Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche e Biomolecolari
Exposure to chronic stress impairs the ability to cope with an acute challenge : Modulation by lurasidone treatment
2022 V. Begni, I. Pisano, M. Marizzoni, F. Marchisella, K.C. Creutzberg, F. De Rosa, A. Cattaneo, P. Gruca, E. Litwa, M. Papp, M.A. Riva
Behavioral and molecular effects of the antipsychotic drug blonanserin in the chronic mild stress model
2021 M.S. Paladini, V. Spero, V. Begni, F. Marchisella, A. Guidi, P. Gruca, M. Lason, E. Litwa, M. Papp, M.A. Riva, R. Molteni
Exposure to Prenatal Stress Is Associated With an Excitatory/Inhibitory Imbalance in Rat Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala and an Increased Risk for Emotional Dysregulation
2021 F. Marchisella, K.C. Creutzberg, V. Begni, A. Sanson, L.E. Wearick-Silva, S.G. Tractenberg, R. Orso, É. Kestering-Ferreira, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva
Long-lasting effects of prenatal stress on HPA axis and inflammation : a systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis in rodent studies
2021 K.C. Creutzberg, A. Sanson, T.W. Viola, F. Marchisella, V. Begni, R. Grassi-Oliveira, M.A. Riva
Chronic treatment with the antipsychotic drug blonanserin modulates the responsiveness to acute stress with anatomical selectivity
2020 F. Marchisella, M.S. Paladini, A. Guidi, V. Begni, P. Brivio, V. Spero, F. Calabrese, R. Molteni, M.A. Riva
JNK1 controls adult hippocampal neurogenesis and imposes cell-autonomous control of anxiety behaviour from the neurogenic niche
2018 H. Mohammad, F. Marchisella, S. Ortega-Martinez, P. Hollos, K. Eerola, E. Komulainen, N. Kulesskaya, E. Freemantle, V. Fagerholm, E. Savontous, H. Rauvala, B. Peterson, H. van Praag, E. Coffey
JNK regulation of depression and anxiety
2018 P. Hollos, F. Marchisella, E. Coffey
Microtubule and microtubule associated protein anomalies in psychiatric disease
2016 F. Marchisella, E.T. Coffey, P. Hollos
Impairment of cocaine-mediated behaviours in mice by clinically relevant ras-ERK inhibitors
2016 A. Papale, I.M. Morella, M.T. Indrigo, R.E. Bernardi, L. Marrone, F. Marchisella, A. Brancale, R. Spanagel, R. Brambilla, S. Fasano
Derangement of Ras-Guanine Nucleotide-Releasing Factor 1 (Ras-GRF1) and Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) Dependent Striatal Plasticity in L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia
2015 M. Cerovic, V. Bagetta, V. Pendolino, V. Ghiglieri, S. Fasano, I. Morella, N. Hardingham, A. Heuer, A. Papale, F. Marchisella, C. Giampà, P. Calabresi, B. Picconi, R. Brambilla
JNK1 controls dendritic field size in L2/3 and L5 of the motor cortex, constrains soma size, and influences fine motor coordination
2014 E. Komulainen, J. Zdrojewska, E. Freemantle, H. Mohammad, N. Kulesskaya, P. Deshpande, F. Marchisella, R. Mysore, P. Hollos, K.A. Michelsen, M. Mã¥gard, H. Rauvala, P. James, E.T. Coffey