Dipartimento di Oncologia ed Emato-Oncologia
Bridging the DNA divide: Understanding the interplay between replication- gaps and homologous recombination proteins RAD51 and BRCA1/2
2024 M.A. Ramirez-Otero, V. Costanzo
A high-throughput screening identifies MCM chromatin loading inhibitors targeting cells with increased replication origins
2024 L. Falbo, H. Técher, V. Sannino, M. Robusto, G. Fagà, F. Pezzimenti, F. Romeo, L. Gabriele Colombo, S. Vultaggio, D. Fancelli, S. Monzani, V. Cecatiello, S. Pasqualato, M. Varasi, C. Mercurio, V. Costanzo
RAD51 protects abasic sites to prevent replication fork breakage
2024 Y.W. Hanthi, M.A. Ramirez-Otero, R. Appleby, A. De Antoni, L. Joudeh, V. Sannino, S. Waked, A. Ardizzoia, V. Barra, D. Fachinetti, L. Pellegrini, V. Costanzo
Early-onset cancers: Biological bases and clinical implications
2024 G. Mauri, G. Patelli, A. Sartore-Bianchi, S. Abrignani, B. Bodega, S. Marsoni, V. Costanzo, A. Bachi, S. Siena, A. Bardelli
GEMC1 and MCIDAS interactions with SWI/SNF complexes regulate the multiciliated cell-specific transcriptional program
2023 M. Lewis, B. Terré, P.A. Knobel, T. Cheng, H. Lu, C.S.O. Attolini, J. Smak, E. Coyaud, I. Garcia-Cao, S. Sharma, C. Vineethakumari, J. Querol, G. Gil-Gómez, G. Piergiovanni, V. Costanzo, S. Peiró, B. Raught, H. Zhao, X. Salvatella, S. Roy, M.R. Mahjoub, T.H. Stracker
RFWD3 promotes ZRANB3 recruitment to regulate the remodeling of stalled replication forks
2023 C.E. Moore, S.E. Yalcindag, H. Czeladko, R. Ravindranathan, Y.W. Hanthi, J.C. Levy, V. Sannino, D. Schindler, A. Ciccia, V. Costanzo, A.E.H. Elia
Cell stretching activates an ATM mechano-transduction pathway that remodels cytoskeleton and chromatin
2023 G. Bastianello, G. Porcella, G.V. Beznoussenko, G. Kidiyoor, F. Ascione, Q. Li, A. Cattaneo, V. Matafora, A. Disanza, M. Quarto, A.A. Mironov, A. Oldani, S. Barozzi, A. Bachi, V. Costanzo, G. Scita, M. Foiani
Replication stress dependent cell fate reprogramming in embryonic stem cells
2022 A. Gnocchi, N. Arghavanifard, C. EL KAI, C. Castellan, L. Santorelli, L. Falbo, V. Costanzo
POLθ processes ssDNA gaps and promotes replication fork progression in BRCA1-deficient cells
2022 A. Schrempf, S. Bernardo, E.A. Arasa Verge, M.A. Ramirez Otero, J. Wilson, D. Kirchhofer, G. Timelthaler, A.M. Ambros, A. Kaya, M. Wieder, G.F. Ecker, G.E. Winter, V. Costanzo, J.I. Loizou
POLθ prevents MRE11-NBS1-CtIP-dependent fork breakage in the absence of BRCA2/RAD51 by filling lagging-strand gaps
2022 A.M. , M.A.R. , A.D.A. , Y.W.H. , V.S. , G. Baldi, L. Falbo, , A.S. , S.B. , J.L. , V. Costanzo
The human nucleoporin Tpr protects cells from RNA-mediated replication stress
2021 M. Kosar, M. Giannattasio, D. Piccini, A. Maya-Mendoza, F. Garcia-Benitez, J. Bartkova, S.I. Barroso, H. Gaillard, E. Martini, U. Restuccia, M.A. Ramirez-Otero, M. Garre, E. Verga, M. Andujar-Sanchez, S. Maynard, Z. Hodny, V. Costanzo, A. Kumar, A. Bachi, A. Aguilera, J. Bartek, M. Foiani
Epigenetic regulation of replication origin assembly: A role for histone H1 and chromatin remodeling factors
2021 L. Falbo, V. Costanzo
REV1-Polζ maintains the viability of homologous recombination-deficient cancer cells through mutagenic repair of PRIMPOL-dependent ssDNA gaps
2021 A. Taglialatela, G. Leuzzi, V. Sannino, R. Cuella-Martin, J.-. Huang, F. Wu-Baer, R. Baer, V. Costanzo, A. Ciccia
In vitro dexamethasone treatment does not induce alternative ATM transcripts in cells from Ataxia–Telangiectasia patients
2020 E. Pozzi, E. Giorgio, C. Mancini, N. Lo Buono, S. Augeri, M. Ferrero, E. Di Gregorio, E. Riberi, M. Vinciguerra, L. Nanetti, F.T. Bianchi, M.P. Sassi, V. Costanzo, C. Mariotti, A. Funaro, S. Cavalieri, A. Brusco
SSRP1-mediated histone H1 eviction promotes replication origin assembly and accelerated development
2020 L. Falbo, E. Raspelli, F. Romeo, S. Fiorani, F. Pezzimenti, F. Casagrande, I. Costa, D. Parazzoli, V. Costanzo
ATR expands embryonic stem cell fate potential in response to replication stress
2020 S. Atashpaz S, S. Samadi, J. Gonzalez, E. Sebestyén, N. Arghavanifard, A. Gnocchi, E. Albers, S. Minardi, G. Faga, P. Soffientini, E. Allievi, V. Cancila, A. Bachi, O. Fernández-Capetillo, C. Tripodo, F. Ferrari, A. López-Contreras, V. Costanzo
Physiological Tolerance to ssDNA Enables Strand Uncoupling during DNA Replication
2020 A. Ercilla, J. Benada, S. Amitash, G. Zonderland, G. Baldi, K. Somyajit, F. Ochs, V. Costanzo, J. Lukas, L. Toledo
Epigenetic control of DNA replication origin assembly regulates vertebrate development and nuclear reprogramming
2019 L. Falbo, F. Romeo, V. Costanzo
Epigenetic regulation of eukaryotic DNA replication origins
2018 L. Falbo, E. Raspelli, F. Romeo, V. Costanzo
Epigenetic regulation of replication origins
2018 L. Falbo, E. Raspelli, F. Romeo, V. Costanzo