Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari Rodolfo Paoletti
Transcriptomic analyses of rats exposed to chronic mild stress: Modulation by chronic treatment with the antipsychotic drug lurasidone
2024 V. Begni, M. Marizzoni, K.C. Creutzberg, D.M. Silipo, M. Papp, A. Cattaneo, M.A. Riva
A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of the prenatal and early life stress effects on rodent microglia, astrocyte, and oligodendrocyte density and morphology
2023 R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, F.S. Lumertz, E. Kestering-Ferreira, B.A. Stocchero, M.K. Perrone, V. Begni, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva, T.W. Viola
Vulnerability and resilience to prenatal stress exposure: behavioral and molecular characterization in adolescent rats
2023 K.C. Creutzberg, V. Begni, R. Orso, F.S. Lumertz, L.E. Wearick-Silva, S.G. Tractenberg, M. Marizzoni, A. Cattaneo, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva
Early effects of lurasidone treatment in a chronic mild stress model in male rats
2023 K.C. Creutzberg, V. Begni, F. Marchisella, M. Papp, M.A. Riva
2023 K.C. Creutzberg
Bdnf-Nrf-2 crosstalk and emotional behavior are disrupted in a sex-dependent fashion in adolescent mice exposed to maternal stress or maternal obesity
2023 C. Musillo, K.C. Creutzberg, B. Collacchi, M.A. Ajmone-Cat, R. De Simone, M. Lepre, I. Amrein, M.A. Riva, A. Berry, F. Cirulli
Dopamine Transporter Knockout Rats Show Impaired Wellbeing in a Multimodal Severity Assessment Approach
2022 A.S. Mallien, L. Becker, N. Pfeiffer, F. Terraneo, M. Hahn, A. Middelman, R. Palme, K.C. Creutzberg, V. Begni, M.A. Riva, D. Leo, H. Potschka, F. Fumagalli, J.R. Homberg, P. Gass
Effects of early life stress on brain cytokines: A systematic review and meta-analysis of rodent studies
2022 F.S. Lumertz, E. Kestering-Ferreira, R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, S.G. Tractenberg, B.A. Stocchero, T.W. Viola, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Exposure to chronic stress impairs the ability to cope with an acute challenge : Modulation by lurasidone treatment
2022 V. Begni, I. Pisano, M. Marizzoni, F. Marchisella, K.C. Creutzberg, F. De Rosa, A. Cattaneo, P. Gruca, E. Litwa, M. Papp, M.A. Riva
Behavioral phenotyping of a rat model of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism reveals selective impairment of fear memory
2022 E.J. Jaehne, J.N. Kent, E.J. Antolasic, B.J. Wright, J.G. Spiers, K.C. Creutzberg, F. De Rosa, M.A. Riva, C.E. Sortwell, T.J. Collier, M. van den Buuse
Long-term Effects of Maternal Separation on Anxiety-Like Behavior and Neuroendocrine Parameters in Adult Balb/c Mice
2021 E. Kestering-Ferreira, S.G. Tractenberg, F.S. Lumertz, R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, L.E. Wearick-Silva, T.W. Viola, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Preterm Infants : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2021 F.C. Krey, B.A. Stocchero, K.C. Creutzberg, B.A. Heberle, S.G. Tractenberg, L. Xiang, W. Wei, B. Kluwe-Schiavon, T.W. Viola
Exposure to Prenatal Stress Is Associated With an Excitatory/Inhibitory Imbalance in Rat Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala and an Increased Risk for Emotional Dysregulation
2021 F. Marchisella, K.C. Creutzberg, V. Begni, A. Sanson, L.E. Wearick-Silva, S.G. Tractenberg, R. Orso, É. Kestering-Ferreira, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva
Long-lasting effects of prenatal stress on HPA axis and inflammation : a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis in rodent studies
2021 K.C. Creutzberg, A. Sanson, T.W. Viola, F. Marchisella, V. Begni, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva
Early environmental enrichment rescues memory impairments provoked by mild neonatal hypoxia-ischemia in adolescent mice
2021 R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, F.S. Lumertz, L.E. Wearick-Silva, E.F. Sanches, R.G. Mestriner, G. Wegener, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Corticotropin-releasing factor infusion in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis of lactating mice alters maternal care and induces behavioural phenotypes in offspring
2020 K.C. Creutzberg, E. Kestering-Ferreira, T.W. Viola, L.E. Wearick-Silva, R. Orso, B.A. Heberle, L. Albrechet-Souza, R.M.M. de Almeida, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Vulnerable and resilient cognitive performance related to early life stress: The potential mediating role of dopaminergic receptors in the medial prefrontal cortex of adult mice
2020 S.G. Tractenberg, R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, L.M.C. Malcon, F.S. Lumertz, L.E. Wearick-Silva, T.W. Viola, M.A. Riva, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Maternal Separation Combined With Limited Bedding Increases Anxiety-Like Behavior and Alters Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function of Male BALB/cJ Mice
2020 R. Orso, K.C. Creutzberg, E. Kestering-Ferreira, L.E. Wearick-Silva, S.G. Tractenberg, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Acute neuroinflammation elicited by TLR-3 systemic activation combined with early life stress induces working memory impairments in male adolescent mice
2019 T.W. Viola, K.C. Creutzberg, A. Zaparte, E. Kestering-Ferreira, S.G. Tractenberg, A. Centeno-Silva, R. Orso, F.S. Lumertz, E. Brietzke, L.E. Wearick-Silva, M.A. Riva, R. Grassi-Oliveira
Postnatal impoverished housing impairs adolescent risk-assessment and increases risk-taking : a sex-specific effect associated with histone epigenetic regulation of Crfr1 in the medial prefrontal cortex
2019 T.W. Viola, L.E. Wearick-Silva, K.C. Creutzberg, É. Kestering-Ferreira, R. Orso, A. Centeno-Silva, L. Albrechet-Souza, P.R. Marshall, X. Li, T.W. Bredy, M.A. Riva, R. Grassi-Oliveira