Universita' degli Studi di MILANO
Are Dryland Strength and Power Measurements Associated with Swimming Performance? Preliminary Results on Elite Paralympic Swimmers
2024 L. Cavaggioni, R. Scurati, M. Tosin, R. Vernole, L. Bonfanti, A. Trecroci, D. Formenti
Consistency and Variation in Doublecortin and Ki67 Antigen Detection in the Brain Tissue of Different Mammals, including Humans
2023 M. Ghibaudi, A. Amenta, M. Agosti, M. Riva, J. Graïc, F. Bifari, L. Bonfanti
Perceptual vision training in non-sport-specific context: effect on performance skills and cognition in young females
2019 D. Formenti, M. Duca, A. Trecroci, L. Ansaldi, L. Bonfanti, G. Alberti, P. Iodice
The influence of knee joint angle and time of force application on vertical jump height during volleyball commit-block
2016 G. Riva, A. Rossi, L. Bonfanti, D. Formenti, G. Alberti
Validation of the microsoft kinect™ for evaluating knee joint angle in squat exercise
2016 F. Donghi, A. Rossi, L. Bonfanti, D. Formenti, G. Alberti
Quiescent neuronal progenitors are activated in the juvenile guinea pig lateral striatum and give rise to transient neurons
2014 F. Luzzati, G. Nato, L. Oboti, E. Vigna, C. Rolando, M. Armentano, L. Bonfanti, A. Fasolo, P. Peretto
Using balance training to improve the performance of youth basketball players
2013 G. Boccolini, A. Brazzit, L. Bonfanti, G. Alberti
Body balance and proprioception among different sport-skills
2013 L. Cavaggioni, G. Boccolini, L. Bonfanti, A. Trecroci, G. Alberti
2013 L. Bonfanti
Step frequency and running speed in young football players
2012 L. Bonfanti, G. Di Palo, E. Arcelli, G. Alberti
Squat and balance ability in young football players
2011 L. Bonfanti, A. Corte, G. Boccolini, G. Alberti
Comparison between general and special football oriented training
2011 R. Telli, L. Bonfanti, G. Boccolini
Comparison of special exercise and soccer oriented exercise in amateur soccer players
2011 G. Boccolini, N. Sinuelli, L. Bonfanti, G. Alberti
Evaluation of maximum aerobic velocity in professional football players: comparison between laboratory and on-field tests
2011 A. Riboli, G. Boccolini, L. Bonfanti, E. Arcelli di Monteventano e Mont, G. Alberti
Relationship between vertical jump,balance control and sprint with changes of direction
2011 A. Pugliese, L. Bonfanti, D. Gualtieri, G. Alberti
Sprint and running rhythm in basketball players
2010 G. Pizi, L. Bonfanti, G. Alberti
Comparison between balance training and overloads through isotonic machines in young elite volleyball players
2010 L. Bonfanti, G. Boccolini, A. Laterza, D. Gualtieri, G. Alberti
Analytic stretching and ball speed in young football players
2010 L. Bonfanti, L. Andrissi, G. Alberti
Spike speed and strength indicators in different categories of volleyball players
2010 A. Mattiroli, L. Bonfanti, L. Mauro, G. Alberti
The last fifteen minutes of the football match : analysis of technical actions of goalkeeper
2010 G. Boccolini, L. Bonfanti, D. Borri, E. Arcelli, G. Alberti