Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Linking acetylated α-Tubulin redistribution to α-Synuclein pathology in brain of Parkinson’s disease patients
2024 S. Mazzetti, F. Giampietro, A.M. Calogero, H.B. Isilgan, G. Gagliardi, C. Rolando, F. Cantele, M. Ascagni, M. Bramerio, G. Giaccone, I.U. Isaias, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Astrocytes expressing Vitamin D-activating enzyme identify Parkinson’s disease
2022 S. Mazzetti, M. Barichella, F. Giampietro, A. Giana, A.M. Calogero, A. Amadeo, N. Palazzi, A. Comincini, G. Giaccone, M. Bramerio, S. Caronni, V. Cereda, E. Cereda, G. Cappelletti, C. Rolando, G. Pezzoli
Microtubule acetylation: A reading key to neural physiology and degeneration
2021 G. Cappelletti, A.M. Calogero, C. Rolando
The association between alpha-Synuclein and alpha-Tubulin in brain synapses
2021 A. Amadeo, S. Pizzi, A. Comincini, D. Modena, A.M.E. Calogero, L. Madaschi, G. Faustini, C. Rolando, A. Bellucci, G. Pezzoli, S. Mazzetti, G. Cappelletti
Untangling human neurogenesis to understand and counteract brain disorders
2020 R. Beckervordersandforth, C. Rolando
alpha-Synuclein oligomers in skin biopsy as biomarker for Parkinson's Disease
2020 S. Mazzetti, M.J. Basellini, V. Ferri, E. Cereda, A.M.E. Calogero, G. Sacilotto, R. Cilia, C. Rolando, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Phospho-HDAC6 Gathers Into Protein Aggregates in Parkinson’s Disease and Atypical Parkinsonisms
2020 S. Mazzetti, M. De Leonardis, G. Gagliardi, A.M. Calogero, M.J. Basellini, L. Madaschi, I. Costa, F. Cacciatore, S. Spinello, M. Bramerio, R. Cilia, C. Rolando, G. Giaccone, G. Pezzoli, G. Cappelletti
Neuron-Astroglia Cell Fate Decision in the Adult Mouse Hippocampal Neurogenic Niche Is Cell-Intrinsically Controlled by COUP-TFI In Vivo
2018 S. Bonzano, I. Crisci, A. Podlesny-Drabiniok, C. Rolando, W. Krezel, M. Studer, S. De Marchis
Notch2 Signaling Maintains NSC Quiescence in the Murine Ventricular-Subventricular Zone
2018 A. Engler, C. Rolando, C. Giachino, I. Saotome, A. Erni, C. Brien, R. Zhang, U. Zimber-Strobl, F. Radtke, S. Artavanis-Tsakonas, A. Louvi, V. Taylor
miRNA-Dependent and Independent Functions of the Microprocessor in the Regulation of Neural Stem Cell Biology
2017 A. Erni, C. Rolando, V. Taylor
Non-canonical post-transcriptional RNA regulation of neural stem cell potential
2017 C. Rolando, V. Taylor
Multipotency of Adult Hippocampal NSCs In Vivo Is Restricted by Drosha/NFIB
2016 C. Rolando, A. Erni, A. Grison, R. Beattie, A. Engler, P. Gokhale, M. Milo, T. Wegleiter, S. Jessberger, V. Taylor
Growth cone localization of the mRNA encoding the chromatin regulator HMGN5 modulates neurite outgrowth
2015 F. Moretti, C. Rolando, M. Winker, R. Ivanek, J. Rodriguez, A. Von Kriegsheim, V. Taylor, M. Bustin, O. Pertz
Heterogeneity and bipotency of astroglial-like cerebellar progenitors along the interneuron and glial lineages
2015 E. Parmigiani, K. Leto, C. Rolando, M. Figueres-Onate, L. Lopez-Mascaraque, A. Buffo, F. Rossi
Phenotypic heterogeneity of dividing oligodendrocyte progenitor cells and of their progeny : characterization and modulation by aging and extrinsic factors
2015 E. Boda, S. Di Maria, C. Rolando, P. Rosa, V. Taylor, M.P. Abbracchio, A. Buffo
Striatal astrocytes produce neuroblasts in an excitotoxic model of Huntington’s disease
2015 G. Nato, A. Caramello, S. Trova, V. Avataneo, C. Rolando, V. Taylor, A. Buffo, P. Peretto, F. Luzzati
Purines regulate adult brain subventricular zone cell functions: Contribution of reactive astrocytes
2014 M. Boccazzi, C. Rolando, M.P. Abbracchio, A. Buffo, S. Ceruti
Quiescent neuronal progenitors are activated in the juvenile guinea pig lateral striatum and give rise to transient neurons
2014 F. Luzzati, G. Nato, L. Oboti, E. Vigna, C. Rolando, M. Armentano, L. Bonfanti, A. Fasolo, P. Peretto
Neural Stem Cell of the Hippocampus: Development, Physiology Regulation, and Dysfunction in Disease
2014 C. Rolando, V. Taylor
Modulation of proliferation and differentiative potential of adult brain subventricular zone cells by purinergic signaling in vitro and in vivo: contribution of reactive astrocytes
2013 S. Ceruti, M. Boccazzi, C. Rolando, A. Buffo, M.P. Abbracchio