Schlein, R. Seiringer
Optimal Upper Bound for the Correlation Energy of a Fermi Gas in the Mean-Field Regime
2020 N. Benedikter, P.T. Nam, M. Porta, B. Schlein, R. Seiringer
The Dirac-Frenkel Principle for Reduced Density Matrices, and the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Equations
2018 N. Benedikter, J. Sok, J. Solovej
Interaction Corrections to Spin-Wave Theory in the Large-S Limit of the Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet
2017 N. Benedikter
Fast evaluation of solid harmonic Gaussian integrals for local resolution-of-the-identity methods and range-separated hybrid functionals
2017 D. Golze, N.P. Benedikter, M. Iannuzzi, J. Wilhelm, J. Hutter
Effective Evolution Equations from Quantum Dynamics
2016 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, B. Schlein
From the Hartree Dynamics to the Vlasov Equation
2016 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, C. Saffirio, B. Schlein
Mean-Field Evolution of Fermionic Mixed States
2016 N. Benedikter, V. Jaksic, M. Porta, C. Saffirio, B. Schlein
Quantitative Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
2015 N. Benedikter, G. de Oliveira, B. Schlein
Deriving the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
2014 N. Benedikter
Mean-Field Evolution of Fermionic Systems
2014 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, B. Schlein
Hartree-Fock dynamics for weakly interacting fermions
2014 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, B. Schlein
Mean-field dynamics of fermions with relativistic dispersion
2014 N. Benedikter, M. Porta, B. Schlein