Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e l'Ambiente
Association of gestational thyroid function and thyroid peroxidase antibody positivity with postpartum depression: a prospective cohort study and systematic literature review with meta-analysis
2023 F. Sileo, J.A. J Osinga, W. Edward Visser, T. A Jansen, W. M Bramer, A. Derakhshan, V. Citterio, H. Tiemeier, L. Persani, T.I. M Korevaar
Study protocol of a clinical randomized controlled trial on the efficacy of an innovative Digital thErapy to proMote wEighT loss in patients with obesity by incReasing their Adherence to treatment: the DEMETRA study
2023 G. Castelnuovo, P. Capodaglio, R. De Amicis, L. Gilardini, S.P. Mambrini, G. Pietrabissa, L. Cavaggioni, G. Piazzolla, C. Galeone, G. Garavaglia, F. Sileo, S. Bertoli
Impact of thyroid function screening in a large cohort of patients admitted to an emergency department
2022 I. Campi, G.B. Perego, A. Ravogli, F. Santafede, F. Sileo, A. Dubini, G. Parati, L. Persani, L. Fugazzola
Total thyroidectomy versus lobectomy: surgical approach to T1-T2 papillary thyroid cancer
2020 L. Di Filippo, G. Giugliano, M. Tagliabue, S. Gandini, F. Sileo, A. Allora, E. Grosso, M. Proh, V. Basso, D. Scaglione, M.F. Manzoni, M. Ansarin
Off-label pasireotide treatment in one insulinoma patient with an atypical presentation and intolerant to diazoxide
2020 F. Sileo, B. Cangiano, C. Cacciatore, J. Amaru, F. Gatto, M. Albertelli, M. Falconi, G. Vitale, L. Persani
Cholesterol Serum Levels and Use of Statins in Graves' Orbitopathy: A New Starting Point for the Therapy.
2020 G. Lanzolla, G. Vannucchi, I. Ionni, I. Campi, F. Sileo, E. Lazzaroni, M. Marinò
Vasostatin-1: A novel circulating biomarker for ileal and pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
2018 A. Corsello, L. Di Filippo, S. Massironi, F. Sileo, A. Dolcetta Capuzzo, M. Gemma, C. Carlucci, C. Cusini, B. Colombo, A. Dallatomasina, G.M. Franchi, A. Corti, M.F. Manzoni