Dipartimento di Studi Letterari, Filologici e Linguistici
Incantesimi d'amore : Il desiderio nell'India dell'Atharvaveda-Saṃhitā
2024 P.M. Rossi
Agonistic Scenes of the mahāvrata Rite. The Praiser-abhigara and the Reviler-apagara
2024 P.M. Rossi
An Introduction : Liminal Experience as Aesthetic Experience?
2023 P.M. Rossi
Liminal Spaces, and Identity Transformations in South Asian Literatures and Arts : Essays in Honour of Professor Alexander Dubyanskiy
2023 P.M. Rossi
Conquering the Sun: Sovereignty and Liminality in the Vedic
2023 P.M. Rossi
From conquering the sun to conquering heaven: spatio-temporal cosmographies and sovereignty in the Ṛgvedic and Atharvavedic collections
2023 P.M. Rossi
Indra-kaví. Ṛgvedic Lordship, Bovine Environment, and Onomatopoeic Poetry
2023 P.M. Rossi
Some Remarks on the Relationship between Vedic Prose and the So-called Rigvedic Canon
2022 P.M. Rossi
Dynamics of otherness and identity in the Vedic mahāvrata rite: the contest between ārya and śūdra
2022 P. Rossi
Madhu[c]chandas: dalla performance compositiva alla performance rituale : La R̥gvedasaṃhitā tra poetica e compilazione
2021 P.M. Rossi
The Jaiminīya-Brāhmaṇa between Tradition and Innovation: the case of the Textualization of the Mahāvrata rite and the Legitimisation of Brahmanical Ritualism
2021 P.M. Rossi
The bahuvrīhi Compound Between Zeroing and Contrastive Accentuation : Vedic Sanskrit Model and Pāṇini’s Model
2021 P.M. Rossi
Immagine e produzione di immagini tra India vedica e platonismo: una “forma” (eîdos) di prassi comparativa
2020 P.M.A. Rossi
ÁHIR BUDHNÍYAḤ and BHŪMIDUNDUBHIḤ: The serpent of the deep and the earth-drum: A hypothesis of etymological and/or cultural connections
2020 P.M.A. Rossi
Premessa. 1. Note di testo. 2. Note di rito. 3. Atharvaveda: il potere performativo della luce e del suono. 4. Note di bráhman. 5. Note di magia
2020 P.M.A. Rossi
Atharvaveda: il Veda delle formule magiche
2020 P.M.A. Rossi, V. Papesso
The poetical strategy of Aśvaghoṣa: the Brahmanical image of phena ‘foam’ in a doctrinally inspired Buddhist poetry
2019 P.M. Rossi
Anantaratnaprabhava : studi in onore di Giuliano Boccali
2017 A. Crisanti, C. Pieruccini, C. Policardi, P.M. Rossi
Note Introduttive
2017 A. Crisanti, C. Pieruccini, C. Policardi, P.M. Rossi
Prospettive comparatistiche tra storia della filosofia ed estetica indiana
2017 M. Congedo, P.M. Rossi